[UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

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Aug 27, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:702727365

Discord name: cainmorris0

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 57 days ON the server but I have been playing for 1 year

Age: 13

In what country are you located?: RePublic of Ireland🇮🇪

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Cain 'Homeless' Morris

Civilian name: Cain Morris

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?: yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
2024-06-28 (2).png2024-07-15 (1).png

Vtime monthly: here, Vtime weekly: here
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Held Holding
E-11 CPL x2E-11 CSG
GOC PVTIA Ambassador
IA Agent
DEA Agent

Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?: I am applying for the poistion because I am deeply passionate about IA and the gameplay in it, after having spent 3 months at ambassador I believe I am ready to move onto the next stage of the department and taking the responsibility and position of director. With all of my skills I could do greatly as director. I would love to guide all the new comers in the department and the ambassadors in their journey in IA.

I am excited about the opportunity to guide the department and make the department the best I can and finally reach my goals within the server.
I also have one really good motivation and that is to prove to everyone how much I have improved rather than y earlier days and do great and reach high exoectations in the server.

What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
The following reasons is what makes me suitable:
1. I have a very good understanding of Internal Affairs and how it operates this I believe knowledge would allow me to operate and manage the department efficently.
2. I believe that I have good leadership skills, this branches from my time within E-11 and my rank of CSG, I have can think on situations quickly and make good plans on the spot when needed.
3. I think I am good with RP, although I am not confident in my ability to CREATE RP but there are instances where I have started and managed it well BUT I am very good if I am dragged into RP and can do it well, I am very passionate for RP and enjoy it so much.
4. My engangment with the community is pretty good and I love to speak with people and have good laughs, I can be more active here on the forums but I am active within the discord.
5. I am very good with my communication skills especially when a matter needs tending to quick.
6. I am always eager and efficent at catching violaters of the FLC and instead of arresting them I follow up with different RP, i.e: I once caught a trainee abusing drugs so instead of jailing him I brought himk to medbay and I rehablitated him.
7. I uphold the FLC and ethics well in all situations, I am also up to date and know almost all of the codex entries, one time a O-1 CSG walked up to me and asked me what misuse 1 was and I responded all most instantly, this proves that I know them and even he and the other O-1 around was impressed.
8. I have a bright vision for the future of the department and I believe that if I were director I could guide the department very well along side the other director and my leadership skills will majorly assist with this.
9. I have become very professional compared to the older me and think I am professional enough for director.
10. I am very reliable and I can show this by meeting deadlines for certain things and meeting and speaking with people when they wish ect...
11. I am helpful and this can be shown whenever someone comes to me with a question and I answer it to the best of my ability.
12. I am very trustworthy for example if someone needed to ask me something or need me to do something by a certain date I could more than likely get it done by or before then

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
The following are the responsibilitys of director are as follows:
  • Recruiting IA agents by doing trainings
  • Recruiting Ambassadors by reviewing the applications and the applicant, then respond with a denial or interview, if accepted preform the interview and if their responses are good enough accept them as ambassador
  • Supervise operations/ investigations
  • Supervise all IA personnel
  • Represent IA in meetings
  • Upholding the FLC and ethics
  • Investigate all departments
  • manage relations with other departments
  • develop the department with additions or removal of some items
  • Lead investigations/ operations and tribunals
  • Auth AA if highest on site at the time, this is only to be done in the case of 3 or more scp's being breached or SCP-008 breach
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hello, I am Cairo.aic a artificial intelligence used by the ethics committee, what can I help you with today?​

Input: Cairo. Acess Level 5 Network.
When do the harps strings sound the song of the world?​

Input: When the Banshee screeches awake the night.
Welcome, Chairman O'Rouke.

Input: Search Ambassador Cain 'Homeless' Morris's Personnel File.
Searching... 1 result found, displaying results now.​

File name:
Access Level:
Contains Cain's information​
Level 4​

Input: Open the file.
Opening personnel file... Cain_Morris_Personnel_File

Input: Arrange a interview with Mr. Morris for the Director position.
The interview has been arranged with Mr. Morris.​

