[UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

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I'd like to ask you some questions before I leave my verdict whilst also running my opinion in parallel to what Broda has said.

1) How long exactly have you been OSA and Executive Researcher?
2) Can you list your top three RP creations or projects at this moment in time and elaborate on them? (Stop using the excuse that this could spoil things for players by revealing project details. This is a Site Command application, you need to lay all your cards on the table for everyone to make an actual informed opinion.)
3) Can you explain what your time in OSA has taught you about being an effective member of SC by learning from the existing players?

To go to what Broda said, the problem I have is that I have seen you a lot, but on the Assistant job. This means that the majority of your roleplay is secretive or closed off from the rest of the Foundation players, thus meaning that we need you to explain to us why we should pick you. Personally, I think that existing senior CL4 experience is a major plus but is unnecessary and we have gotten SC members before without it; Say what you will about Eidolon for example but his tenure as Chairman was I believe over a year prior to him attempting to reapply to O5 recently and he didn't even have a CL4 role at the time, yet he was almost certainly on the verge of being selected given the response to his application.

Times change - you are evidently part of the current gameplay loop and thus you COULD be a strong candidate. It's clear from other replies that you have good qualities, it is now on you to sell yourself as to why you should be chosen, so I encourage you to stop holding the cards to your chest and elaborate.

In regards to the application itself;

Details regarding duties of the O5 in and out RP are fine
Candidate has a long tenure of working with O5 due to his Assistant role
Candidate appears to have worked on a variety of in-depth RP scenarios with different departments

Candidate NEEDS to elaborate further on what his projects and work actually entail and how that makes him suited for SC. Almost certain in my mind you'll be denied if you don't.
Candidate lore documentation is honestly quite weak. It's clear you've been maintaining this document as you've moved around CL4 positions, but I always dislike simple retellings of old events without lore to look to the future of your time on the server.

I eagerly await a reply, so I can make a decision. As of now, Neutral.


Blacklisted Player
Apr 5, 2024
- support
even though you are a great OSA the jump to O5 is huge and to go from little to none management experience to one of the most management based roles is a huge jump and with RP even though you do enhance some RP I have not seen you make any RP. i think if you were to have a month or 2 in SA then apply and you would get it but it is a big jump. hopefully you can understand where I am coming from and I wish you the best of luck anyway.

Dec 16, 2023
I'd like to ask you some questions before I leave my verdict whilst also running my opinion in parallel to what Broda has said.

1) How long exactly have you been OSA and Executive Researcher?
2) Can you list your top three RP creations or projects at this moment in time and elaborate on them? (Stop using the excuse that this could spoil things for players by revealing project details. This is a Site Command application, you need to lay all your cards on the table for everyone to make an actual informed opinion.)
3) Can you explain what your time in OSA has taught you about being an effective member of SC by learning from the existing players?

To go to what Broda said, the problem I have is that I have seen you a lot, but on the Assistant job. This means that the majority of your roleplay is secretive or closed off from the rest of the Foundation players, thus meaning that we need you to explain to us why we should pick you. Personally, I think that existing senior CL4 experience is a major plus but is unnecessary and we have gotten SC members before without it; Say what you will about Eidolon for example but his tenure as Chairman was I believe over a year prior to him attempting to reapply to O5 recently and he didn't even have a CL4 role at the time, yet he was almost certainly on the verge of being selected given the response to his application.

Times change - you are evidently part of the current gameplay loop and thus you COULD be a strong candidate. It's clear from other replies that you have good qualities, it is now on you to sell yourself as to why you should be chosen, so I encourage you to stop holding the cards to your chest and elaborate.

In regards to the application itself;

Details regarding duties of the O5 in and out RP are fine
Candidate has a long tenure of working with O5 due to his Assistant role
Candidate appears to have worked on a variety of in-depth RP scenarios with different departments

Candidate NEEDS to elaborate further on what his projects and work actually entail and how that makes him suited for SC. Almost certain in my mind you'll be denied if you don't.
Candidate lore documentation is honestly quite weak. It's clear you've been maintaining this document as you've moved around CL4 positions, but I always dislike simple retellings of old events without lore to look to the future of your time on the server.

