[UK] Director of Research Jesse Soul [2nd app]

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Steam ID
- STEAM_0:0:424215960

Discord name:
- tesco_meal_deal#3848

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- I started playing SCP RP around august 2022, meaning I've been playing around on the server for nearly 2 years

- 17

In what country are you located?:
- UK

Time zone:

Character name(s):
- Jesse Soul [DR-1]

Civilian name:
- Jesse Soul

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
- UK

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive researcher
GOC R&D - Lcpr (Holding)
Nu7 Spec (held)
E-11 Lcpl (held)
Licenced doctor
Heavy weapons licence
RRT licence

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-7- total warn {Checked}
FailRP [x2] warn
RDM [x3] warn
ERP [x2] warn


<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>

Why are you applying for Director of Research?

I am applying for director of research as i have a deep passion and goal for working and creating extensive pieces of work that can benefit the foundation as well as grow the research department as a whole, as well as having a great knowledge and understanding for creating and working for projects. this means that i have a deep knowledge of creating detail and making sure to have as much effort as possible when creating any kind of documentation, as well as creating ideas and expansions to have a more in depth research towards the testing and completion of documentation for the research department. I am also able to have a good leadership over many research personal as well as leading them into creating better versions of testing and lecturing them to become a better version of themselves towards the research department this also includes helping and onboarding the department sharing my knowledge and skills in order for them to become the best version of themselves, which can also help them in claiming the roles and joining the department as a more indept executive research personal. The Dirctor of research is important for not just the research, but also effecting other departments. this means that there are many ways that research effects other departments, An example of interdepartment relationships required in the research department as a director, is working towards projects and improving other departments with the research capabilities. This means helping them with the research required in their department, helping those departments with improvements and working together to better the foundation and working environments. This can also be tied towards projects in other capabilities with the way that operations work with different personal and onboarding as well as lectures. This can also mean that if medical wanted to have further research on scp-500, the research department would be able to help with that enabling that Discovery and enabling them to work on that road. To benefit both departments.

My goal is becoming a director of research that is able to work with the foundations efforts to bring new ways of documentation ideas as well as working towards an easier way for personal to learn to work together for projects to help with the foundations research and efforts of containment for SCPs. It's basically means more in-depth capability of learning for the department. One of which could be the creation of videos, this is so researchers are able to ask questions or seek answers via the videos. This also means the capability of learning and having quicker understanding and learning towards making and creating their own documentations. Teaching them techniques that stars of formats to improve their capabilities as a research executive or researcher in general. This could also be not limited to just research department as teaching personnel how to make documentation is not limited which means if medical personnel wanted to learn how to make psyche evaluation documentation, the research department should be able to help in any way see fit creating a more in depth into department relationship as well as they are able to seek answers and requests if needed. Documentation is obviously not required in the research department, however it is highly fixated on for the benefit and working into more in depth and more authorized testing. Which is why it is important for the research department still conduct documentation.

Which will be emphasized on the learning. With this goal it can also be taken or coexist with onboarding researchers as well given examples of testing or giving examples of how documents are actually used for in gamerp to increase roleplay. I also believe that with becoming a director of research i can also bring fourth new ways of researching SCPs from out of the Site-65. this means having the ability to recommend the transfer of SCPs for group research and documentation for the foundation which can give interesting ideas and help develop researcher in creating new ways to test with SCPs and also granting a high skills in documentation. With the power of being a directive researcher should be able to have a larger word of effect, for the creation of other SCP anomalies to be transferred over to site 65 in order to research document as well as involved new forms of RP with these new scps. These can be temporarily such as one day having a unique SCP to be in testing procedures for researchers to allow themselves to go out of their own comfort zone and research on things that have not been done before. Is increases the level of RP as well as professionalism and standard that the research department. As being able to collect order and documentation with the right safety precautions in these situations is crucial for the research departments capabilities. Executive researchers should be an example of how to create proper procedures with anomalies that have been transferred over to site 65. Teaching researchers who are confused and are learning how to deal with new anomalists, and how to properly test on them with the right procedures.

With my goal of being a director of research it should always link to be able to have it easier way for researchers to learn how to make documents if they are ever interested, as said before if researchers are wanting to create and conduct tests they may want to imply or use a template. When using a template I think researchers should have a good understanding of how to change it into there own personal format, this is so they are able to create their own unique capabilities instead of just copying and pasting of the template. In my eyes template should be used as a guide for researchers to learn how to create their own documentation with an example.


What makes you suitable for Director of Research?

