[UK] MedicManiaUK's Application for chief of medicine

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Jun 15, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
i have been playing for around 7 months but I'm not sure with my server on my actually time as Vtime keeps resetting


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Mirage [St]

Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- I have held E11 private and C!-A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received 3 warns for micspam but i have learned my lesson i don't use a soundboard on the server anymore

Why are you applying for Chief of Medicine?
- I wanted to apply for a long time because I never thought I was ready to handle a CL4 role but I love the medical department so I want to become a chief so i can improve the medical department and make it even better then it already is

What makes you suitable for Chief of Medicine?:
- I've spent around 80-90% of my time on the medical department. I have been a doctor for around 5-6 months and I feel like I have learned the ins and outs of the medical department which makes me think that I am ready to become a chief of medicine

Please explain an in-game medical procedure of your choice:
- I will explain the process of a psychological evaluation. you begin by writing down that you performed it and the date that it was performed on, next you write the patients information (the information you write is there name, age and reason for the evaluation). then you ask the patient some check up questions like "how was your mood today?" and "is there anything you are looking forward too?" after that you ask them questions about there current relationship, these question can things like "how do you feel about your colleagues?" and "are you in an intimate relationship? if so, what is your relationship like?" once you are done with that you then move onto a few pages of asking about there mental health as this is the most important part of a psychological evaluation. you would questions like "do you have little interest in doing the things you use to enjoy?" and "have you felt depressed or hope in the last six months?" another question you could ask is "have you had any thoughts of self-harm or harming others?" the next part is the statements, the statements are where you doctor reads out a statement and the patient would rate on a 1-5 scale on how they feel when they told that E.g. the doctor says "i feel like a failure" and then the patient would say a number from 1-5 (5 being almost always and 1 being never). a few other statements you would say to the patient would be " I have disturbing thoughts." and "I often get in a state of panic." the final two pages are pretty short, the second to last page being an "additional information" page which is there if the patient has anything else to say that wasn't in the first three parts of the psychological evaluation. the last page is an conclusive statement, this is for a summary of the patient and how they feel depending on how they answered the questions and the statements.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Medicine in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the chief is to oversee the medical department and make sure everything runs smoothly but they also have some things that they do like teachings trainees how to perform electro-shock therapy and showing them how to do a psychological evaluation or command the combat medics. other then that they can help with CL4 things such opening doors for the MTF E.g. personal wing or HCZ blast doors. but there's nothing stopping them from just helping around and acting like any other doctor, becoming an example to the medical department and showing how much they care about the medical department and its staff.

Please give some lore about your Chief of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:
(sorry if this is bad I'm not good at writing lore or story's)
Mirage never wanted to be a doctor at first but something life changing happened that change his mind for the better. One day Mirage was relaxing at home and was having a pretty good day he then gets up to go see what his parents are up too. he couldn't find his mum but then remember that was at work and thought his dad was just busy working in the shed. as Mirage was walking back to his room hears a loud thud. he goes begins to look around the house find out where the noise came from and then discover his dad on the floor, having a heart attack. he rushes to his room to grab his phone to call an ambulance. the ambulance takes around 3 minutes to arrive and storms into the house to take his dad to the hospital when they arrive to hospital but it was already too late his father was dead. Mirage was devastated and it took him months to get over the lose of his own father but after it he sworn to never let something like that happen again so he decided he was going to join the world of medicine and doctors he work at a hospital for years and then eventually turned to the foundation and begin to not only save life's but save the world by helping those who fight to contain these animals, these creatures, these SCPs.

John Dear

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 14, 2021
very active as combat medic/doctor.
good application.

not very much interactions.


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
+/- Neutral

+ Mainly uses medic as stated in application
+ Good application

- Haven't really seen/interacted much


Well-known Member
Mar 11, 2022
Great RP
Very Active
Well understanding of the medic Department

Best of Luck


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Medical logowhite.png
RE: Medicmania's Application for Chief of Medicine

Good Evening Medicmania,

Thank you for applying for the position of Chief of Medicine, after discussion with Dpt. Director Abbie Maot, we both feel you are not best placed to join the role of Chief of Medicine at this time, this is on part due to time commitments and the fact we feel that we would like to see more growth and activity from you in order to gauge your leadership skills, especially within KS-1.

Kind Regards,
Department Director Yeke Maot & Department Director Abbie Maot​
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