[UK] Bush IA Ambassador Application (3)

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Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
- Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:175303910

- Discord name: Comrade#9999

- For how long have you played on CG SCP:
: 135 hours
Total VTime: 371 hours

- Age: 16

- Character name(s):

Foundation Name: Bush von Mann

Chaos Name: Kranken Chaos

Civilian name: He

- What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

- Do you have a mic?:

- List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

CI-A / IA Ambassador

LTARP: Extreme weather in Holland cut our power for 3 days at that time, it was a misunderstanding
MRDM: I assumed we could kill other D-Class as other D-Class as it says so in the CoE
NITRP: On my first few days back, I entered my old minge state, however I have since improved


Please do keep in mind that none of these were acquired whilst playing as IA, as I am very professional while on-duty and have been working on improving myself since my NITRP ban.

- Why are you applying for Internal Affairs ambassador

Following my recent demotion I have worked hard and understood where I went wrong, and will now re-apply as I feel as though I am ready for the position of ambassador, and the responsibilities it brings, however it is entirely up to the Director to decide. I feel as though our ambassadors are being far too light-handed when it comes to bringing order to agents. I have only seen 2 attempts at assigning IA Agents to specific duties over this past week, one of which failed and the other had to be organised by the Director himself.

This disorganization has led to many agents being in CDC at once, agents entering lower CDC without proper authorization, as well as 4 agents spot checking the same experiment. However, although I feel as though ambassadors are being quite light-handed, I do admire what they are doing for the foundation, and understand that it can be hard sometimes to punish your friends. Instead of punishing them, I would rather reward their exemplary behaviour with compliments, as opposed to simply warning them if they misbehave, in turn giving them feedback on what they can do better and teaching them how to fulfill their duties the best they can.

However, I will not hesitate to remove said Agent from their position for a reasonable amount of time if the need arises, of course after a brief discussion with Roual, Viktor, or any other Director about such important matters.

- What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

I joined the department of Internal Affairs a long time ago, with 3-4 months of IA experience under my hat. This includes plenty of arrests, and plenty of ethics interventions from people who don't appreciate my lawful arrests. I tend to be quite blunt with my arrests, telling them exactly what they did wrong, however still keeping it very professional as I am representing the department as a whole when I arrest foundation personnel.

I am suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador because I have in-depth knowledge of the Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, GENSEC Department policy, Research Department policy, and DIA policy, often being able to list the frequently used charges/sections while I am arresting them, such as general verbal abuse or ethical termination procedure. This knowledge allows for easy training of agents, as well as being able to guide them and answer questions on the spot, for example if they are confused during an arrest or are stuck between two charges and want to find the most appropriate one.

I also feel really attached to the department as a whole, having made many friends within the department. I have put a great deal of time and effort into my time as an IA agent, including this application. I even made an unofficial in-depth handbook for newer IA agents, which is filled with answers to questions I had on my first day as an agent. It also includes a simplified/printable version of the Legal Codex, Code of Ethics, and Code of Conduct for use on the job, as opposed to scrolling through 13 pages for one incidence report.

I have made many documents and put my heart and soul into this Department, and I believe that it's time to climb once more.

- How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

I stand by what I said in my last application. I keep my document-writing quite hesitant, as I do not want to overwhelm the SCPinet with useless documents. I make documents on interesting and relevant cases, such as 1.03, 1.11, 2.01, etc. I have written 7-8 special arrest reports in my time, in order to keep the clutter to a minimum on the SCPinet site.

There are a multitude of factors that go into grading an IA document:
- Detail of incident description;
- Title of document for easy relocation;
- Relevance of the case (N/A if Duty Report);
- Quality of redaction when necessary;
- Honesty;
- Grammar / Punctuation / Spelling (obvious exceptions if suffering from medical conditions, dyslexia, etc. However this should be mentioned in the document's credits);
- Readability / Comprehensiveness

They should obviously be following the given format in spawn, which consists of a title page and content pages with information regarding the arrest such as date, location, time, all involved personnel, positions within the foundation, broken articles, and followed by a signature in the end.

- What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:

The responsibilities of an ambassador of the Internal Affairs department are to manage the department on site in the orders/absence of a Department Director. The ambassador should also be able to lend an ear or a helping hand to agents who are struggling with their jobs, which requires an in-depth knowledge of the site's policies. A great deal of responsibility lies on the ambassador, as they not only represent the department in the absence of a director, but also are looked to in times of departmental chaos.

Another responsibility given to the ambassador is to divide up the department which requires leadership, assigning agents to different duties, for example patrols, interrogation duty, CDC duty, and worst of all phone duty. We have been lacking ambassadors to do this, or at least do it well, as I often find 3 Agents in CDC at once, or 2 agents spot checking the same experiment, which in my opinion is a waste of our resources.

