[UK] Cain 'Homeless' Morris's 2nd DoIA application

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I had a talking to with DoIA Cade about this and from what he said. You just generally say stupid things like this IC and apparentally there's no repurcussions handed out.
I am almost back from my LOA but given how long this app has been out I imagine it's close to getting a verdict and want to add something. I will not provide a + or - support as I'm aware that would be improper given my position, but I will give insight into Cain's behaviour.

Numerous people have come to me with complaints about Cain regarding his professionalism, attitude, mingery, behaviour and more. 90% of these complaints are without evidence and thus I respond as I should; "I will keep this in mind but will need to see proof the behaviour, contact me if you have any."

9% of the reports with evidence end up being about matters that are not worthy of punishment, but a simple talking to. Take Kennedy's reply. E-11 literally get caught up calling 082 Caseoh, even sometimes having their COs saying it as well. The insults? Perhaps a touch too far, but I spoke to him immediately, he apologised and I left it at that. But everyone insists that Cain should be demoted, that he doesn't even fit a Junior CL4 etc and yet all of this stuff is things you, your friends or other members of the server would do, but frankly you judge Cain for due to his age and maturity.

1% of the clips are valid. I have taken him to the side a total of two times in my tenure as DoIA, explained to him why something is bad and both times he has understood and apologised.

So no, this is not a case of there being no repercussions, this is a case of me actually being sensible and not targetting someone just because of their age like a lot of you seem hellbent on doing.

Cain does have some issues with maturity and his behaviours. I am going to be honest and say that is true, but minor OOC problems and joking behaviors that I know half the people in this thread alone are guilty of with their friends, then turning to use that to be rude or unsupportive of him significantly irritates me, especially when there are insinuations that I am also not taking action over it.

I will end this by saying that if anyone has complaints about ANYONE in IA period, that they should resolve it by clipping the situation and contacting me through the usual available means so that I may deal with it. Do not turn a significant forum application into whatever this is, based on what I've scrolled through.
Sep 19, 2023
This thread has been reopened due to the application being reassessed following a change in the circumstances of denial.

Further constructive and helpful community input is greatly appreciated by the applicant and the committee. Keep things civil and kind.

Ethics Chairman Fionn O'Rourke
He is now a E-11 LT and he can’t have both Roles. Soo wouldn’t it be automatically denied ? Becuse you can’t have 2 Senior C4 Roles at once ?
He is now a E-11 LT and he can’t have both Roles. Soo wouldn’t it be automatically denied ? Becuse you can’t have 2 Senior C4 Roles at once ?
If I'm a site advisor and I apply for Site director wouldn't it be automatically denied? Because you can't have 2 senior C4 Roles at once ?
Apr 19, 2024
If the application goes through and passes, he will be forced to either go back down to E11 CSG and become DOIA after he passes interview or if he doesn’t pass the interview/application he could stay as ambassador and keep his E11 LT rank
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Merrick Travolta

Head Moderator
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Platform Team
Oct 18, 2023
This is an application I hesitated on commenting on due to my own bias as the one who contributed to your promotion to a JCL4 to nearly removing you from the department completely. This will be a wall of yap.

I do not know if you have the RP creation skill for your Department. To hold this. However, this is a problem that can easily be solved by just giving you the position and letting you try. As such I will leave a Neutral support.

Before your long ban. I would have blacklisted you from internal affairs. But since you've returned you have astounded me with your progress.

I saw your return to internal affairs initially. I was still holding in my conviction to ban you from IA, From the immediate jump to suicide RP to get not one but two self-done PKs.

You then started a hot streak of being good. You eventually wrote your application and with some urging. We took you on for an interview, and I did not make it an easy interview. You were the first if not only ambassador in my time in internal affairs to have both directors and 5 other ambassadors sitting in on your interview. You did not crumble beyond the expected measure and passed.

There were some initial issues, But nothing horrible. I left you in the hands of Broda and Willow in partial measure, The latter being my trusted and quite frankly. Favored candidate to ever replace me and you did quite well, Beyond my expectations if that.

When I left the department, I had concerns about some things. You were not on that list and my trust wasn't misplaced.

And now with you holding the rank of LT within E-11, It feels like you have truly turned a new leaf and are striving to become a better player. You do have your moments. But nothing out of the ordinary for CL4s, Senior CL4s... even the occasional CL5.

I don't know what Ethic's opinion is on your application. If they take you to interview or deny you outright. I can say that I am happy me and Broda gave you that interview, and if ethics take you for a director interview and you pass. I hope you can prove the doubts I have preventing me from +supporting you wrong.

Edit: I initially forgot this point. But will add it, I think with the correct mentoring. You can do well in this. I do think Cade has the ability to help you with this.
Aug 27, 2023
This is an application I hesitated on commenting on due to my own bias as the one who contributed to your promotion to a JCL4 to nearly removing you from the department completely. This will be a wall of yap.

I do not know if you have the RP creation skill for your Department. To hold this. However, this is a problem that can easily be solved by just giving you the position and letting you try. As such I will leave a Neutral support.

Before your long ban. I would have blacklisted you from internal affairs. But since you've returned you have astounded me with your progress.

I saw your return to internal affairs initially. I was still holding in my conviction to ban you from IA, From the immediate jump to suicide RP to get not one but two self-done PKs.

You then started a hot streak of being good. You eventually wrote your application and with some urging. We took you on for an interview, and I did not make it an easy interview. You were the first if not only ambassador in my time in internal affairs to have both directors and 5 other ambassadors sitting in on your interview. You did not crumble beyond the expected measure and passed.

There were some initial issues, But nothing horrible. I left you in the hands of Broda and Willow in partial measure, The latter being my trusted and quite frankly. Favored candidate to ever replace me and you did quite well, Beyond my expectations if that.

When I left the department, I had concerns about some things. You were not on that list and my trust wasn't misplaced.

And now with you holding the rank of LT within E-11, It feels like you have truly turned a new leaf and are striving to become a better player. You do have your moments. But nothing out of the ordinary for CL4s, Senior CL4s... even the occasional CL5.

I don't know what Ethic's opinion is on your application. If they take you to interview or deny you outright. I can say that I am happy me and Broda gave you that interview, and if ethics take you for a director interview and you pass. I hope you can prove the doubts I have preventing me from +supporting you wrong.
🥹thank you merrick.
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New Email Received
From: The Ethics Committee
Subject: Internal Affairs Directorship Application

>>Open Email

Attached: Position Request Results

A Letter from the Ethics Committee

Good Day Mr Morris

The Ethics Committee would like to thank you for your interest in becoming the Director of Site-65's Internal Affairs Department. We can see you have the initiative, drive and ambition to make such a bold request. Your position and eagerness to work for the foundation has been noted and is greatly appreciated.

The Ethics Committee has carefully reviewed your application and has run the necessary background checks on your person. After deliberating amongst the Committee regarding your request, we have come to a unanimous agreement. This request has been accepted . Please await contact from the Committee, we will come to you. We look forward to the prospect of you taking lead of the department of Internal Affairs and the changes you will bring to it.

See you soon, and best of luck.

Have a lovely day,
Ethics Chairman Fionn O'Rourke
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