[UK] Jorhan "Mithras" Stahl Director of External Affairs Application

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May 26, 2023

OOC Info

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:208056104
Discord name: Jorhan Stahl | @jorhanstahl
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Started in February 2023, Returned in April 2023
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: Poland
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Jorhan ”Mithras” Stahl, Kertz Strasse
Civilian name: Endeavour Morse
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

- DEA Deputy Director(Holding)
- CI Gamma(Holding)
- MTF E-11 Sergeant (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Received a ban for severe toxicity, Dmed a no-no word to a Staff Member (Archangel) when describing a jumpscare done by 096.


Why are you applying for Director of External Affairs?
The reason I am applying for the position of Director of External Affairs is to continue the work and the ideas to rework the department and its structure. As current Deputy Director, I have developed a passion for the department, and the roleplay possibilities that it can create. Being not only about combat, but also about creating passive roleplay scenarios both within the facility and on surface. Being part of the DEA clearance 4 staff for last six months I have seen the department at its ups and downs.

As the Deputy Director I believe that my goals line up with the future of the department and its well-being. DEA as a semi-whitelisted department requires care and attention, introducing new agents to the family, training them, and allowing them to explore the roleplay environment outside the closed spaces of Site-65. My wish is to build the department and its staff, to not only feel like a family, but also be able to create roleplay scenarios for the server and others to enjoy.

I am ambitious and strive for personal growth and achievement, becoming the Director of External Affairs aligns with my drive to challenge myself. DEA represents the opportunities both from the roleplay standpoint and also the OOC ones, representing the value of roleplay, and adding a different point of view for the players, one that our agents can positively impact one’s roleplay by being a trusted source of assistance and good respectable roleplay. I look forward to learning and enhancing my skills, as well as bringing my experience to the table.​

What makes you suitable for Director of External Affairs?:
My current position as the Deputy Director of External Affairs along with my seniority as clearance 4 staff of the department makes me fit for this position. My qualifications along with my experience of 6 months as DEA CL4 staff, play a key role in proving my experience and capabilities. During my tenure as clearance level 4 most notably I have managed department papers, providing them with updates regarding newly implemented changes, reworked protocols, and new additions to the site, a few notable ones being the new and reworked induction training document and the implementation of the merit point system spreadsheet and system.
My leadership and management of the department and its staff played an instrumental role in its development ensuring its maximum productivity which could be seen in our increasing ratings.
Furthermore, I have trained and introduced new clearance 4 members to the department overseeing their steps and providing them with assistance regarding their tasks. My proactive approach to leadership and resource management ensures that our staff possesses the required skills and dedication to the Foundation and the department. Additionally I have been pushing for our departments to build better relations with other departments and MTF units.
In summary, my time as CL4 staff of the DEA and the Deputy Director has provided me with the essential knowledge of the department and its goals. I wish to further develop the department with the same kind of strength and dedication as I have for the last six months, intending to continue to push the department on an upwards trajectory.​

What are the responsibilities of the Director of External Affairs in RP?:

  • One of the most important responsibilities of a Director is creating RP both within the department and outside of it, involving members of other GOIs (GOC & CI), creating stories with those GOIs that are not just only plain surface combat.​
  • Management and proactive approach, the Director of External Affairs must constantly be on the lookout for ways to improve the department, addressing issues and pushing the department to point of constant improval.​
  • Leadership, the Director has to ensure his Clearance 4 staff are up to the standards, ensuring a high quality of their work, and activity. Additionally, the Director has the responsibility to provide those members of the Clearance 4 staff with knowledge and support.​
  • Being the head of the Department of External Affairs, the Director has to ensure relations with other MTF units and Departments within facility are held to a high standard. One of the ways could be appointing departmental liaisons that will be always in contact regarding any issues that may happen. Being the primary force to deal with GOIs and external threats, DEA has to be able to cooperate with departments found within the facility to swiftly tackle all problems.​
  • Innovating the department with new additions, ways to keep Agents interested in the department, gaining their interest to further progress within the ranks.​
  • Lastly, Director has the responsibility to ensure communication with Site Administration and Site Command. They must be able to communicate with them, reporting the successes as well as the failures. They must ensure great communication, as means to create new operations, obtaining feedback or tasks that will contribute to the wellbeing of entire Site staff.​

Character Lore

Please give some lore about your Director of External Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:
His career began as a police officer and a member of the Special Operations Division, which gained him recognition for his investigative skills and ability to tackle unconventional incidents with ease. During one seemingly ordinary call, Jorhan found himself facing a threat unlike any before. Foundation noticing his abilities went to present Jorhan with two paths. He had the choice to either join the Foundation and dedicate himself to their cause or turn away from this invitation and return to his previous life, forgetting what he just saw. Fueled by curiosity and a thirst for adventure, Jorhan chose the path of the Foundation, embarking on a journey into the unknown. In early April, at the age of 33, Jorhan was officially inducted into the Foundation, drawn to its mission, seeking his own place within site 65.

Jorhan's rise through the ranks of the Department of External Affairs was marked by a series of accomplishments and contributions to the department, providing its leadership with ideas on how to further develop the department.
May/ ▮▮▮▮
In May Jorhan was appointed Senior Agent by the Agency Manager "Unbroken" this was his first step in ranking up within the department and a sign of times to come.
Jorhan's dedication led to his appointment as one of the department's Special Agent where his skills were further sharpened and put to a test in dealing with the Groups of Interest within the Pinewood area alongside the test his abilities in dealing with the anomalies found within the site and on the surface. His ability to remain calm in high-pressure situations and making swift decisions which were crucial for this line of work earned him respect, which would soon allow him to further develop not only himself but also his legacy.
Jorhan's rise continued as he assumed the role of Agency Manager where he demonstrated his leadership that inspired members of the department. This time saw him creating and taking part in operations, revamping and managing the document structure and implementing changes that are present to this very day.
Director of External Affairs, Hans Dierder recognizing his exemplary performance and his approach appointed Jorhan as the Deputy Director of the DEA. In this role, Jorhan brought a unique blend of field experience earned along the way and a strategic approach. Jorhan was overseeing the department's day-to-day operations, inducting new agents and playing a pivotal role in shaping the department and its structure.
Jul 30, 2023
Major +support
During Jorhans tenure as deputy director he has been acting director for what feels like most of it. During this time he has somehow managed to become even better than he was during his time as an agency manager. He is the only one fit for the role and if he doesn’t get it I’m authing a nuke raid


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Jorhan Stahl

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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