The responsibility that an ambassador is most well-known for is managing agents individually. For example, warning agents if they present any unlawful or disruptive behaviour, which could ultimately lead to a site-affairs ban if it damages site-wide operations or the Internal Affairs Department as a whole. Another responsibility is grading documents, as well as giving verbal feedback on said documents, as opposed to simply grading the document and letting the agent guess why they got their grade.

- Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Bush von Mann, formerly known as Von Mann, is a former R&D for the Chaos Insurgency.
After watching Chaos brutally experiment on SCP-323 and watching his comrades die, he felt the urge to stop the foundation from taking their lives by convincing his comrades to stop the violence and make peace with the foundation. After seeing the rage in their eyes, he learned that they would never stop their hopeless crusade. He then tried convincing the SCP Foundation to release the SCP's and stop the war with the Chaos Insurgency.

They declined, and decided to take him in and interrogate him for information. Many awful experiments were conducted, which ultimately ended in the loss of his hair. After seeing his loyalty to the CI, the foundation's O5 decided that he could be of use, and amnesticated and brainwashed Von Mann in order to turn him against the CI. His loyalty lies with the foundation to this day, as he goes on with his duties as an Internal Affairs Ambassador, blissfully unaware of his gruesome past.

Bald Head | Brown Eyes | Blunt | Ethical...

Bush knows how to have a good time off-duty, but while on duty he is a loyal professional and a hard worker, and will not hesitate to arrest when the need arises; despite not being as cruel with his arrests compared to other agents on site, he will always lend a helping hand to those who need it.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
+Used to be IA ambassador
+Was active last time i was active

Bush even though i have a little bias towards you for arresting me cause i held bruce with a grav gun for 3 seconds i gotta admit you are probably one of the best IA has to offer
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Vinnie Cassius

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 25, 2022

In this clip you refused to show ID then pulled out giant tools to avoid showing your ID. Real mature of an Ambassador Applicant who claims he's no longer a minge. You also disguised without reason to avoid showing ID, breaking the rule of the internal affairs department.

Today you also have scenarios in the medical department of being a minge and using poison syringes. A Chief of Medicine had to deal with you.

You've had multiple comments today that show you are still a minge.

Also today you've been asked to leave medbay multiple times and you reply to that by calling the rule bullshit and refusing to leave. You're breaching the codex code you enforce..


While being on the Agent job you think you're an ambassador and that you can void certain rules of the Department of Internal Affairs. You believe you can disguise without there being an investigation or spectating a test, I see you unnecessarily disguise about 5 times a day. You break the rules of the department you're in and expect to get a higher role there?
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  • Haha
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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022

Immature as hell and can be minge, had to be banned from medical due to causing major inconvenience in line with CoC showing that they just aren't ready for the job. Also you are just annoying <3
  • Haha
Reactions: Bush von Mann

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
In this clip you refused to show ID then pulled out giant tools to avoid showing your ID. Real mature of an Ambassador Applicant who claims he's no longer a minge. You also disguised without reason to avoid showing ID, breaking the rule of the internal affairs department.
In regards to this clip, I thought that you were joking and was not taking you seriously. This is because ID checks are not one of the many duties that befall combat medics, and you immediately held me at gunpoint while asking for my ID which obviously is not how you check for ID's. Such ID checks were not announced in comms, and authorization of said ID checks were not announced by the Director, which you claim authorized them, so I did not take you seriously in the slightest.

You even proceeded to ID check a member of internal security, which clearly shows that you just can't do such tasks properly and is why I thought you were joking :^)

Tim Wilson

Well-known Member
Apr 23, 2022
-minges on different jobs

If you change behaviour then I’ll change to support

Vinnie Cassius

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 25, 2022

In this situation, I am falsely accused of spawning a cup of death. You say 'I left the cup of death out, I'll go get it and bring it back. My chief tails you and finds this shit.
CC 1.05 Conspiracy to Murder
CC 1.21 Misuse of an SCP

Aswell, you're lying to get someone in trouble. This just proves you're not fit for ambassador.


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Massive -Rep
Trying to frame my medical department for something that they didn't do which is very unprofessional for someone that wants to become a IA Ambassador
Very immature

Bush von Mann

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 12, 2022
@"Bravo" @finleyhyland08
I understand that you and your Director are angry because I wanted a Pepsi. Actually, I don't understand it at all.
To be quite honest, I really didn't care about your situation in interrogations, the whole thing was just a misunderstanding between my CPL and you. He had every right to suspect you and cuff you considering the fact that you cuffed a CL4 personnel, made what looked to be a "Cup of Death" as my CPL mentioned, and then refused to show any approval or documentation.

As for the pepsi I made, since when is making drinks conspiracy to murder? What I did was not remotely close to "framing you" and I think you need a reality check. I'm sorry to say, but not everything revolves around you. I understand that your medical Dpt. has a problem with me, however I don't think that throwing on false charges is the way to go.

As for misuse of an SCP, I already turned myself in and faced the sentence out of respect for the Ambassadors, despite NLR.
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