I eagerly await a reply, so I can make a decision. As of now, Neutral.
Greetings Valentine,
Thank you beforehand, for reading through my applications, I'll try to address your concerns and be as clear as possible.
1) I have been an Executive Researcher since December last year (though it is not currently my main role), as for OSA, I've been one since the beggining of April, having been active and fulfiling with growing dedication since the start. Though I've been a long lasting member of the Civil Networks community and an active roleplayer for years.
2) You have raised a fair point, I'll be briefly listing some (not all) of the main projects and roleplay that I'm working on:
  • Project Chimera Strike: Chimera Strike started out as a comprehensive initiative that was created by me to enhnance the Foundation's capabilities in managing external threats through the unethical usage of SCP objects. This project, acts an an umbrella for several projects that have happened and assigned to several departments. This project is at heart, the creation of a new SCP-008 instance that can be deployed to the Council's desire. It emphasizes cross-department collab and is still on-going.
  • Project Rebirth: Rebirth focuses on the application of regenerative properties found in certain SCP objects we have on site to advance emergency medical treatment and recovery protocols. This project was pivotal in exploring therapeutic and emergency trauma care aiming to revolutionise Medical practices within the Foundation. This project required coordination with the Department Director of Medicine along with several Consultants, where a meeting was held individually in-order to assess what resources would be necessary to be spent, along with personnel evaluation, in-order to only to give an oportunity to lower clearance personnel to work on it aswell. A bridge was then set by me between the Medical Department, Research Department along with the Epsilon-11 personnel, where each department's leadership was assessed through and feedback was heard. The project outcome was a total success having created a new path for trauma emergency care, which was at core the main goal, which is something that has great roleplaying potential to come, as my intention was to utilise it during situations where mass casualities are happening (breaches, raids etc...). By closely working with SCP-682 samples, this project seeked to harness and replicate regenerative capabilities, leading to breakthrough on site on how to treat catastrophic injuries and diseases. This was all conducted in several stages, with due coordination between departments.
  • Project Venom Shield: Venom Shield explored the defensive applications of our Site's biological anomalies. Specifically by utilizing the properties of SCP-008-2 and SCP-427-1 (with the introduction of SCP-049-2 later) in-order to develop biocontainment and countermeasures agains't biological threats. The focus was to create protocols and treatments that can be deployed rapidly in the field, enhancing the readiness out of site agains't biological threats. This was at heart a project that while allowing the Site to benefit from an added study, a bio-weapon agent was created covertly, as a minor contribution towards Project Chimera Strike. This project encompassed the Research Department along with the Epsilon-11, the Medical Personnel as well as E&TS, and was key to finding out a loop-hole in the older Research Policy, which then involved me having a meeting with two Ethics Comittee Members, two Department Directors of Research coordinating between them and O5 Council, in-order to push for a change in the older policy. The change has now been implemented. The roleplay that came through this project was nothing short of great to the involved personnel, several meetings were held where coordination and leadership strategies were a must, we had to adapt the SCP-008's chamber along with E&TS in-order to include extra laboratory equipment (something that was to be coordinated with game masters in-order to create an event).
  • Active Counter Ethics Operations: One of the main things I was afraid to disclose here due to the fear of it being metagamed was this current operation that I am leading. The main goal is to essentialy act as a screen to the Council's interests. To do this, I am currently managing the creation of several fake projects that can be distributed in strategic places along the Site, in-order to cover the Council's operations. Currently, I am leading the operation by creating several fake projects, setting up meetings with Alpha-1 Commanding Officers in-order to optimise the distribution of said projects, meetings are held and Alpha-1 specialists are called into the meeting where I coordinate with them and study where these projects are planted to make sure the Ethics Comittee gets their hands on them. This doesn't stop here, as these projects are created to such detail that they require the same amount of effort than any other regular project, I ensure each project gets their according fake weekly report, fake Research/Project lead member's signature, and all of this is being done simultaneously, with the Council having currently two documents in distribution, along with two more documents ready for distribution once the opportunity is right. I am managing the creation of 4 concurrent projects along with their respecting weekly reports just for this operation in specific that is currently ongoing I'll be glad to share even more details if desired.
  • Certification and Training Programs: This is an initiative that I'm currently working on that is being established to standerdize and elevate training across the Foundation, ensuring that all personnel are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle their tasks. The program covers various aspects of the SCP Foundation management, tailored to different departmental needs, currently I'm working on it for it to be implemented in lacking departments, this will also be done in colaboration with Site Administration, O5 Council. and several Dpt. Leads. The program is designed to foster ongoing development, keeping personnel updated as well as motivated. My end goal is that by doing this, newer and older department members, will be experiencing performance increases along with new increased morale - to do this, I intend on creating a course, depending on the departmental need that can be used to address unfulfilling and underperforming departments.
  • Honorable mentions: Currently promoting/working on an operation that has been suggested to the O5 Council, Operation Phantom Files, this operation's aim is to involve the Surface Operations into a colaborative effort by infiltrating misinformation within GOIs.
3) During my tenure as an Overseer Assistant (and now Senior Overseer Assistant) I've learned valuable insights through all of the tasks that I've participated in. By working and observing seasoned O5 Council members (along with seasoned members on the Site) I was taught valuable insights on the complexities of our Foundation, along with the demands of the leadership and management.
Learning from the existing players has taught me the importance of informed decision-making. Understanding the broad impact a single decision makes is a must, this taught me that a balanced approach to decisions is crucial. I am taught to weigh in options carefully, always considering both immediate needs as well as the long-term consequences that a choice may produce, listening is key.
Collaboration and Communication - This skill is vital to increase unity within a team, as I've said, ensuring that all voices are heard accordingly is a must as only then one can make an informed decision.
Adaptability - People are often unpredictable by nature, a leader rapidly adapts to change by observing the existing players handle unexpected developments has oppened up my perspective and taught me that one should remain flexible and responsive even under stressful situations.
Ethical Leadership - Seeing the current players leading also gave me an insight on how ethics are at the forefront of all of the decision-making processes.
Mentorship - When I first started my time as an OSA, my only source of mentorship at the time would be the O5-4 along with possibly a few OSA members, though at the time I did not want to disturb their duties. Currently, I have been assigned as an OSA Mentor, putting in practice what I've learned from existing players. Learning from others is one of the most importants experiences one can have. The existing players have effectively contributed to the growth and the development of me and my colleagues, and that is something that I've learned - we need others in-order to strive as a collective.

