[UK] Jeff 'Lancelot' L's Application for GSD Captain

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 4, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
I currently have 406 hours, and i have been playing since 2021

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
CI -> Jeff 'Lancelot' L.
Foundation: Jeff 'Lancelot' L

Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
CI-Alpha(Holding), Nu-7 LCPL(Held), IA+DEA(Holding)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, however please keep in mind that most of them are expired.


Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I have respect for the current Captains who are working their job, and keeping the General Security Department intact, however i do believe that some of them are just not as online as they used to be, and seemed kind off burnt out of the job after the time they have worked here. I have taken a break from the server and i have come back, however i do not see the GSD as organised as it was before, people minging around, many D-Classes being released by Researchers, whilst there is nobody on site. I can change that though, as i believe the me coming back can revieve the Department, in addition to that i want to play a bigger role, and help people, as when i am an officer, even though i want to provide help and tutoring to the new members, i am not respected well enough for me to do so.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
As i have previously stated, i believe that i can help revive the department, as i do not see many people play on gensec anymore as they used to. I think that some ideas that i have, can improve the activity in the Department; in the lower and both upper ranks of GSD. I know i have been known to be a minge and i very unproffesionaly person in the past, that is why i took time to reconsider what i have done, and come refreshed and i am currently trying to leave the past behind me. I do not want to say that i am a reformed man, as i believe its too hard of a statment, however i do believe i have changed for the better, and even though i can make a few jokes, now and then, i try to keep it proffesional, at all times.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
- The Captain must host tryouts for other people who want to recieve their Riot Response License, or their Heavy Weapons license.
- As i Captain you also must lead sweeps in D-Block making sure that D-Block is a safer place.
- You should host lectures so that new personel, learns what to do in certain situations, but also teach them the proper use of their equipment.
- You must act as a role-model for the younger Gensec personel.
-You should write documents, if neccessary, so that they paperwork in the department is up to date.
- You should punish any personel that is abusing their weaponry, or license privelage.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Life before Admitance to the Foundation

Jeff L. was born in Poland in the year 1971. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1989, he recieved a green card, and moved to the United States at the age of 18. He served the American army well, being recognised for the best in his squadron, even earning medals, for his bravery and ability to help others during the war in Iraq. In 2013, his distinguishment in the army, caught the attention of the SCP Foundation, which recruited him for a role in GSD. After passing many different, and difficult, tasks, he was admitted to the General Security Department.

Life after Admittance to the Foundation
After joing the General Security Department, Jeff earned himself an acronym of "Lancelot" which was chosen to show his bravery in hard situations, just like the knight did. Jeff climbed high, however sometimes he forgot how to properly behave, and he fell just like Ikar, however, after a break that he took, he came back stronger then ever, acomplishing new heights, and finally becoming a Captain, reviing Gensec from what it has become. He continues to strive among the Foundation, being recognised for what he has done for them.

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New Member
Aug 8, 2024
+is a serious RPer
+serves good as GENSEC, especially as a superior
+has a lot of experiences in fighting and leading

I would definetely recommend him getting Captain
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Rito Munro Fraser

Programming Team
May 14, 2023
+/- Support Leaning Towards -Support
- I don't think I've ever seen you on site
- You have an ungodly amount of warns
- The application itself feels a bit rushed

The reason my support is only leaning towards -Support is exactly because I have never seen you on.
I have no personal experience with you, so I can't say much about you, however from this application I cannot give you my support.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 4, 2022
+/- Support Leaning Towards -Support
- I don't think I've ever seen you on site
- You have an ungodly amount of warns
- The application itself feels a bit rushed

The reason my support is only leaning towards -Support is exactly because I have never seen you on.
I have no personal experience with you, so I can't say much about you, however from this application I cannot give you my support.
I want to clarify, that i have worked some time on this application, and i do not understand how you believe that it is rushed.
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Aug 27, 2023
- Massive minge himself
-55 total warns and bans, seriously concerning
-Just last night he spammed the chat with pyrite = gay, or, pyrite = furry, my guy was given a warning by staff to stop he was doing it so much
-Just got kicked from CI for NLR
-Only time i have seen you on GSD was in OOC when you were spamming the pyrite stuff
-several ERP warnings
-Based off recent interactions, this guy has not improved
I do not reccommend him for captain
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Reactions: Snake and MiQrzs
Please attach an image of your vTime within the application or as a reply. You have 2 days.
Also, did you just so happen to create an alt account to +Support your own application?
+is a serious RPer
+serves good as GENSEC, especially as a superior
+has a lot of experiences in fighting and leading

I would definetely recommend him getting Captain



Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 4, 2022
- Massive minge himself
-55 total warns and bans, seriously concerning
-Just last night he spammed the chat with pyrite = gay, or, pyrite = furry, my guy was given a warning by staff to stop he was doing it so much
-Just got kicked from CI for NLR
-Only time i have seen you on GSD was in OOC when you were spamming the pyrite stuff
-several ERP warnings
-Based off recent interactions, this guy has not improved
I do not reccommend him for captain
To clarify, i did not write ever comments like pyrite-gay, as well as that i do not seem to remember ANY interactions with you on the server at ALL. I alsso understand that you may find the amount of warns and bans concerning, and trust me if i were you i would too, however if you would look at their datings you would understand that they are old and i believe that alot has changed since then.
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