I have always loved the research department from the first day of being transferred to the site. I enjoyed the idea of working towards the foundation and creating a better place for the department of research. this means that I have always strived into creating documents to help the research and learning SCPs and experimenting with my self to learn and improve, overtime I managed to learn and develop skills in documentation that have helped me to gain the role of executive researcher. This also means i have wide range capabilities for the research department, due to the amount of experience I gained over time. I joined the research department at a very early age during when the site was being created which means I've seen the research department itself grow with each director, as such I believe watching an experiencing those changes. As the research department grows and benefits from each idea given. I Believe I Can implement those skills onto myself and create one of the best directors improving the department as a director which is able to find and create changes to areas of the department that need improvement, during in which justifying and changing these areas of improvement are done at a professional standpoint and capability. This means finding it justifiable way to improve these changes into the department to benefit the research department. Making sure these issues and changes will not cause any effect to other areas of the research department. This means carefully planning changes in the policy and other areas of the department.

I have developed documentation skills, This means that over time I managed to develop my own reasonable with various enability's and capability of skills. This means I'm able to create any format of documentation needed for any required documentation authorization and testing requirements. As well as gaining the skills of writing documents that is small text over 50 pages long. Writing down as much information and capabilities as needed including, safety precautions as well as all the other information needed to provide for equipment, personal listing, expenses, contingencies, and overall precautions for the research documentations. When providing these documentations it needs to be assured I am able to write Blunt information. Which means right in the information that is able to have meaning and not just waffled. There's also ties to the fact that you're able to write extremely long pieces of information that is needed to be read through in order to have the full scope and ability to understand the testing procedures which I am aimed to creating. When writing documentations I also strive myself to teach other researchers how to write a similar way, being able to have large amounts of information that is needed for the documentation and waffling the information to have a longer amount of text but still keeping it in a blunt. Teaching researchers also ties into the goal of why I want to be directed in the first place and why I think I'm suitable. As having this capability to write documentations in this way means that I want to Pride myself into helping other researchers write these kinds of documentations. Which are able to be used for authorization and other more in-depth research capability tests. For researchers to conduct for themselves. Without the users for templates another pieces of information as a guide. And not just copy and paste.

I believe I am also suitable for the role as I'm able to have a unique sense of ideas for the research department, this means creating different ideas for projects and testing lines for researchers to work on. This is so they never run out of research capabilities to improve the department and containment of a scps for the Foundation. The reason why creating new ideas and projects for researchers to work on is to ensure a goal of the research department to create a Secure. Contain. Protect of the human race and reality itself. As a director is also ensure that all the research done and assigned to these researchers are listed and recorded in the progress of the documentation as well. Another thing that ties into the writing and production of research projects is being able to make sure the researchers are enjoying their research task I did not feel like they are being held back by conducting research that they do not specialize in. This is because I have noticed a secure track of research personnel that have had a specialization of different types of research in the department. Examples of this can be sub departments which was a passed instalment of the research department such as: biological research and technological research.

I've learnt to take information in way of quickly understanding any situation and finding ways for the best course of action. this means that I am able to have a quick accurate disition making towards areas which may be difficult to answer. I also make sure when making desitions to think of a more logits way, this means that I make sure not to go by personal feelings and to make sure to thing logically when it comes to problem solving. these skills are needed when becoming any type of leader.

I am also very active on the site and interacting with many different personal. as well as talking to other researchers and having a nice time chatting about any subject and making jokes with other personal. making sure to never be too serious unless needed, and i can be very leanent to other personal as well. i make sure to always be available everyday on most evenings, making myself as an active example for other people so that they can bring a new level of activity. making sure to stay active for the involvement of projects and RP with other departments.
Lastly i am organised, making me very pitular about the order of projects as well as making sure that organisation of the department is in check so that it may not fall from becoming the best department for the foundation aims and objectives.


What are the responsibilities of a Director of Research in RP?

Overall, there are many responsibilities of the director of research. these include handling and accepting applications for executive researchers and making a disition on adding them as a member of Clearance 4 personal of the research department. making a desition to see if they have made a good impression and showing unique skills. the director should also handle the interviews of these executive researchers. The director of research is also reasonable for handing out jobs for the executives to work on such as projects and making sure to communicate on the progress of these projects to relay back to the project leaders. making sure any questions asked are solved as well as making sure executives have a full understanding on the tasks they have been set. making sure that the executives are also given the orders relayed from site command to be completed as well. for ideas that have been given for the executives to research and find out more information.

A important responsibility of the director of research. Is the creation and management of the creating documentation. this means creating documents for the department that are needed as well as creating unique documents with the involvement of other departments. making documents is still important for a director as it is needed for keeping a standard reputation, as well as the creation of projects and management of those documentation as well. documentation is needed for the foundations efforts for the better containment of SCPs as well. Overall, documenting is extremally necessary for the department of research.

