[UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

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Aug 30, 2022

Athena has so much experience with High Position roles, she is always out to create RP and does it very very well with alot of thought and planning going into the scenarios that she makes.

Additionally, having someone that has such passion for RP and creating fantastic RP situations will benefit the health of the server amazingly due to the environment of the server currently being BreachRP (which is quite sad to see), but with time and Athena's hard work and dedication to it will improve with due time.

🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 ahhh lore imma be so real :freeze:
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+/- Neutral

After reading through both the application and some lengthy responses in regards to your application, I'm quite conflicted in regards to you moving to said position. Now it goes without saying that you clearly have the correct experience and have demonstrated countless times that you are able to create and develop RP at a high standard. Additionally, you have made it clear in which the direction you want to take RP, with no O5 seemingly wanted to take the step it comes down to the choice of people within the community who hold both the experience and the ability to take said position up.
The main reasons for not supporting this application in it's full sense is due to an issue I see countless times within these sort of applications, the labelling of RP in "decline" or as you state "not at it's fullest potential" (Basically the same thing). The issues within various departments or should we say the inability to increase RP within said departments that you've listen seem somewhat controversial, I'll be picking on my department specifically due to of course my knowledge in regards to the current status of it.


We have two GOIs. Why is the Chaos Insurgency cell able to breach and access our site? Why do they have such a hold over our personnel? What's stopping you the moment it's found out someone has been kidnapped in RP and bursting into that person's office and ensuring they are not under the hold of a hostile manipulation? Say a department is constantly under the eye of a GOI, why not ask for Site Administration to authorize the entire offices being ripped apart in a joint operation with ISD to ensure nothing is lost? What's stopping long-standing deep cover operations to infiltrate these cells and destroy what they have on us? There's an insane amount of roleplay potential.​
It does stem down to a similar issue that @MrSiens raised, which is that these don't appear to be the root cause. The possibilities in which you state that DEA should be looking to do are extremely interesting and could easily be incorporated. However, I cannot see the department fully backing these with it's current activity, the departments root issue at the moment is inactivity and CL4 personnel within the department not investing into mentorship and the development of normal agents. We have a lack of engagement from lower ranks and there is a large gap within RP due to this, so when you mention "What's stopping long-standing deep cover operations" it does make me conflicted to whether you've actually had the ability to gage these root issues within your current positions. Now that isn't to say that you could if you were to obtain the position of O5-1, however It does show that if you were to apply for Junior CL5 instead that you'd be able to engage yourself into these issues and if you weren't able to fix said issues within that position, that you'd then apply for O5-1.

Essentially, at the moment there are five members of Site Administration, and a handful of Overseers. Currently eight departments need guidance from RP leadership. I would start by assigning everyone one department to work with for two months. Bi-weekly 30 minute check-ins supplemented by a starting session for however long is needed. We as roleplay leaders, would work then with the lead of each department to set up these questions in a way of productive RP, and work to adjust, to empower their leadership positions and roleplay. With this, it would work back to one goal, attempting to make the server enjoyable for people. We in higher up positions have this ability to change experiences on a down spiral, and we have volunteered to do so by taking them on. It will be a lot of work, and a lot of love and care, and I would ask for SL assistance for each of these too, to work to a goal of setting the foundation side of the server up for success, and leaving it in a place that should anyone leave, everything can be picked up on again once more. I am one person, if this is what I can think as an individual, think- with the right guidance, assistance and mentorship what a group of nine could collectively do.

I'll next dig into this area as it did interest me. When I was site director, we essentially got rid of monthly reviews and substituted them for meetings in which you mention here. Now unless this has changed, which I'm not completely sure of, then to an extent your suggestion here is inadvertently in effect, but it doesn't seem to be working. Now I'm unsure if this is due to site administrators' inability to conduct these or that the idea doesn't work with departments due to their dire state. However, I got back to the issue that, to an extent, you don't have the whole picture.

Now with this all being said, and as I've mentioned within. You could gauge the whole picture if you were to obtain the position, but I do feel that it would be better off if you were to obtain O5-4, for example, and then build a fuller picture of the RP status within the community. The root causes of the issues you label seem to be different, and therefore I've not been able to provide my full support on this basis. I have no doubt that if you were to obtain the position, you'd be able to tackle these issues by working together with other RP leaders, but I do worry that you don't have the right frame of mind when it comes to the issues at hand.

Best of Luck,
Broda trying make his return
who are you again? Anyways...

I think alot of people are forgetting or just never really saw just how capable and efficient you were in what was in hindsight, not the longest run as ECC, but as your sucessor I know just how much both myself and the server owes to you, it's amazing how big of an impact you left in such a short time span riiiight before you left the community. I think it's a shame most people never got to fully see just how much you did. But I did, as has really every CL5 since your time as ECC.

ECC/-1, at this point is tomato tomato, same duties and responsibilities just a different IC Context, and for me, I know full well you'd be able to smash both, I would have no doubt you'd be able to maintain and raise server standards while also creating heeps of RP for everyone from CL1 to CL5 to enjoy.

I wish you the very best of luck, not with this application, but as -1.



Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024

A fantastic RP lead and combine that with experience of both O5 and ECC you'd be a perfect fit for -1

Omega-1 CPL
Ex-Alpha-1 CSG
Rare johnson application response,
you must be doing something good if you got this man to comment



I trust you entirely, and i believe your intentions are in the right place.

phill-dee//Andy Patterson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
+support for Athena too for some of the following reasons

You were ecm/ecc at my time of ambassador and then O5 when I was DoIA during this time you made and involved myself along with others I worked with in RP and also had a true passion for trying to help us make our own, it’s this need to help which I think you have that is a great aspect in a CL5 position.
I have seen 1st hand people struggling within CN with all sorts of issues and you have always worked on bettering whatever the issue was, you really are someone who tries to make the game as fun as possible for all.
Not to mention you and Charles ran the whole EC alone for quite an extended amount of time and it was at one of its best points during that phase.

Wrote on my phone autocorrect might have got me someone on this
+ Support
I've been in this community for almost 3 years now which is quite crazy when you think about it and this might be the first time ever I have genuinely want a person into their position as much as I do now. I do not see anyone more fit for this position (except for like fucking broda but he has been -1 too many times) than you. The roleplay you have contributed and the effort you have put into helping others is things you do not see very often.

As RP goes even though I only understand like half of what you are saying, is outstanding. From well today in the tribunal for Dennid I've only seen good RP out of you, whether I am on the opposite side of such RP or I am on your side, I can without a doubt say that you create great roleplaying situations with the amount of yapping you do.

So whether or not you have too much experiance with O5 I pray that you get this position.

Good luck.
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