[UK] O5-2 "The Arbiter" Application

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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022
Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Started in late February 2022, Around 1536 Hours


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
Naffen / Niffen / Noffen / Neffen / Nuffen(F)
Naffeen (CI)
‘Cold’ (GOC)

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Director (Holding)
Site Manager (Held)
Site Advisor (Held)
MTF A-1 COM (Held)
D.E.A Senior Agent (Holding)
Overseer Assistant (Held)
MTF O-1 SPC (Held)
MTF Nu-7 SPC (Held)
CI Gamma (Holding)
GOC 1SGT (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, FailRP/Mixing (In 1 warning) on April 1st 2022 when I first started playing​

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for O5-2 ‘The Arbiter’. In my 7 months or so whilst being in Site Administration, moving from Site Advisor to Site Manager and being successful in achieving Site Director, I have enjoyed my role very much. From conducting departmental and regimental reviews, dealing with GOI Conflicts extensively, and coordinating the site to respond to different codes, helping create and update new Site Wide Policies, leading the Site Administration team to be self sustaining in my absence, and dealing with unique regimental and departmental issues, which many other previous Site Directors have not had to face; I have enjoyed the wide range of interactions the role of Site Administration has given me, as well as offering my feedback, support and criticism to various departments to many departments to better further them. I personally, do believe that I've had a positive impact and effect on the site in my time as Site Admin and Site Director more specifically and want to take this opportunity to go for Site Command, more specifically O5, to even further my abilities and tasks to continue to make the necessary changes which we would need, but to also allow for the flow of ranks and progression for other members as well.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?
The reasons why I believe I am the most suitable to take the position of O5-2 are for the following:
First of all, I'd like to mention my activity. Jobs involving the Administration of the Facility require lots of activity and commitment, even outside of the server (document work, ideas for site progression, applications etc). Most people know and can confirm that I am very active during the day and I can be on from 3 to 6 hours a day, except obviously the days where I work late.
Of course, the positions I have held are extremely valuable and have given me great experience and insight which are the most relevant ones I can achieve to help me be the more suitable candidate in applying for this position. I've held many Clearance Level 4 positions, such as Overseer Assistant and MTF A-1 Commander, and the most relevant and important ones like Site Advisor and Site Manager and Site Director obviously, which I believe that all these positions allowed me to improve on skills that I will list in the following reasons and really do prove my worth and ability.
One of the most important abilities I have been improving is my documentation. This skill was greatly improved during my time as Site Director and even for Game Master, for working on relations/operation documents, event documents and policy changes and agreements. Even on my IA/A1 as well, for writing up investigations and reports. I know how to make documents enjoyable to read and make proper reports that are structured well, both with in game documentation and google docs.

I believe I have strong leadership capabilities and my previous positions of Alpha-1 Commander, leading the entire regiment, making extensive reforms and updates to the standard we held, and with Site Director spearheading beneficial and impactful change, leading and shaping the site and departments within. I understand how to properly communicate to new players and long term ones, how to make them enjoy the server at it's maximum potential and take appropriate measures when they simply do not have any intentions of following the roleplay scenario, but also being a good leader is knowing when to be stern, and strict with people without it seeming like you're being rude or toxic.
I have good knowledge of the position of Overseer, due to me extensively with them for 8 months as Alpha-1 (2 months as LTCOM/COM) and Site Director.

Over my many months within Site Administration, i’ve made, what I know to be impactful changes and improvements to the site such as:
Division Policy for Departments and Regiments
Quick Reaction Force Deployment (Protocol X-33)
DMZ (I assisted in its creation)
Maintaining and extensively updating Zone Juridisction Policy
Universal Department Director / MTF Commander Guidelines (Similar to SA/SC Guidelines)
Site Administration Funding Distribution System (A big one which adds incentives to activity and rewards for quality of roleplay for all members across the server) and many more which are minor but help create an enjoyable environment to boost roleplay.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
O5 have a vast list of responsibilities within RP:
O5 Council is in charge of leading and governing a large part of the Foundation from the shadows. This includes Site Administration, using them as a proxy to push for impactful changes and leading site on day to day.

