[UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

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Apr 4, 2023

O5-1 "The Humanitarian"

Out Of Character Section​
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80289147

Discord name: theadmiralze

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1 year +

Age: 21

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: BST

Character name(s):
Charles "Ze" Whitmee - Foundation
Z."Freud" - Chaos Insurgency
Valerian "Worker" Grey - Global Occult Coalition
Civilian name: Fox "Ze" Mulder

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Affairs Ambassador - 2 weeks
Internal Affairs Director - 3 months~
Ethics Committee Member - 1 year (Held)
O5-3 (Holding)
GOC SPC (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One warn for FailRP/JobAbuse - Obtained back when I was Director of Internal Affairs
Entered too soon as Parawatch without valid reason and left job instead of waiting to be escorted out of the storage room.​

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for position of Chief Overseer.
I am applying for this position due to my extensive experience in Site Command and on the site as a whole, I believe I can lead the O5 council to increase the quality of server roleplay as a whole, as from Site Command observations it has fallen compared to the past. I wish to remedy this in my tenure as O5 and create more accessible roleplay for all members of the site and decrease the reliance on server content alone.
Alongside this, I simply enjoy being a member of Site Command and the roleplay that comes with it. The essentially unlimited ability to create unique and interesting Roleplay scenarios for any member of site is enjoyable, I love to see others enjoying and engaging in Roleplay I've assisted in facilitating.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

What makes me the best candidate?

To start, my experience.​

I have been a member of Site Command for over a consecutive year, in which I've carried out my duties as Ethics and O5 now. During my tenure as a member of Site Command I've been able to create many roleplay scenarios and shape policies all over site, this shows my experience in Administration and Management alongside creativity and initiative. During this time I have also made myself familiar with how process and polices work across the site allowing me to understand how edits to policy or new polices would effect the site and roleplay. Overall I believe I am experienced enough to hold the position of O5-1.

Secondly, Leadership.​

During my time on the server, playing Foundation or CI I have usually maintained a leadership position.
In the Foundation I have been SC, where I have guided and advised ECMs as the longest standing EC member at the time, I guided my ECAs, one of which currently is applying for a position, as well as anyone that approached me. I never turned anyone away when they approached me for help, I have always made time to help those that need it.
Relating to leadership in CI, I have recently overhauled a subdivision and am currently working to get it fully functional. Beyond that I offer guidance to any new members on the do and don'ts of CI, trying to assist them and ensure everyone has fun. After all, that is always the goal.

Next, roleplay creation.​

I have created may roleplay scenarios throughout my time on the server, alongside that I have also create systems to facilitate Roleplay further. I will go through some examples now.

Related to systems to facilitate Roleplay, I created the longstanding D-class work program which has stood the test of time and continues to create roleplay around the site. This particular program is important to me as it may be one of the first thing a new player encounters that is not testing related and allows them to experience more passive or engaging roleplay depending which labour they end up on.

Another project that I worked on was project Sanctuary, which aimed to have more passive SCPs around site to allow more RP interactions to take place and facilitate better Roleplay for SCP players then sitting in a cell waiting for a breach while being sampled in-between. This project encountered difficulties however I plan to bring it back in a more official sense soon.

Relating to roleplay I have created, I will refer to some older orders and operations as to not leak current ones,
  • D-class utilization - All assistants are allowed to experiment and create new D-class work positions anywhere, from HCZ to the surface.
    • 2 pronged order, seeking to create Roleplay for Assistants and D-class, while developing new ideas for the work program
  • Watchdogs - Issued when I was the DoIA, though confidential meetings, blackmail or bribery I recruited members of site staff to become confidential informants for me, to allow my Character to gain influence on site
  • Numerous tribunals over my tenure as Ethics Committee member, the last one of Department Manager Alexi Winters, which ended with Lethal Injection by the entire site.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

The O5 Council decide what is possible.
  • The O5 council is responsible for overseeing and managing the Foundation at large. On a smaller scale they observe departments on site to ensure all are engaged with roleplay around site.​
  • Secondly, before the O5 interact with a department they direct Site Administration, as Site Administration are the proxies of the O5. In very rare occasion should a member of the O5 council make themselves known to express and issue.​
  • Furthering that, if a department has fallen below what the O5 expect then they call the departmental leads to a private hearing. The leads guilt is already determined and the O5 expect solutions in this hearing. The purpose of this is to maintain site standards and ensure quality remains high.​
  • A key duty of the O5 is to be a roleplay leader,this means they must actively create roleplay for the site. This can be done though issuing projects and orders.​
    • O5-1, The Chief Overseer, must ensure that the rest of the O5 council is performing this and creating Roleplay.​
  • Site Commands as a whole has the responsibility to create and manage Foundation wide policy, a key example of this being the Foundation Legal Codex, of which the O5 council manage Conduct charges and the shared conduct/ethical charges​
    • The Chief Overseer in particular is granted the Ability to edit the FLC and must edit it when a consensus is reached in the Council.​
  • Utilising Overseer Assistants to create roleplay around site via orders given to them​
  • Utilising ALpha-1 to create roleplay around site via orders given to them​
  • The O5 also authorise the following in Roleplay:​
    • Termination tests - As the Overseer councils owns the SCPs​
    • Mass termination of D-class - Reasons for authorising may vary, most commonly Mass breach of D-class or infections SCP in D-block​
    • Code Black - For evacuating site staff when a Code 5 becomes too unstable, e.g. multiple Keter class SCPS have reached LCZ​
    • Detonation of the Alpha warhead - For use when containment efforts have failed and server roleplay is being negatively affected by the SCP Breach​
    • Sitewide amnestication - To deal with mass infoleaks​
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

They handle the following applications/appointments:
  • Appointment of The Alpha-1 Commander
  • Site Director
  • Overseer Assistants
  • Director of Research
  • Overseer Council Members

  • Site Command as a whole is responsible for the creation of Sitewide roleplay for all players, including but not limited to: Foundation, CI, GOC and Civilians.
    • This can be achieved by meeting with The Ethics Committee and other CL5 holders to discuss the state of roleplay on the server and how to improve or innovate on current roleplay situations, as well as proposing solutions to problems limiting roleplay. Site Command must work together to maintain the roleplay experience.
    • CL5 holders are also expected to take server health into account, for example it is not beneficial for the server for factions to be at war for extended periods of time.
  • An Overseer is also expected to mediate any OOC disputes in-between or within departments.
  • O5-1 is tasked with being the liaison with Server leadership and the player base and thus should work alongside them to develop roleplay.
  • Overall, the most important duty is and will always be, Roleplay creation.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Lore File, pending new stories
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