[UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Special Agent Application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
2 Years
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
William "Stealth" White
Marcus "Falcon" Wolfgang
Marcus "Fuse" Wolfgang
Civilian name:
Michael Schmidt
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
What are your total levels?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Positions:

- MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") Corporal [Current]
- MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") Command Sergeant [S-S] [Former]
- MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") Command Sergeant [Former]
- MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down") Lance Corporal [Aa] [Former]

Foundation Staff:
- O5-1 "The Sycophant" [Former]
Ethics Committee Member [Former]
- Overseer Assistant [Former]
- Ethics Assistant [Former]
- Special Agent [Former]
- Senior Agent [Current]
- Site Director [Former]
- Site Advisor [Former]
- Executive Researcher [Former]
- O5-4 "The Apostle" [Former]
- Director Of External Affairs [Former]
- Director Of Intelligence x2 [Former]
- Intelligence Ambassador [Former]

Chaos Insurgency:
- UNGOC CPL Marcus "Fuse" Wolfgang
- CI-D Delta [Former]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Job Abuse

These warnings were received quite some time ago now due to my lack of knowledge at the time regarding the server rules.

How long have you been a Senior Agent for?

3 Months
Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I have been within the department of external affairs for quite some time now, involving myself in and encouraging roleplay interactions between various factions, otherwise known as GoI's, within a variety of positions, from interacting with them as an agent to incorporating unique roleplay scenarios. I truly believe that I would be able to advance and develop ongoing RP both within and out of the department that would allow the department to truly thrive in the variety of duties that they have both on and off the site. I had planned to join the department again due to my love for the department and field of work. While in the position of director, I was allowed the opportunity to build up the department from the ground up and create a friendly and professional team that has now developed into a strong department that is now in need of a purpose, and I feel that I would be able to create that as a special agent.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

As a senior agent, I have expanded the field of RP that the department can involve themselves in; for example, the public liaison office has encouraged a new area of RP with rangers and a variety of other surface jobs through the means of contracts and agreements between mayors, rangers, and gun dealers. Most recently I was appointed a member of an elite intelligence squadron within DEA that I funnily enough set up myself half a year ago. With my previous experience as both intelligence director and external affairs director, I will make an increased change to the diversity of RP that the department of external affairs can involve themselves with. There are many aspects in which I see myself as the best candidate for this position. My lengthy tenure within the site and the overall experience I have gained through different aspects of RP around the site, as well as the RP in which I have dove into within those positions, have allowed me to create an expansive knowledge of the many different situations and scenarios that a special agent would come across on a day-to-day basis. My occupation as O5-1 gave me the most control over different RP situations in which I was able to create and develop; as well, the position created a further understanding of the different documentation that takes place at the site command and site administration levels. I have undoubtedly a heavy amount of experience within RP, I wish to come back into the department after seeing it's decreasing ability to uphold it's key responsibilities and the powers in which I had help setup back when the department launched. I believe I've had enough time since stepping back into the community with my most recent ranks within Nu-7 and my ongoing support as a senior agent to relaunch the department with my key experience and knowledge within this area of RP.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?:

An example of a recent document I completed and implemented for the department was an official military agreement. This document allows the DEA to further interact with Rangers by handing off any trespassing civilians to Rangers after they have been escorted out. I have written a huge amount of documentation during my time on the site. A large quantity of documentation that I produced is still used across the site currently, many DEA handbooks and documents that agents first read were made by myself and clearly to a good quality. Documents should hold key information with key visual outlines so agent's can easily get to grips with the variety of information that an agent is required to know of.
What are the responsibilities of the Special Agent in RP?:

There are many duties that a special agent have in RP, some examples are:

- To effectively communicate with a range of GOI's both friendly or hostile
- Training and mentoring agents into the department
- Formulating documentation for GOI's and POI's
- Organising surface operations
- Ensuring meetings and delegates from GOI's are dealt with
- Act as a representative for the department as a whole
- Providing merit points and recognition for agents who are performing their duties well and fulfilling specific tasks

Please give some lore about your Special Agent character and what storylines they would be involved in:

< Scanning Successful >

< Known Biometric Signature >

Redirecting to Hellenstic.aic

Access Level 5 file network.

Accessing the requested network...

Disclaimer: This network is restricted to the O5 Council.

Authentication is required. Failure to authenticate will result in the deployment of MTF-Alpha 1 ("Red Right Hand"). Do you wish to continue?


Does the black moon howl?

When the hound of hell has three heads.

Authentication successful, Welcome! It's been quite some time.

input: Access Marcus "Falcon" Wolfgang's Personnel File

input: Continue
Feb 24, 2023

While I appreciate you are trying to come back into a role and provide rp, your vtime is abysmal.
As well, your actions and interactions within roleplay and ooc do not show you having any level of maturity or respect for those around you on site in both an OOC and IC perspective. You have been historically and consistently removed from roles, and honestly: you need a massive attitude shift and change in your way of being imo before you gain any sort of applicationary role.

Either way, good luck.

While I appreciate you are trying to come back into a role and provide rp, your vtime is abysmal.
As well, your actions and interactions within roleplay and ooc do not show you having any level of maturity or respect for those around you on site in both an OOC and IC perspective. You have been historically and consistently removed from roles, and honestly: you need a massive attitude shift and change in your way of being imo before you gain any sort of applicationary role.

Either way, good luck.
Thanks for the feedback, I've held many positions that I haven't been "removed" from, From Site Director, ECM to O5-2 and many other roles whilst you were gone. I'm unsure if you're are aware of the separation between IC and OOC actions but usually they don't correlate when it comes to interactions with others in regards to my current character.

I have been on LOA's this month due to travelling

Hope this clears things from your perspective.
Jul 10, 2023

You've been removed from CL4/CL5 positions multiple times due to many reasons, personally I've seen you be extremely argumentative and toxic to people for next to no reason. I can't even imagine what would happen to GOI relations and RP if you were to get Special Agent.
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