Input: Log off.
Logging off now.​
Last edited:
Apr 13, 2024
I often see your clear unprofessionalism on the ambassador job (such as. Entering the GOC TS in order to ask questions alike to "did you breach [Certain SCP]"), Or even calling SCP-082 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/c...d1337q1xPtna?invite=cr-MSxGalksMjM0MDc5NDQyLA an caseoh while on ambassador job which i would consider normal if you were on e11 but ambassadors should maintain professionalism at all times. I have heard a lot of people complaning about you being unprofessional, While you were on your trial as ambassador about 2 months ago give or take you were pretty good at your role but recently not so great. - Support
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Aug 27, 2023
I often see your clear unprofessionalism on the ambassador job (such as. Entering the GOC TS in order to ask questions alike to "did you breach [Certain SCP]"), Or even calling SCP-082 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/c...d1337q1xPtna?invite=cr-MSxGalksMjM0MDc5NDQyLA an caseoh while on ambassador job which i would consider normal if you were on e11 but ambassadors should maintain professionalism at all times. I have heard a lot of people complaning about you being unprofessional, While you were on your trial as ambassador about 2 months ago give or take you were pretty good at your role but recently not so great. - Support
I will say the 082 thing was unprofessional but I never went into GOC TS and asked if they breached an SCP


Well-known Member
Jun 18, 2024
- Great RP
-Very active
-out of all current ambassadors, he's the best fit

-I've seen him cuff many people just because he's been annoyed, which isn't super professional
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Reactions: Cain_Morris14
Feb 22, 2024
Can you tell me when I have been rude?
mostly in RP i gotta say, while you are a lovely person OOC, IC you are kinda rude, whether it be being angry at people who are doing what you asked them, or not asking politely, in my case a deal breaker, if even in serious RP you cant act politely with the people you are interacting with, youre not supposed to be director, but thats my opinion
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Apr 13, 2024
Aug 27, 2023
Arguing with o1/ethics is not the best look also considering they are the one appointing the DoIA
at no point did I argue with them in either of the clips.
Honestly Cain you've grown as a person from my perspective and you're a polite person to interact with and even though you are young which seems to be most peoples argument on your application I still believe that at the moment you deserve a chance as DoIA considering you've been ambassador for a while

And if you have been unprofessional once or twice doesn't really matter, I've seen alot of directors and rp leaders be unprofessional

If you have argued with O-1 and Ethics Im sure they won't find it a big deal considering we argue with people daily and a small argue between them won't ruin your entire chance of applying

And I believe that you have been doing a better job at being an Ambassador than alot of people (Myself included) and should be given a fair chance

Considering that you will be given a trial period if you get DoIA I think that is your time to prove that you can be a good DoIA

So Cain I will be leaving you a +Support

Best of luck!
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Jan 2, 2023
while i do think you got the experience, you are just highly unprofessional and just rude at times
I often see your clear unprofessionalism on the ambassador job (such as. Entering the GOC TS in order to ask questions alike to "did you breach [Certain SCP]"), Or even calling SCP-082 https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/c...d1337q1xPtna?invite=cr-MSxGalksMjM0MDc5NDQyLA an caseoh while on ambassador job which i would consider normal if you were on e11 but ambassadors should maintain professionalism at all times. I have heard a lot of people complaning about you being unprofessional, While you were on your trial as ambassador about 2 months ago give or take you were pretty good at your role but recently not so great. - Support
y'all haters

I often see your clear unprofessionalism
Something about glass houses mate
Definitely reasons for this application to be denied, obligatory cringe Bullet points with no elaboration give me no confidence you know what you are talking about responses should ensue however my guy cooks, make cain director Now
mostly in RP i gotta say, while you are a lovely person OOC, IC you are kinda rude, whether it be being angry at people who are doing what you asked them, or not asking politely, in my case a deal breaker, if even in serious RP you cant act politely with the people you are interacting with, youre not supposed to be director, but thats my opinion
Rude in RP? MUST BE A PERSONAL INSULT! Almost like RP is playing another character?

Ignore this ignorant person Cain. You've grown tremendously as a player and as a person. You have stuck with IA and contributed towards it with various PK's and rp you've dove straight into. I cannot say this about many other players on the server at all.

Keep it up, you got my +Support regardless of me not playing any longer
You make yourself look unprofessional and as a someone, most of the server cant take seriously because half of the time we don't know if you're serious in a RP scenario or not. Seeing a DoIA running around metal cuffing people and an O-1 Major for standing still around O-1 does not look good for you too. You need room to grow and mature.

I had a talking to with DoIA Cade about this and from what he said. You just generally say stupid things like this IC and apparentally there's no repurcussions handed out. When you mean to say it OOC. The whole situation was voided because you just decided to yap about something that should've gotten you in trouble as a CL4. Pulling something like this off as a Sr CL4 would just have fewer people wanting to RP with IA

And i do not wanna bring up your E-11 CSG character to your IA application but it is to be taking into account as your professionalisim is at stake. Where you can be as rude as to ignore other people just to gamble. CSG is afterall a trial CO job and your performance is worrying.
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