Another responsibility that the director is research has. is that directors are responsible for any changes in the policys for the department. this means that the director is responsible for changes as well as creation of new rules for the research department overall with the approval and discussion of the site command. this means that they are able to change issues found with the policy and add regulations to fix any issues which researchers have been doing. this also includes adding regulations to gaps in the rules which have been missed in the department. The policy is also important to have the right approval and discuss with the site command to see if the new policy change is good, as well as having a discussion with the American department director for their opinion on the changes before they are released.

The director of research is also responsible for keeping executives in line making sure they are not leaving a bad reputation on the department. any executives that are causing issues and breaking the code or policy of the research department, must have action taken to make sure they do not mess again. if they are to do so with multiple warnings they will receive full responsibility and harsh treatment if doing so. such as the removal of their role as executive.

Having a good relations between the research department and other departments such as the medical, Gensec and internal affairs. it is important as stated before because of having good relations between departments, means that they are able to work more effectively together. As well as creating a good bond so that it is easier to get into contact with the department and work together for creating RP as well as research. when having a good relation ship with a department unlocks more ideas and inavative thinking. this means that more unique ideas and testing propositions can open up for projects and research study's which were not though of before hand. having that relation between department also increases the efficiency when working together as a team when there is a group project which involves two departments. as well as creating more effective communication. overall, relation ships with departments greatly improves overall efficiency between functions for the foundation.

Some ways of creating these types of relation ships between departments. can be through overall conversations and ideas being thrown around, this creates an effect of having the similar ideals which can then turn to a bond between department due to having the same goals and mind sets. this also improves the communication overall as well. it is also important to take in commanders and other departments opinions, as these relations also effect the inner department opinions.

Finally the senior role of the department leader is also especially important. this is because you are presented as a role model for all Jr. Clearance 4 personal and will need to keep a professional stature to ensure to keep the best reputation for my department. as well as inspiring researchers of the department to involve themselves in exploring research above the normal. and striving them selves to be unique when making documentation. being active at the site as a director is important this is due to getting to know my department overall. which means talking to each researcher and finding their skills and guiding them to improve. as a director the last benefit of the research director is the involvement and creation of unique events, such as a game master being involved to create a invasive experience. this is to enhance the RP which can occur. I would also involve people with the creation of projects as i see projects as a way to bring researchers together to have one goal and branch off for their own results for the better experience of the foundation.


<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<end of application>
< Secure . Contain . Protect >


Please give some lore about your Director of Research character and what storylines they would be involved in:

<Date Logs><Scrip net applications>
<Clearance 4 personal ONLY>
This information is classified any personal below the correct clearance level seen with document could be arrested or worse.
### Data log entry: - Executive researcher: Jesse Soul ###

"I woke up?", the first words I ever said in six months. I never spoke. I never could speak until that moment. That one day on XX-XX-XXXX, when that strange anomaly appeared. Coated in all black that's strange object gave me the ability to speak. Hold on let me remember...

I was just walking down to grab some lunch the cafeteria which opened up a new stand where SCP 458 was transferred. Scp-458 was a infinite pizza which was able to replace its structure and organic system being able to replicate it's mass basically making it infinite pizza. It tasted just like a normal one. this SCP no threat to the foundation and it was actually used for lunch. But a strange anomaly or topping that was placed on the pizza was uncanny after eating it I could speak. After just one by that pizza I couldn't create any noise with my lungs or mouth. I couldn't even say a word, I couldn't either scream. I was basically trapped I don't even know how I happened.

When I was taking to the medical Wing in order to have been acknowledgment or at least an identification of the thing that was wrong with me, however those no such luck I couldn't find any issues or wrong doing this with the SCP. Which means that's something else had taken in effect maybe a different anomaly that was to takeaway my ability to speak. I don't know how so I tried to conduct some research.

I did some instance testing, all I did was grab a amplifier or some sort of allowed electronic sound deformation device which was able to replicate the sound of my lungs have produced, in short it created a small vibration in the long system which is able to replicate that sound and create a sort of "mimic". From the sound of my voice. However I couldn't get it to work the vibration detection system in the amplifier was unable to detect any frequency of noise sound over vibration I was unable to speak a say or word. Was this all I was reduced to? "unable to speak how was able to lead the department I'm still in executive researcher". That was all I can think about but began to brainstorm about different ways to fix this and it came up with one solution.

Beforehand I had the ability to think back on scp-22415. And how it replicated the effects which I had before since my past data log was able to imitate the ability to say I'm awake well having a mixed sensory reality distortion. We're basically my mind was out of place and then snap back with me forced to say "I'm alive". Did this have some sort of connection? I thought back of the anomaly which was on top of the pizza maybe a topping of a black spot. Without black spot the Instance of the 22415 dimension this rift in reality was that a gate.

I started to imagine it like a book or some sort of Reading novel. I then remember that smaller Gates could only transport different parts of the reality which means my voice box or different parts of my organic system could be affected by this by wasn't sure how. Splot or rifts shouldn't appear. At least not on another SCP. After that I planned on doing a test. The idea was to head inside of the 22415 dimension to see if my voice box was able to reinstall itself. Which meant now had to go in that dimension again but last time it caused me to........