At last, I thank you for bringing light into some concerns and hopefully I have clarified them accordingly, if not I'm free to discuss anything you desire. As for now, I've included the projects into the main application.

Best regards.
Last edited:
2) You have raised a fair point, I'll be briefly listing some (not all) of the main projects and roleplay that I'm working on:
  • Project Rebirth: Rebirth focuses on the application of regenerative properties found in certain SCP objects we have on site to advance emergency medical treatment and recovery protocols. This project was pivotal in exploring therapeutic and emergency trauma care aiming to revolutionise Medical practices within the Foundation. This project required coordination with the Department Director of Medicine along with several Consultants, where a meeting was held individually in-order to assess what resources would be necessary to be spent, along with personnel evaluation, in-order to only to give an oportunity to lower clearance personnel to work on it aswell. A bridge was then set by me between the Medical Department, Research Department along with the Epsilon-11 personnel, where each department's leadership was assessed through and feedback was heard. The project outcome was a total success having created a new path for trauma emergency care, which was at core the main goal, which is something that has great roleplaying potential to come, as my intention was to utilise it during situations where mass casualities are happening (breaches, raids etc...). By closely working with SCP-682 samples, this project seeked to harness and replicate regenerative capabilities, leading to breakthrough on site on how to treat catastrophic injuries and diseases. This was all conducted in several stages, with due coordination between departments.
  • Project Venom Shield: Venom Shield explored the defensive applications of our Site's biological anomalies. Specifically by utilizing the properties of SCP-008-2 and SCP-427-1 (with the introduction of SCP-049-2 later) in-order to develop biocontainment and countermeasures agains't biological threats. The focus was to create protocols and treatments that can be deployed rapidly in the field, enhancing the readiness out of site agains't biological threats. This was at heart a project that while allowing the Site to benefit from an added study, a bio-weapon agent was created covertly, as a minor contribution towards Project Chimera Strike. This project encompassed the Research Department along with the Epsilon-11, the Medical Personnel as well as E&TS, and was key to finding out a loop-hole in the older Research Policy, which then involved me having a meeting with two Ethics Comittee Members, two Department Directors of Research coordinating between them and O5 Council, in-order to push for a change in the older policy. The change has now been implemented. The roleplay that came through this project was nothing short of great to the involved personnel, several meetings were held where coordination and leadership strategies were a must, we had to adapt the SCP-008's chamber along with E&TS in-order to include extra laboratory equipment (something that was to be coordinated with game masters in-order to create an event).
Can I ask - Is this inclusive to all of the Medical DPT, or just for MLT, as I haven't heard anything related to these 2 operations.
Dec 16, 2023
Can I ask - Is this inclusive to all of the Medical DPT, or just for MLT, as I haven't heard anything related to these 2 operations.
Greetings Niox!
At the time I had spoken with Dpt. Director Kayla, and during the meeting it was decided to include the following consultants: Consultant Corz Niflhel, Consultant 'Fluff'; Consultant Corz was then advised by me to include lower ranking personnel to encourage more roleplay, namely during the sample study. At the time, Senior Doctors were involved in it aswell. Other relevant names that were involved are: Consultant Cecilia Vince which participated later on the stages of Project Venom Shield. As always, I've always incentivised personnel to include as many people as possible and spanning from several departments, sometimes though it may have not been possible due to the fact that were none on Site, when the project stages took place!
Hope that may shed some light
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Can I ask - Is this inclusive to all of the Medical DPT, or just for MLT, as I haven't heard anything related to these 2 operations.
2) You have raised a fair point, I'll be briefly listing some (not all) of the main projects and roleplay that I'm working on:
  • Project Chimera Strike
  • Project Rebirth
  • Project Venom Shield
I'm currently the main executive who is part of these three projects. They're very well designed and planned and I have enjoyed all of them. You can see the project file for Venom Shield via this link.

I won't be leaving a +, -, or neutral support on this application, but I think this does deserve more credit.


Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
i really believe you to be deserving of this position, i know you, and i know how you act and RP, you are an extremely sophisticated member of the community, but how im reading in these comments you should really gain senior CL4 experience before applying to a CL5 role to get the trust of the community that doesnt know you well. My personal opinion while working besides you is, you would be a great O5, i do really recommend you to go for SA first. My only doubt with you is the experience you bring to the table as junior CL4 only, that just might not be enough.
Greetings Valentine,
Thank you beforehand, for reading through my applications, I'll try to address your concerns and be as clear as possible.
1) I have been an Executive Researcher since December last year (though it is not currently my main role), as for OSA, I've been one since the beggining of April, having been active and fulfiling with growing dedication since the start. Though I've been a long lasting member of the Civil Networks community and an active roleplayer for years.
2) You have raised a fair point, I'll be briefly listing some (not all) of the main projects and roleplay that I'm working on:
  • Project Chimera Strike: Chimera Strike started out as a comprehensive initiative that was created by me to enhnance the Foundation's capabilities in managing external threats through the unethical usage of SCP objects. This project, acts an an umbrella for several projects that have happened and assigned to several departments. This project is at heart, the creation of a new SCP-008 instance that can be deployed to the Council's desire. It emphasizes cross-department collab and is still on-going.
  • Project Rebirth: Rebirth focuses on the application of regenerative properties found in certain SCP objects we have on site to advance emergency medical treatment and recovery protocols. This project was pivotal in exploring therapeutic and emergency trauma care aiming to revolutionise Medical practices within the Foundation. This project required coordination with the Department Director of Medicine along with several Consultants, where a meeting was held individually in-order to assess what resources would be necessary to be spent, along with personnel evaluation, in-order to only to give an oportunity to lower clearance personnel to work on it aswell. A bridge was then set by me between the Medical Department, Research Department along with the Epsilon-11 personnel, where each department's leadership was assessed through and feedback was heard. The project outcome was a total success having created a new path for trauma emergency care, which was at core the main goal, which is something that has great roleplaying potential to come, as my intention was to utilise it during situations where mass casualities are happening (breaches, raids etc...). By closely working with SCP-682 samples, this project seeked to harness and replicate regenerative capabilities, leading to breakthrough on site on how to treat catastrophic injuries and diseases. This was all conducted in several stages, with due coordination between departments.
  • Project Venom Shield: Venom Shield explored the defensive applications of our Site's biological anomalies. Specifically by utilizing the properties of SCP-008-2 and SCP-427-1 (with the introduction of SCP-049-2 later) in-order to develop biocontainment and countermeasures agains't biological threats. The focus was to create protocols and treatments that can be deployed rapidly in the field, enhancing the readiness out of site agains't biological threats. This was at heart a project that while allowing the Site to benefit from an added study, a bio-weapon agent was created covertly, as a minor contribution towards Project Chimera Strike. This project encompassed the Research Department along with the Epsilon-11, the Medical Personnel as well as E&TS, and was key to finding out a loop-hole in the older Research Policy, which then involved me having a meeting with two Ethics Comittee Members, two Department Directors of Research coordinating between them and O5 Council, in-order to push for a change in the older policy. The change has now been implemented. The roleplay that came through this project was nothing short of great to the involved personnel, several meetings were held where coordination and leadership strategies were a must, we had to adapt the SCP-008's chamber along with E&TS in-order to include extra laboratory equipment (something that was to be coordinated with game masters in-order to create an event).
