[UK] Ice victor level 2 E11 commander appeals (move resign from SGT to COM)

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Blacklisted Player
May 28, 2024
Name: Ice Victor
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70472491
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: UK
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: yes with no response from Athena.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: O5-1 (Athena) in discord
Rank demoted from: commander
Who demoted you?: O5-1 (Athena)
Date of demotion?: 06/02/2025
What is the case against you?:
Is this true?:
Mainly no
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals:
What is your side of the story?:

I would like to resign as E11 commander instead of E11 SGT
I just want to clean my name as I wasn't bad E11 commander. and most of the point aboue aren't true.
I resigned because I couldn't keep playing in E11 due to me being combat and I thought about resigning anyway.

In my time in the server people which break ERP got demoted to CSG by the O5-1 (Athena)
While I did the best and told Site adminstaion I am getting burnout from managing the reg alone
I was managing it alone since I was Major even when Rizzie was around as LTCOM
and 3 days after I got my help and Nepute arrived and I was kind of happy that maybe I we could improve E11 with his help I was demoted.

Diving into what Athena said:
Ensuring activity and presence are upheld on your respective server - E11 was very active the last 2 weeks or even 3 weeks before I was demoted.
They were so active that you could see them at a nice amount also after 10 pm GMT.
A week after my demotion E11 activity declined a lot and they are not as great as they used to be.

Discuss and make improvements based on Site Administration discussions and feedback-
I will say I requested from SA to bring someone to E11 as Major and I needed help as I see non CO are fitting and they brought Neptune only the last few days before my demotion.
I Changed one of the requirements for SGT to Lead 5 breaches so they will take more charge without a CO will tell them to do so.
I told all the COs to not promote anyone to CSG unless it they lead correctly. In addition SA give us goals which we followed and they saw improvement we went for the traffic light system and E11 went from red to yellow under my command.
in the last week, I was commander we force on 008 breaches which went down to none this was a goal from site administration.
There are more callouts with BM and location in my last week and E11 were doing better in general.

Engage with the entire Department / Regiment in pinpointing various issues that affect the overall health of the Department/Regiment - this will go for my point above when Rizzie was with me he didn't help me at all and I fell alone as commander and I requested help from the site admin. I was very burned out from managing alone so much they I wanted to make I had the best replacement before I resigned but I couldn't as non of my COs were ready to even major.

Maintenance of Departmental / Regimental Policies -
This will make I think focus on week before when E11 NCO lead a bit less. for one week you don't demote someone
as I already planned to change as I added that SGT requirement is to lead more.

This appeal was NOT ignored.

Victor has since deleted the messages in my DMs.

He sent his appeal late night on 06/02/2025, and withdrew within 3 days.

However, the lack of response on your appeal was due to the fact I was clarifying with staff as to how to tackle your appeal.

This is due to the following:
1. You were demoted and offered SGT
2. You chose to leave the regiment
3. You then appealed in the later hours though encouraged to take your time thinking on this by myself and @Auburn , to which you declined this want.
4. I contacted staff, and during the time waiting to hear back you but withdrew this appeal.

As well, something of note, on your appeal you requested that you could appeal to immediately transfer to a regiment, which was to be denied due to the fact you underperformed in one place and have not earned this privilege.

This is the full context as to your demotion appeal not being "accepted" but, instead you asked for an unreasonable timeframe considering you were not the only appeal sent to myself at that time, and I had taken the route with communicating to @Auburn and @Neptune on how to handle your appeal.

Now, I'll save the time of moving this to an L1, to an L2. The level one would've been denied on the basis it was abundantly clear you did not wish to continue as a CO, you wanted to use it to adhere to the rank transfer guidelines, showing a grab for power and an easy transition rather than earning a place within a regiment- further bolstered by your immediate application to Site Administration. As well, due to your short falls as described as a commander.

Whoever in staff is dealing with this, feel free to reach out in Discord DMs with any thoughts or concerns.


Blacklisted Player
May 28, 2024

This appeal was NOT ignored.

Victor has since deleted the messages in my DMs.

He sent his appeal late night on 06/02/2025, and withdrew within 3 days.

However, the lack of response on your appeal was due to the fact I was clarifying with staff as to how to tackle your appeal.

This is due to the following:
1. You were demoted and offered SGT
2. You chose to leave the regiment
3. You then appealed in the later hours though encouraged to take your time thinking on this by myself and @Auburn , to which you declined this want.
4. I contacted staff, and during the time waiting to hear back you but withdrew this appeal.

