[UK] Claire's Site Director Application.

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- Support

+ Somewhat active

+ Improved on the professionalism side to an extent.

I personally have issues in two main areas, the first being what you actually plan to do and wish to achieve within SA and the site as a whole as a Site Director, your application is short and lacks detail whilst also not really putting across any concrete plans or anything more than just reworking SA Docs and SA Interview questions which is inside and limited to SA Only, re-working these types of things has no real impact or meaning to us when most of the server won't reach SA or hold interest as well as them being SA Only docs which again have no real meaning to us whatsoever.

I also hold a small issue in your own mentioning of document work, you mention you have completed quite a few documents and if so what are these and what use to the site did they have? Your reasons for wanting Site Director are extremely generic and the typical response for most that apply for Site Director making it hard for me to find something that really jumps out at me about your application.

On the other hand, I have a major issue with the continuous reports regarding your own professionalism within the server, ts and discord, Whilst I can see you have cut down on things like meowing etc I loaded into the server the other day and noticed your in-game name was quite literally "Site Manager Claire 'Meow!'", This isn't the best of impressions for SA And also goes against the exact things you have said about stopping these things to. There has also been a recent incident where I was made aware you had to be told by SSL To stop what you were doing as you did not realise for yourself this was not appropriate and you should not have been doing it.

Whilst I have no questions about you as a person and believe you are friendly and polite to those within the server etc I do not think that with the points stated above and with a few other points mentioned by others regarding a - support / neutrals that you are ready to become Site Director.

Regardless, I wish you all the best.
I also hold a small issue in your own mentioning of document work, you mention you have completed quite a few documents and if so what are these and what use to the site did they have?
Good question!

Some of my doc work has been the April monthly newsletters along with the regular old reviews.

Along with currently working with Site Advisor Viktor to change the Zone jurisdiction policy’s that are currently on site at the moment.

Along with Agian the regular SA docs that we are updating.

Along with updating the current review format for the site for the monthly reviews format working with Site Advisor Naffen.

I personally have issues in two main areas, the first being what you actually plan to do and wish to achieve within SA and the site as a whole as a Site Director, your application is short and lacks detail whilst also not really putting across any concrete plans or anything more than just reworking SA Docs and SA Interview questions which is inside and limited to SA Only, re-working these types of things has no real impact or meaning to us when most of the server won't reach SA or hold interest as well as them being SA Only docs which again have no real meaning to us whatsoever.
I have a few documents/changes in moment to work on the site. One of the docs I have planned making are a guide to all CL1+ personnel. This will explain what type of information they can have what they should do within there department how to join a MTF, etc what all the basic player in the server should know. This is something I plan on making sometime soon for all CL4 to give to there Cadets, Jr. Researcher, etc.

I also do plan on reworking a few other documents that are still being thought about so I’m not gonna say much. But these are the documents.

In terms of policy’s I plan on changing the policy’s in terms of escorting whenever I get the chance.

For the meowing part I get full concerns and I’ve stopped this ( in all externals, discord, TS, etc. )

In terms of the SSL situation, I was under the fact he knew and was lying. Which was not the case, I’ve already dmed my apologizes to the individual and he has accepted the apology.
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
In terms of the SSL situation, I was under the fact he knew and was lying. Which was not the case, I’ve already dmed my apologizes to the individual and he has accepted the apology.
i can confirm this claire did dm me an apology and i did accept the apology

I have changed my previous -Support to a +Support for a few reasons.
You were able to answer and explain questions and concerns I and others had when confronted with them. You have sorted the previous issue with Darren out after being told it was inappropriate. You seem to genuinely have some level of planning done wether that was before it was brought up or after it's there now and you have not just a goal within SA but steps and plans to achieve that goal, showing you have taken at least some of the feedback you've been given and built upon it. Going off the word of Athena and your own again, you're taking steps towards being more professional, and I hope you will stick to your word this time around.

Going off your response to hangman you seem to be actively working and engaging with every member of SA trying to fix internal issues within SA and external for the entirety of Site-65 which is something a Site Director must be doing.

Good Luck!


Advanced Expert Civil Gamer
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 4, 2023
<<<: + Support :>>>

Hello, I'll be +Support'ing Claire's app for a number of reasons, mainly her outstanding document work; peerless management abilities, and excellent skills when it comes to roleplay.

Truthfully, there is no one better for this position. Not only has she proven herself as one of, if not the most competent SA members, but even before that on her many other Jr. CL4 spots she was an outstanding member of this community. She is extremely active, and possesses a board range of knowledge that she's used to great effect.

I know people in here have bought up a few issues they believe Claire has, mainly focusing on her supposed immaturity and her "meowing" issue. But as someone who has worked closely with Claire over the past weeks, and spent many hours with Claire in TS, I can say that she's almost entirely cut these out and has greatly matured as a person. I will not lie and say she has entirely stopped, but it has definitely decreased to such a level that it should hold no bearing on her possible appointment to SA Direct.

Good luck Claire, you have my full Support!
Apr 16, 2022

Claire today i'm leaving you a neutral support but it is leaning towards +support , the reason for this is whilst I can clearly see that you put alot of time and effort into Site administration which is always needed ; your documentation of site administration is excellent and you clearly care about your role , and your roleplay standards/documentation are evident proof of that.

If i may add though , making animal noises when this is serious RP server puts your entire department into a very bad light. It comes across very mingey and the assumption that you do not take the server or your role seriously ; as I'm sure you're aware site administration standards and expectations are extremely high , and things like this cannot be allowed to slip simply because you are setting the standards for literally everybody on site including new players. If new players see a site director making those noises then they are going to expect the entire server to be unprofessional and mingy.

To cut this short you are good evidently , you just need work on tuning those little bits of unprofessionalism during your down time.
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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane

I feel as if -supporting somebody that is the longest-standing member of Site Admin who is extremely active, always engaging in RP/interacting with different departments, creating extensive documentation on a regular basis, and not really putting a foot wrong despite their prolonged time in the role just because they have had minor issues with just messing around sometimes is a fairly insufficient, lackluster reason to downvote an application. Not to mention that since people have raised issues with this it has completely stopped.

Best of luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 26, 2021
Seeing as there was a, if you could call it, "problem" with meowing constantly, I think that is the definition of unprofessionalism. ANd it dont really matter if you haven't done it in a while. That shits wierd.
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