[UK] Ganch's Site Director Application

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Nov 27, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:71315085
Discord name: Ganch
For how long have you played on CG SCP: On and off since November 2022. Right now have 4 days 3 hours past month playtime
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Finland
Time zone: EET (GMT+2)
Character name(s): "Ganch"
Civilian name: Jack Sheen
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Manager (Holding)
Site Advisor (Held)

Ethics Assistant (Holding)
IA Agent (Holding)
E-11 CPL (Held)
Nu-7 CPL (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1709325466721.png
Why are you applying for Site Director?: Ever since getting Site Advisor, the position of Site Director has been a goal for me to reach eventually. I feel like with the experience I have had within SA, I am ready to move on to the next step. I love being able to create RP for everyone around the site, and with the position of Site Director, I feel like I would be able to do that even further. The Site Administration team currently needs a capable leader after being in a weak state, and I feel like I am able to help the team get back to it's previous strength, continuing our previous Directors work.

What makes you suitable for Site Director over Site Advisor?: I have been in Site Administration for a while now, and with my position as Site Manager I have already took lead of SA from the previous Director. I believe myself to be a strong leader, and someone with ambition to change things that require to be changed. I also like to create RP for everyone around the site, which the role of Director would allow me to further do. My long time on the server aswell has shown me a lot of stages the server has been in, and a lot of the different RP leaders throughout it's history.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?: Site Administration is tasked with managing the entire site, which gives them a lot of tasks and responsibilities to do. Some of these duties are:
- Appointing Departmental Directors and MTF Commanders for all departments on site (Internal Affairs, Research, O-1 and A-1 are exempt and are dealt with by the Ethics committee and the O5 respectively.)
- Creating RP for everybody around the site and being RP leaders, communicating with department leaders to create large scale RP for the departments.
- Liasoning with and overseeing the departments to see that they are functioning and giving feedback to further improve the departments and to be a point of contact if the need arises.
- Creating and updating policies/other documentation for the entire site.
- Managing the site during emergencies with things such as AA and mass termination authorization.
- Managing the site during regular activities, authorizing GOI entries and the such if the need arises.
- Managing larger scale GOI relations alongside Department of External Affairs.
- Using punishments such as Citations to keep the Department Leaders in check.

The duties and responsibilities for the Director in specific:
- Appointing and promoting Site Advisors and Managers.
- Managing SA making sure it is running smoothly.
- Being the final say on all Department Director applications, MTF Commander appointments (Except IA Research A-1 O-1) and policy changes.
- Being the leader of the site as a whole, only second to Site Command.
-Liasoning close with Site Command to create RP for everybody on the server.

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Side note: This story is a continuation of my character lore, which is included in this and this . Read up if you are interested in knowing the previous stories

*Scene is set within "Ganch"'s empty mind, exhausted from all the work he has to do.*
*The silence is killed by a voice which seems similar.*

???: Evening, Jack.
Site Manager Ganch: You you you, What do you want now? Why do you keep on coming to me, Ganch.
Ganch?: Ganch is no more. Only I stand now.
Ganch: Jesus christ.. You still are battling between yourselves? Like you are fighting between eachother in your mind which is in my mind. Can't decide who gets to talk to me daily?
Ganch?: That is irrelevant now. Ganch is entirely gone, he gave up his mind. There is a lot I need to teach you, Jack.
The Iudex: I am The Iudex, the one who remains standing from what was once Ganch. Call me, an amplified version of your own ideals.
Ganch: Jesus christ and I thought it was easy to get rid of you from my mind once I took control. But no, you keep on trying to control everything I do. What next, you gonna tell me that I am the guilty one?
The Iudex: You know the guilty will drown among themselves once the day of the reckoning comes, right? I wouldn't want my vessel to drown with them!
Ganch: Right right, call me Ganch anyways from now, taken a liking to it. Besides, not like I'm stealing anybody's name anymore!
The Iudex: Right, Ganch. There is a lot we need to discuss. The Reckoning looms near, and you need to save the innocent.
Ganch: Something we can agree on for once. So, what is it that we need to do?

