[UK] James Overscott's IA Ambassador Application

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James Overscott

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 10, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244227488
Discord name: loggydogdog
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I am unsure when exactly I began playing, but I believe I started playing SCP-RP seriously around March or April this year.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Norway
Time zone: BST+1
Character name(s): James Overscott, "Overscott" [MRU-CPL]
Civilian name: Herr Overscott
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Executive Researcher [Holding]
CI-B [Holding]
Internal Affairs Agent [Holding]
DEA Agent [Holding]
NU-7 PVT [Holding]
GENSEC RRT [Holding] (Unsure if this counts but I'll note it down regardless)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?
I am applying for IA Ambassador as I wish to play a larger role within the IA department and help run it on a day-to-day basis. I would also like to be able to help agents, both new and experienced, to the best of my ability, and the role of ambassador certainly helps in that regard. I also enjoy making sure that the FLC is being properly enforced, be it a chef trespassing or D-Class being shot down by GENSEC in the airlock without any warnings. Lastly, I believe that my recent performance has shown that I have the knowledge and determination necessary to hold a role such as IA Ambassador, and I believe I would make a positive impact on the department as a whole.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador?:
I believe I am suitable for the role of IA Ambassador as I believe I have enough knowledge to make the right decisions regarding the FLC, and I also know that I am unbiased when making decisions, which helps me determine the right decision. I also consider myself a friendly, mature and approachable person, and I enjoy helping out new agents and other Foundation personnel regarding the FLC or IA's duties whenever possible.

In addition to this, I already have CL4 experience as I am also holding the role of Executive Researcher. In holding this role I have learnt a lot about how to properly do testing and such, which has definitely assisted by understanding of the FLC (especially the scientific part of the codex). I understand that there is more to the FLC than just the scientific part, however I believe that I have demonstrated that I understand the FLC in it's entirety, and that I have the knowledge required to enforce it properly.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:
In general, I have written a lot of documents. This is mainly because I am also an executive researcher. However, I have also written documents for IA, which are primarily been arrest reports and duty reports. Unfortunately I do not have an exact number.

A good document should have good grammar and a good structure. Specifically for IA documents, the document should give an accurate and detailed description of the incident in question. While this may seem quite straightfoward, that is because there is (in my opinion) no one way to write a document. There are many different ways of writing an excellent document which all work. However, the points I mentioned above are the ones that I see occurring over and over again in excellent documents for the IA department.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP?:
In RP, ambassadors have numerous responsibilities, such as:
- Training and introducing new agents to the department, as well as helping agents and other Foundation personnel with the FLC or IA's duties
- Approving credit and grading documents
- Ensuring the IA Department is running smoothly, and that the FLC is being properly enforced by IA agents. This also includes dealing with any complaints against an IA agent, should there be any
- Enforcing the FLC when it has been broken by CL4 personnel (as normal IA agents are unable to do so)
- Investigations (while this is something you can do as an agent if you have permission from the DoIA, as an ambassador you are also able to do investigations without direct permission from the DoIA as long as you report it to them)
- Normal CL4 responsibilities (such as opening / closing electrical centers, blast doors, etc.)

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:
James Overscott was born in the city of ███████, Rogaland county, Norway. At the age of 19, after finishing Norwegian upper secondary school, Overscott applied and was accepted into the Norwegian Police Academy in Oslo. After passing with flying colours, Overscott began in service in the south-west police district in Norway. After taking further education within investigations and intelligence, Overscott began working at KRIPOS, the National Criminal Investigation Service of the Norwegian Police Service. Overscott excelled at his job, and was quickly recognized and respected due to his excellent work in shutting down organized crime within Norway.

On the 22nd of June, ████, Overscott opened up an investigation into a cult that had been gaining in followers at an alarming rate, located in the city of ██████. After a raid on the cult's headquarters, numerous anomalous objects were found, including SCP-███. The investigation was shut down by MTF Iota-10 ("Damn Feds") as nothing more than "baseless conjecture", and all objects retrieved from the raid were transferred into Foundation control. An internal incident report on the situation done by Foundation operatives criticized Iota-10's time to react to the investigation, however MTF Iota-10 defended themselves by saying that the investigation was happening at an incredible rate, beyond their ability to quickly react to it.

In recognition of Overscott's achievements and his excellent investigative abilities, he was offered a job within the Foundation as an Internal Affairs agent. Always up for a challenge, Overscott was more than happy to agree, and started doing his best to climb up the rank ladder within the internal affairs department.
Apr 4, 2023

Interview Required

Good day, Agent Overscott.

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. The next step in the application process will be an Interview. Please contact me on teamspeak or discord once you are ready for the Interview.

Kindest Regards,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Charles "Ze" Whitmee
Apr 4, 2023

Application Accepted

Good day, Overscott.

After seeing your hard work through the last weeks and getting positive feedback from the Ambassador team, we've come to the conclusion that you're capable of performing the duties of an Ambassador. Welcome to the team. Find me In Character and I will get your whitelist assigned by an admin and guide you into your first steps as an ambassador.

Kindest Regards and congratulations,
Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Charles "Ze" Whitmee
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