[UK] Dr. Copperman's Executive Researcher application

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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:196706874
Discord name: indexfunds
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've just recently came back to CG fully, but I am certain that i started playing well over a year ago.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: CET
Character name(s): Dr. Copperman
Civilian name: Lucifer MidnightMoon
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
(I have no clue why i got banned, all of them are expired and It doesnt let me scroll down to see the reason for the ban)

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?

I've always found researcher gameplay exciting, but limiting in a sense. Every intresting idea that could benefit people I ever had for a test required authorization from exec researcher+, or even EC few times. I wish to further progress down the research department route and truly be a help for people as a whole, whenever it will be fellow researchers, or foundation. Also, I've noticed a pretty significant lack of Exec Researchers that made everything harder, from getting tests approved to documents. I wish to help that lack of Executive Researchers as I am pretty active these days, especially as Senior Researcher.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:

In my opinion, I am very suited to be an Executive Researcher for these reasons:
- I have very good knownledge of most SCPs, and can come up with intresting tests based off of current knownledge about contained SCPs
- I learn from my mistakes all the time. Like everyone, I make mistakes, but instead of accepting them, I try to truly understand what I did wrong, how could i have prevented it and what to do if it does happend again
- Myself as a person, I am never biased towards one side. I treat everyone equally, so even if someone I dont personally like comes up to me about a test they need approved, I will still treat them as if they are just an average researcher that needs help.
- Whenever I have to work with someone else, I greatly enjoy every moment we share, and I am very capable of working with other people. One recent example I can think of is when I worked with Dimensional Cartographer on SCP-22415's Helpers Dimension and possibly finding new dimensions.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?

As of right now, I believe the amount is around 4. However, I do have a reason for the number being so low. It is due to the fact I always take my time with my documents, always making sure to make it excellent worthy. I do that by:
- Outstanding grammar is a must when it comes to even good grade research papers, let alone excellent grade ones.
- Making the document look official via adding a cover page, but also index where all other pages are listed.
- Adding multiple segments to the document, such as aim of the test, method, multiple hypothesises about the outcome of the test, and many more small things such as trial, trial summary, conclusion and anything else that is seen as needed to make the document pleasure to read.
- Long and detailed pages look more appealing to read, as its better to explain your aim of the test in DETAIL then just barebones.
- Also adding pictures from said tests is great for a research paper to have, especially when its crucial to the way SCP is anomalous as a whole.
These pictures could range from simple picture of all attendees, to the aftermath of the test.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
Executive Researcher, in RP, is often seen as basically a supervisor for Research Department, which is not wrong. Executive Researchers alongside Dpt. Directors ensure that Research Policies are being followed, whilist still helping new researchers understand how the department works and assisting any researchers in any way possible. Whenever it could be approving a CL4 test, A Cross Test or some chemical trial, it is Executive Researcher's responsibility to ensure that those requests are dealt with adequately. Also, Since being an Executive Researcher is an CL4 job, it is important for them to assist the rest of the site as a whole. It could range from opening the Breach Shelter during Code 5 and letting other non-combatives inside, or helping during an evacuation, its sometimes also a part of their responsibility if the situation calls for it.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Name: Dr. (Darryl) Copperman

Age: 35

Backstory: Dr. Copperman, or Darryl as its his first name (which he doesnt use except in when its neccesary) was born in Łódź, Poland. He's however, Polish-German due to their parents being of german heritage. His father, Heinrich Copperman, worked as a Polish resistance spy among the German elite known as The Brandenburgers in the 1940s With his mother Marianne, who's of pure german heritage, Darryl spent his early years in the quiet town of Ozorków in Poland.

After around 21 years of living in Poland and seeking greater opportunities, Darryl, his mother and his father made the decision to move to United States, precisely, New Mexico where he enrolled in Thomas Jefferson University, getting PhDs in Biochemistry, Structural & Molecular Biology and Genetics, Genomics & Cancer Biology. After a while of living in the state of New Mexico, Darryl has learnt about the SCP Foundation during one of the infobreaches and he was
fascinated, making it his life goal to pursue a career here.

Soon, he has met a researcher from the foundation after learning about his identify from the infobreach and approached him about a job within the foundation. Both have argued harshy for multiple weeks, but finally, he was offered a job as a Jr. Researcher once he completed an interview and proved and he is what foundation needs.