  • Active Counter Ethics Operations: One of the main things I was afraid to disclose here due to the fear of it being metagamed was this current operation that I am leading. The main goal is to essentialy act as a screen to the Council's interests. To do this, I am currently managing the creation of several fake projects that can be distributed in strategic places along the Site, in-order to cover the Council's operations. Currently, I am leading the operation by creating several fake projects, setting up meetings with Alpha-1 Commanding Officers in-order to optimise the distribution of said projects, meetings are held and Alpha-1 specialists are called into the meeting where I coordinate with them and study where these projects are planted to make sure the Ethics Comittee gets their hands on them. This doesn't stop here, as these projects are created to such detail that they require the same amount of effort than any other regular project, I ensure each project gets their according fake weekly report, fake Research/Project lead member's signature, and all of this is being done simultaneously, with the Council having currently two documents in distribution, along with two more documents ready for distribution once the opportunity is right. I am managing the creation of 4 concurrent projects along with their respecting weekly reports just for this operation in specific that is currently ongoing I'll be glad to share even more details if desired.
  • Certification and Training Programs: This is an initiative that I'm currently working on that is being established to standerdize and elevate training across the Foundation, ensuring that all personnel are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle their tasks. The program covers various aspects of the SCP Foundation management, tailored to different departmental needs, currently I'm working on it for it to be implemented in lacking departments, this will also be done in colaboration with Site Administration, O5 Council. and several Dpt. Leads. The program is designed to foster ongoing development, keeping personnel updated as well as motivated. My end goal is that by doing this, newer and older department members, will be experiencing performance increases along with new increased morale - to do this, I intend on creating a course, depending on the departmental need that can be used to address unfulfilling and underperforming departments.
  • Honorable mentions: Currently promoting/working on an operation that has been suggested to the O5 Council, Operation Phantom Files, this operation's aim is to involve the Surface Operations into a colaborative effort by infiltrating misinformation within GOIs.
3) During my tenure as an Overseer Assistant (and now Senior Overseer Assistant) I've learned valuable insights through all of the tasks that I've participated in. By working and observing seasoned O5 Council members (along with seasoned members on the Site) I was taught valuable insights on the complexities of our Foundation, along with the demands of the leadership and management.
Learning from the existing players has taught me the importance of informed decision-making. Understanding the broad impact a single decision makes is a must, this taught me that a balanced approach to decisions is crucial. I am taught to weigh in options carefully, always considering both immediate needs as well as the long-term consequences that a choice may produce, listening is key.
Collaboration and Communication - This skill is vital to increase unity within a team, as I've said, ensuring that all voices are heard accordingly is a must as only then one can make an informed decision.
Adaptability - People are often unpredictable by nature, a leader rapidly adapts to change by observing the existing players handle unexpected developments has oppened up my perspective and taught me that one should remain flexible and responsive even under stressful situations.
Ethical Leadership - Seeing the current players leading also gave me an insight on how ethics are at the forefront of all of the decision-making processes.
Mentorship - When I first started my time as an OSA, my only source of mentorship at the time would be the O5-4 along with possibly a few OSA members, though at the time I did not want to disturb their duties. Currently, I have been assigned as an OSA Mentor, putting in practice what I've learned from existing players. Learning from others is one of the most importants experiences one can have. The existing players have effectively contributed to the growth and the development of me and my colleagues, and that is something that I've learned - we need others in-order to strive as a collective.

