[UK] Marcus "Falcon" Schmidt's Special Agent Application

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Aug 27, 2022
I have to agree with @Skittles and @'Athena' , I'm going to be straightforward and sorry if you feel offended by it...

Within all my playtime I have never seen a guy like you. Gets a position - leaves is the most toxic person on the server rejoins after a while gets a cl4 position again and repeats. You were staff 2 times, got admin 2 times and somehow you F it up all the time.

Your behaviour within the community is childish if something doesn't go as planned. You go on a toxic streak Annoying people on the server and saying inappropriate shit. There`s a lot more I wanted to say but this isn't a kindergarten and I ain't your teacher.

Your behavior in rp seems toxic (which is totally fine as it is RP) But sometimes there is a line you cross.

Regardless of my opinion or personal message im going to give this -support based on the points made by the other members.

Would like to see improvements,
Best of luck,
Already have my leanings based on some shit that others have said such as the toxicity and comments about pacs and whatever, but uhh....

The hell did Falcon do to get such negative reception this time? Last I knew of it; He was -1, suddenly blacklisted and removed from community, said blacklist was APPARENTLY some weird miscommunication/misinterpretation, now he's back and has a CL4 blacklist. Was that BECAUSE of what happened in the -1 removal, or was there another incident? Did not expect this one app to generate so much forum activity.
Spoke to some people about it. In the end;


Regardless of LOA, returning to the server substantially first applies to everyone. Your past toxicity in the past is also a factor, and I reference stuff like the screenshot comments more. Funny, to all that say it's just being a snowflake, that it's almost like those who experience these kinds of comments have a reason for caring so much. Maybe if certain individuals didn't make behind closed doors comments, that might help.

Either way. This community is hilarious as usual and the fact it's turned into a shitfest over a DEA Special Agent app is just the cherry on top. Good luck either way Falcon but yeah, what a mess.
  • Cool
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Fucking hell people, what has happened to this community that a simple joke that has been around since I can remember can cause a homophobia accusations towards other players.
Not leaving any support, because I simply do not play anymore, but grow up and learn on how to take a joke without crying a river.

Good luck.


Well-known Member
Apr 4, 2024
Sorry to add to the plethora of feedback on this thread, but in no shape or form is my comment “homophobic” if you see it that way you need to report it rather than start throwing accusations at members of the community, my comment was satire and based off the reactions within this thread and the thread in discord I stand with it as it’s clearly a bloody joke. If you find this offensive then you seriously need to consider what you’re doing in a good SCP servers community, As mentioned by others in this thread. Thanks
you can NOT be fr 😭
Nov 16, 2022
I was speaking out of generality, getting pissed off over something that doesn't have to do with you. Yet you think its about you speaks for itself. Don't be toxic and self centered :)
Hello again! You claim to be speaking "out of generality" yet you clearly stated "some people don't do their research", seeing I am one of those people who mentioned Falcons past blacklist, it's very stupid to call me "self centered". Once again, fuck you and your opinion! Have a blessed day 🙏🙏🙏
May 24, 2022

You have been removed from several positions in the past with the reasoning being the same across the board alongside that you have shown OOC toxicity both towards myself and several other players.

You have been removed from several positions in the past with the reasoning being the same across the board alongside that you have shown OOC toxicity both towards myself and several other players.
Thanks for the feedback,

I've only ever been removed from two positions, being O5-4 and O5-1. Neither were related to each other in any aspect other than both being "OOC". If I was toxic towards you ooc then I'm unsure why you haven't reported it at any stage or provided any evidence.
May 24, 2022
Thanks for the feedback,

I've only ever been removed from two positions, being O5-4 and O5-1. Neither were related to each other in any aspect other than both being "OOC". If I was toxic towards you ooc then I'm unsure why you haven't reported it at any stage or provided any evidence.
Removal list

Admin (Twice)

A few others remain unconfirmed

The OOC stuff speaks for itself in your responses to peoples feedback in this application.

Have a good day.

You have been removed from several positions in the past with the reasoning being the same across the board alongside that you have shown OOC toxicity both towards myself and several other players.

(do not send a nuclear bomb to my house this is for the funnys)
  • Cool
Reactions: Tay and Stealth

(do not send a nuclear bomb to my house this is for the funnys)
Just because Assassin has also been removed from positions, it doesnt mean he cant also criticise the same on other people.

niox negative aura rn
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