- O5 have full command and control over Alpha-1 to use at their disposal
- O5 can detonate the Alpha Warhead during a Code Black (Which they can also call) as a last resort in extreme breaches.
- O5 have the ability to authorise tests on SCPs and exclusive authority to authorise termination tests on SCPs
- Create and maintain orders for Overseer Assistants to keep O5 looped into everything
- Maintenance of GOI relations on a larger scale (DEA and Site Administration are first and primary contact)
- Oversee Site Administration to ensure day to day running of the Site, and it’s personnel is smooth, using them as a proxy for their changes.
- Work hand in hand with the Ethics Committee for continuous progression for the Site and all personnel on it, and to convene on FLC conduct changes.
- Organising hearings for departments or regiments falling under acceptable standards
- Audits to ensure departments and regiments are maintaining professional standards in all categories.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g what applications do they handle?):
O5 Council handles a wide variety of applications:
O5 Council Member
DEA Director
Overseer Assistant
Alpha 1 Commander
Site Director
They can also provide feedback or input on many other applications when requested by relevant members.

They should also maintain regular contact with Site Administration and Ethics Committee to convene on rising issues or concerns, or to discuss current plans to make the beneficial changes or updates to site to ensure it stays healthy and engaging.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Terminal access loading
Welcome to the SCIPNET
Please select desired directory.
Alpha-1 “Red Right Hand” Operational Database
Please confirm command [Y] [N]
Please Select directory
Operation Longcross [C.L.5]
Codeword is required - Failure to input correct codeword will result in deployment of MTF Alpha-1

“Welcome O5-1”
Here is the current personnel file on Operative “Naffen” - Here
-=Loading Transcripts=-
"Commander Naffen, you've demonstrated exceptional loyalty and capability as our Alpha-1 Commander. We have a new mission for you, one that requires your unique skill set."
Alpha-1 Commander Naffen: "I'm at your service, Council. What's the mission?"
O5-1: "We're going to place you strategically within Site Administration of Site-65. From there, you'll complete various tasks to which we give you, that are within our interests, whilst you climb the ranks, to Site Director."
Alpha-1 Commander Naffen: "Understood. That's a long term task sir. What are the specifics of my mission within Site-65?"
O5-1: "Your primary task is to ensure that our designated anomalies are securely contained and that no outside influence interferes with our objectives. You'll have to manage the facility discreetly and, when needed, funnel information to us. You’ll keep an eye on all traffic coming in and out of the facility. Apparently it’s a hotspot for the Committee and other valued RAISA Agents."
Alpha-1 Commander Naffen: "I'll do whatever it takes to maintain the Council's control within Site-65, Council."
O5-1: "Remember, Commander, discretion is paramount. The Foundation must remain unaware of our involvement, that site must not know. Especially the Committee. We understand this is a new task. A new mission. We believe diplomacy is your hidden talent. You’re the first to do something of this operational scale, having one of our direct Operatives in a leading position for an entire site will be… will be influential."
Underneath the face of a diligent Site Director, Naffen remained a loyal agent of the O5 Council, never truly leaving his place within Alpha-1, ensuring that their influence and control over the SCP Foundations most critical operations endured, especially within one of the biggest and most vital Sites. His story remained a guarded secret, with a handful of Council Members ever knowing his true purpose.
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Jimmy Wrecking

Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 4, 2022

Returning from the grave to give this man a plus support.

- Been a great Director (apparently)
- Was a great Advisor when I was in charge.
- Was a great Commander of the MTF unit known as Alpha-1.

- Has sick dance moves (yes, I see you dance in the mirror wearing that skirt; I am inside your walls).
  • Love
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Active member
Nov 12, 2022
+ Support

- Great Director
- Great Commander
- Great GameMaster

I have known Naffen for a very long time and I must say that Naffen has to be the best possible candidate that there could be for O5 at this time. Naffen has worked with Alpha-1 and was massively involved with Alpha-1 during his time as commander and he has been the exact same as site director however this time with the whole site not just Alpha-1. He has been involved in many storylines, events and much more. Cannot think of a better candidate.

Best of luck Naffen.

Stop yapping @Generic
+ Support

Throughout my time within the community and the countless interactions I've had with Naffen it is needless to say that he is a great RP'er and game master. Within his time as director he has provided nothing but professionalism and creativity for site administration and the site as a whole. He is in my honest opinion the best candidate for O5 at the time and would do well within Site Command. During my time within A-1 he was a role model to all of the regiment and he continues to do that on a daily basis for Site Administration. It will be unfortunate to see you leave if you are accepted, however I can only expect the best from you.

Good Luck,


Active member
Aug 3, 2023
The perfect combination of held roles and experience makes you more than qualified for the role.
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