As well, something of note, on your appeal you requested that you could appeal to immediately transfer to a regiment, which was to be denied due to the fact you underperformed in one place and have not earned this privilege.

This is the full context as to your demotion appeal not being "accepted" but, instead you asked for an unreasonable timeframe considering you were not the only appeal sent to myself at that time, and I had taken the route with communicating to @Auburn and @Neptune on how to handle your appeal.

Now, I'll save the time of moving this to an L1, to an L2. The level one would've been denied on the basis it was abundantly clear you did not wish to continue as a CO, you wanted to use it to adhere to the rank transfer guidelines, showing a grab for power and an easy transition rather than earning a place within a regiment- further bolstered by your immediate application to Site Administration. As well, due to your short falls as described as a commander.

Whoever in staff is dealing with this, feel free to reach out in Discord DMs with any thoughts or concerns.
Hi Athena
This appeal is to remove my demotion but I will still be out of E11 (resigned as commander instead of sergeant).
This is to make fewer people bully me for that demotion and clear my name.
Also, Since then I learned new things about my demotion.
And I think you can give this appeal better points of view from your side if you answer the next questions:

  1. I would like to hear from your side what evidence you have.
  2. Why site admin didn't take part in my demotion and it was directly you? (did you SA failed?)
  3. You and Nepture are close friends in the server, why did my demotion happen 2 days after he got Major? isn't it a conflict of interest?
  4. Why do I hear from E11 that you are now ordering E11 directly which it wasn't a thing when I was one? (is it easier for you?)
  5. Did you said to me the next thing: "It isn't your float fault you were never was taught to be commander"? if yes m How could I learn to be a commander when I am SGT
  6. If someone demoted you from O5-1 to site E11 SGT how did you felt about it? Could it make you resigned from your current job knowing the people you chose to be CO and you didn't trust to be E11 Major are now above you?
  7. Did anyone ever get demoted from Commander's job to Sergent? (I did hear demotion to CSG for breaking server roles/ or inactivity but never below)?
Since I was present in TS during this demotion, let me shine some answers on this for you.

You failed completely to run the regiment as Commander and as such were demoted directly to SGT. All this comes across as is hurt Ego. You want to avoid bullying? Who on earth is doing that?

I think you forget O5 and Ethics are CL5, direct superiors to everyone below them. They can issue whatever orders they like. Its laughable you try and insinuate that friendship between Athena and Neptune played any part in this arrangement issued by Naffen. Neptune has fixed Nu7 prior and was the primary choice by all O5/SA/EC.

This is just a massive tantrum. You've refused to learn from your mistakes during the role and clearly after. As Athena is on LOA currently I am more than happy to speak with whomever is dealing with this to provide additional context as I was present from an Ethics POV during the demotion on TS.

Edit: First thing you did when demoted was immediately list off a bunch of COs you wanted removed. You clearly failed to do that as Commander and just wanted to throw others under the bus with you.


Blacklisted Player
May 28, 2024
Since I was present in TS during this demotion, let me shine some answers on this for you.

You failed completely to run the regiment as Commander and as such were demoted directly to SGT. All this comes across as is hurt Ego. You want to avoid bullying? Who on earth is doing that?

I think you forget O5 and Ethics are CL5, direct superiors to everyone below them. They can issue whatever orders they like. Its laughable you try and insinuate that friendship between Athena and Neptune played any part in this arrangement issued by Naffen. Neptune has fixed Nu7 prior and was the primary choice by all O5/SA/EC.

This is just a massive tantrum. You've refused to learn from your mistakes during the role and clearly after. As Athena is on LOA currently I am more than happy to speak with whomever is dealing with this to provide additional context as I was present from an Ethics POV during the demotion on TS.

Edit: First thing you did when demoted was immediately list off a bunch of COs you wanted removed. You clearly failed to do that as Commander and just wanted to throw others under the bus with you.
Hi broda.
you were indeed in the call but you didn't talked so you can't say now anythink about it.
So you don't need to answer in Athena's name.
even if she on LOA we could wait until she finish her LOA as I am not coming back to E11 so it not urgent.

I prefer her as she is more professional then you and I respect her more then you.
Hi broda.
you were indeed in the call but you didn't talked so you can't say now anythink about it.
So you don't need to answer in Athena's name.
even if she on LOA we could wait until she finish her LOA as I am not coming back to E11 so it not urgent.

I prefer her as she is more professional then you and I respect her more then you.
You don't get a say in that.

You just proved in plain sight why you weren't fit for Commander. I'll not be replying further and await SL
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