*The scene is set within the therapy room of Medbay, with Ganch daydreaming on the couch*
Director of Medicine Kayla: Ganch... Wake up!
Ganch: Ah.. Sorry, it's the nightmares again.
Kayla: .. The Reckoning?
Ganch: Indeed, it draws near. And the guilty will drown among themselves.
Kayla: Right... And I'm not allowed to drink vodka from 294...
Ganch: The difference is that the Reckoning is real, however your alcohol problem is only caused by your own issues. Save yourself before you drown with the guilty, Kayla.
Kayla: Right right.. Now what was this about someone named "Iudex"?
Ganch: He is the one that tells me about it.. Every single day, even right now, he is in my head. He talks to me within my head, keeps on saying that the Reckoning is coming..
Kayla: What can you tell me about him. His personality? His looks?
*The Director of Medicine begins writing in her clipboard*
Ganch: He reminds me of myself when I was younger.. His looks don't matter, it's not something I'm able to recognize even.. He says it's something about "It doesn't matter who brings justice to the world, as long as somebody is willing to take the mantle"
Kayla: And.. You cant remember his face or anything? It's like a blank in your mind?
Ganch: Exactly.. Maybe it is meant that it's this way, it's not like it matters.. The Reckoning comes anyway, whetever you like it or not..
Kayla: Right.. I'll call this session over then. See you next week, Ganch.

*Scene is set with Ganch in his office doing paperwork, when the phone rings.*
???: Ganch.
Ganch: Hey whats up, im doing paperwork.
???: Your Director has died. You are to pick up where he left off. Your loyalty will be rewarded.
Ganch: Oh.. Be seeing you then, -1.
*Ganch hangs up the phone, takes a bottle of whiskey from his cabinet and pours himself a glass*
Ganch: Toasts to you.. Director.

*The scene is set within a room with the Overseers around a table*
???: Right, Site-65 is currently lacking a Site Director ever since the last one decided to bite the dust. The obvious answer would be to elevate one of the Site Managers, which... There is only one of?
*A personnel file opens up on everybody's tablets*
Legal Name: Jack Sheen
Code Name: Ganch
Current Occupation: Site Manager
Previous occupations: Site Advisor, Ethics Committee Assistant, Nu-7 CPL, IA Agent, Tech Expert
Birthday: 03/08/198█
Introduction: Born to an immigrant family in the year 198█ in Helsinki, Finland. Jack Sheen went through a hard childhood. From xenophobia to growing up in a poor family, his living conditions were never the best. Although that never stopped young Jack from wanting to enforce justice. When Jack reached the age of 18 he got conscripted into the army, like everyone else. Although he chose to reside in the army after his mandatory 1 year service.
In the year 200█ an incident with SCP-████ caused him to become aware of anomalous beings, and the Foundation decided to recruit him after checking his files. Jack started off as a Nu-7, and got to the rank of CPL before deciding himself to become an IA agent instead.
Years passed by with Jack doing an excellent job, but due to an incident Jack was forced to change his occupation again. Jack, although devastated, chose to become a Tech Expert. Due to this incident, Jack doesn't want to be addressed by his previous name, and has chosen the codename "Ganch".
During his time as an Ethics Assistant, his excellent work was noticed, however his tendency to change personalities was also noticed. After psychological evaluations this has been disregarded and stated that it does not affect his work capability.
After a while of being an Ethics Assistant, he applied for the position of Site Advisor and was accepted by the director at that time. Ganch continued to work well, without any big incidents, and with his continued effort he had been promoted to the rank of Site Manager.
After gaining the position of Site Manager, he seemed to have started talking about the "Reckoning". Psychological evaluations and therapy seems to show that a voice within his mind tells him about it. However at this time, the Director of Medicine states that this is not a cause of concern just yet, and will continue observing his actions.
???: I know about his problems, but as the Director of Medicine stated, there is no cause of concern just yet, and has shown to be capable doing his job. Perhaps even continuing the previous Directors work.
*The Overseers begin voting on the next Site Director of Site-65*

where were u wen director die
i was at ofice doing paperwork when phone ring
???: gregory is kil
Ganch: no



Active member
Feb 19, 2024

Personally, I have seen some immature actions from you, and I don’t think you are suited for this role.

There are also much better candidates in my opinion.
L CI delcom, ganch just lives up to the role of hating CI (lore accurate)

Super Duper Carpe Time

Well-known Member
Nov 16, 2023
+ Support
Ganch is active, friendly and has a much more hands-on approach than i've seen from other SA.
I think Ganch would do very well in the role of SD
Hey there I'll be giving a -Support for the following reasons:

- Instigating OOC toxicity.
- Not fit for this role in terms of creating/enforcing RP
- Immature/inappropriate behaviour for a SA

CI-C COM Johnson J. Marauder
Alpha-1 CSG
- Support
In agreement to the rest of my COs
Immature/inappropriate behaviour for a SA
- Same Reason as Robin Stated above ^.

- Support

- Has been very toxic recently in ooc and on discord
- has no intention to RP
- A lot of immature actions
- not suited for the role

There are much better candidates.
4 CI COs all against 1 candidate, how comes? Feels like you should give some proof or smth regarding what you say about Ganch tbh
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