At last, I thank you for bringing light into some concerns and hopefully I have clarified them accordingly, if not I'm free to discuss anything you desire. As for now, I've included the projects into the main application.

Best regards.
Thank you for your quick response in regards to my questions, it is appreciated and I am glad you have tried to elaborate as much as you can.

I'm going to tentatively leave my verdict as a +support in this instance, but I will emphasise the tentativeness.

Your RP projects appear very promising and an Executive backing up the work on their related Departments work with you bodes well for your ability to branch out into other Departments to enhance RP, even as an Assistant. This is why I asked you to elaborate; it allows people to speak on their experience with you and also show off the fact you were able to RP with as many people as possible even from the Junior CL4 position, especially from one that is fairly isolated like OSA.

I think you have a lot of promise, though like I said, your lore definitely could use some work to make you more appealing to work with and around for the GMs or Admins wanting to run events with your storylines, for example. Otherwise, I hope that people will read your reply to me and consider their verdict on you.

Best of luck.
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With all due respect, in all honesty, I have to give this application a - Support. I see that you have put quite some time into this application, and I really respect that. But as an ex A-1 Com (maybe not the greatest of them), I see that you have no prior experience within the senior CL4 positions (such as commanders, SA, etc.), and that is the main reason for the negative support. I have seen firsthand what happens with individuals that get the position of overseer with no prior experience. Due to the state of the server that I've observed, I do not think you'd be fitting for this position. My suggestion is to gather some more experience within leadership, such as becoming a commanding officer or site administration, to really get to know the ins and outs of being in command.

I understand that I might be rather ruthless in this application, and I do apologize that this feedback is more or less saying that you are inexperienced. But I would hate to see the server being run by people who are unsure of what they are doing. The feedback I have just now given is based on the previous negative and positive support and, of course, the application itself.

The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████.

Hello, @LuxPT

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​
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