Few years went by and he has finally reached the rank of Researcher but he felt the site he was in wasn't enough, that it was restraining him, so he decided to file a request to Site Administatrion about being transfered to another site, and after months of waiting, he finally got a response. He got a notice for the Site Administration that he soon would be transfered to Site-65, alongside his parents being given a place to live close enough so he can see them on regular basis.

Soon after transfering to Site-65 in canada, he was stunned. He was stunned about how diffrent and better this site is. He felt finally full, and soon began working on experiments with him collueges, however, soon, it was gonna take a turn for the worse.

One seemingly uneventful day as he was returning to the Site after visiting his, now old and fragile parents, he was suddently stopped by 2 humvees. They had uniforms unlike anything he has ever seen at the foundation before, with green camo and gasmask and assault rifles and heavy machine guns and they started yelling.

"Get out of the car and don't fucking move!"
One of them yelled, aiming his gun directly at Copperman's chest.
"W-Who are you people? Are you with the local military base?"
Exclaimed Copperman, holding his hands up

One of them approached him and whispered to his ear:

"We are the exact opposite of your 'local military base'"
As he finished saying that, he took a step back and injected Copperman with a sleeping agent, making him pass out quickly.

Copperman soon woke up in some weird jail cell handcuffed and still feeling dizzy from the sleeping agent, he could tell it wasn't the foundation cell as he's been in one already. Soon, someone opened the door, someone looking exactly the same as men who kidnapped him.

He yelled at the top of his lungs, yet got no response.

Soon, the man approached Copperman, grabbing him by the handcuffs and bringing him to a big metal gate, as a man in the gasmask started talking to the radio.

"Delta Command, we got the researcher ready for transaction, contact the foundation."
Only now Copperman has realized he doesn't have his keycard on him that usually is sits right in his pocket.
After the man finished talking to the radio, he sat Copperman on the ground infront of the gate and told him:

"Sit. Fucking. Still"

Seemingly hours went by, and nothing happend. He could hear other people talking to the radio in the distance, seemingly negotiating about something but he just sat still.
However, soon after the men were done talking, something did happend.

Metal gate fully opened and multiple humvees, around 4, has approached the gate, filled with Nu-7 and DEA.
One of the agents yelled

Said the agent as he threw a bag filled with money towards kidnappers and pushed some D-Class personnel on the ground next to Copperman.
The kidnappers took one look at the money and D-Class and said

"A deal is a deal"
Once he finished saying that, he picked Copperman up from the ground and threw him towards the car of Nu-7, closing the big metal gate.
After all of that, he was transported to Site-65 safetly, where he was promptly brefied on what he did not saw, and was given Class-C amnestics.

His life returned to normal after that expierence.


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Last edited:
Feb 22, 2024
oki so:

-dont really see you in game tbh

-the lore is mostly who said what, without it the lore is kinds short tbh

Semi -/+:
-the responsibilities part seem to be a bit lacking and being very abroad, try to use specifics, what they do, in what situations would they do it
etc etc

-would suggest getting some more excellent grade but doesnt really weight in much in this, if you made 100 docs and only 4 are excellent, it would be less good then writing 10 and 4 being excellent

-the app seems pretty overall well made

-the "why me" part of why do you even want to do this is pretty well reasoned

Overall, im gonna give you a:
-/+ Support strongly leaning to +support


try to make your lore a bit more in depth and not using as much talking bubbles as fillers

just expand a bit on the responsibilities part


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
A mod has told me everyone's weekly vtime has been completely wiped due to recent maintance that caused server go to down for 2 days straight and yeah, command isnt working either plus mine time got wiped too
The !Time menu will show a similar thing in its place for now


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
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Dec 20, 2023
The photo isn't showing for me anymore but it shows the guy getting banned for severe toxicity the other day
Big -Support in that case
Always sus when people don't post their warnings. Makes me think they've got a recent one. I'll check when I'm in game later

Fricky Hecks

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 7, 2023

The following message is composed via consensus of the Research Command .

Hello, @IndexFunds . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. Should you require further elaboration please feel free to contact @Fricky Hecks on external communications.

You may reapply in two weeks.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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