< Information redacted >

Six months after the preparations for the test I decided to head in. I requested that the SCP was standing at least three four feet away from my body so that the SCP anomaly was not able to take place at least not again. But then stepped back approximately and then requested him to go for it. I then was transported inside of the dimension I could see everything it was the complete replica of my surroundings. Since it was a safe SCP I was only inside of the light containment zone. I could see everything, the wall, stealing, lights and even the desks and individual piece of paper. However it was all coated in a black mist a fog. However I could still make out all the distinct objects around me even with the Fog. It was then time for me to my theory.

And then began to attach a small recording device as well as the amplifier detection of frequency amateur then I was using before for the last experiment. I then hooked up to the amplifier in which I was able to replicate my voice this time I could hear it behind my head. I turned around shocked or what I saw. It was f***** up piece of entrapment. A class D strung to the wall covered in blood. "How did i not turn around and see this before when scanning the room?" I saw that the class D wasn't alive luckily. I don't know what would have happened if he still wasn't that pain and suffering. Was he there due to the reality collapse.

Either way the amplifier was pointing towards the class D, as if my voice or some part of my Reality was stuck in him. Did he steal it? Either way I walked over to the device in which the guy was heavily bruised. bandaged as well as if someone was trying to help him but couldn't. Was this the other 22415 instance? trying to help...? Is a way I walked up and soon I blacked out. I couldn't remember anything past that most of the information to me was just a blur a blip. I couldn't recall anything that happened past that point.

Before long I woke up in the medical wing again this time I was able to speak just six months after I lost my voice. I am incredibly lucky I was able to find that at least have the strategy and capability of finding a researching those different results to be able to distinctly pinpoint the location of mixed reality. In such when I was asked of what happened I was ordered to record this data log. I hope whoever is reading this is able to hand me any information regarding that anomaly. Either that or I create my own research striving myself into bettering the research departments that never happens again, no anomaly is able to affect any researchers in that way ever again.

In such a strive myself into better in the research department, I wanted to learn, change and help others managing the researchers so they are unable to experience what I did. Making sure each one is obligated to ensure the safety of all personnel even the class D when testing. So that's I can never need to imagine what happened that day.

### End of log entry ###

< Secure . Contain . Protect >
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May 15, 2024
yea probably the most deserving and best choice

knows his shit
can be serious
literally boosted the department's june score by doing 10 lectures and boosting the overall executive amount
on the server for like half a day sometimes (pls go outside occasionally from executive to executive)

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Reactions: Jessy Soul [XD-4]

For the same reasons as I -supped James K;

- You're a member of a very negative group and are also prejudiced in the same way against furries
- Good application
- I do wish to see the best in you
- I've seen and heard about your projects and they are rather enjoyable.

I do wish to see you excel, but this behavior is not befitting of a DoR. I've left a very tentative neutral support and wish you the best.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
+/- support
Not really had too many interactions with you, but from what I've seen, and the few I have had, I feel like you're one of the very few people in the running for this position who could potentially fill it well.
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Reactions: Jessy Soul [XD-4]
Mar 20, 2022
Documents are great and all, but what roleplay scenarios have you lead or created? Anything you can show to prove your quality?

I do agree with Kayla at this point you are the prime candidate, however, If you can't develop RP by yourself then the DoR spots should just remain empty till the Executives increase in their skills to RP.
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Reactions: Jessy Soul [XD-4]
Feb 4, 2023

Seen you in a fair amount of good Research RP. Your doc work is incredibly good, and your research projects push the edges. I will admit your RP could include more people, perhaps joining in with medical or another department, so that's something to work on.

Other than that, you've shown yourself as a friendly and skilled member of site, and I do believe you're right to take your next step along the research ladder.


The above is still relevant, however recent actions involving private group chats have been revealed to me, which now raises some concerns that extend to a fair amount of the executive team. While you were not directly involved, you still stood by and allowed the situation to progress to the result we see today.

I'd still like to see you as Director of Research someday, but this revelation has given me pause, and I believe the case will fall into SLs/SCs hands soon. Hopefully, you'll learn much from this encounter and move forwards, even if it does set you back.
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Having ascertained the facts about ongoing situations within the Executive team, I firmly believe that none of the candidates deserve DoR right now and I am using this last remaining open one to state as such. Petty drama, abiding by others within your circle slandering each other because you don't like non-server related traits about them and such are unacceptable.

You are easily the candidate I'd have picked to back out of all three based on objective facts alone in regards to your RP and Document quality before what I have learned, but as of right now, I firmly think someone in SA/SC needs to come in and root the problems out by force, because it's genuinely shambolic.

Best of luck regardless.
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