[UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

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Active member
Dec 16, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78902577
Discord name: luxpt
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been familiar with Civil Gamer's SCP-RP for a long time, having been a part of the community in its earlier stages. After taking a substantial break, I've returned and have been actively playing for quite some time (since last year till now). This experience has given me a deep understanding of the server's dynamics, as well as how the community is working on the UK's server.
Age: 22.
In what country are you located?: Portugal.
Time zone: UTC +0.
Character name(s): Gregory Steven.
Civilian name: Greg "Lux" Steven.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
Do you have a mic?: Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Overseer AssistantHolding (for quite some time now)
Executive Researcher
Held (since the last year till now)
MTF-Nu7 (CL3)Holding (for quite some time - since the last year)
IA AgentHolding (for quite some time - since the last year)
DEA AgentHolding (for quite some time - since the last year)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None, have always respected the community by not breaking any rules and keeping it fair for others - by not violating the server's guidelines, I make everyone's experience better.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am currently applying for the position of O5-4. As for the reasoning, I firmly believe that this would be the next right step for me, in terms of roleplay creation, I've always loved and still do playing as an Overseer Assistant, but to me, I really consider this to be the natural path of progression - I've always told myself and still do, I am not doing this for the power but rather to help serve the Foundation. Right now, I'd like to have the opportunity to create even better roleplay experiences for everyone involved. All in all, currently as an Overseer Assistant I have been doing quite a lot of work and greatly enjoy it, though I would like to improve the roleplay to what I consider to being a great standard.

Though I may not be the best candidate in terms of Sr. CL4 experience (I'll be sure to elaborate on this and hopefully can clarify any questions that may arise), I consider myself a great fit, I'm always willing to learn, and I believe I can give a fresh perspective and opportunities once given the chance.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
After returning last year to Civil Networks, my progression has always been related to roleplay rather than being combative. I'm eager to advance to the O5 Council as I see it as a platform where, as mentioned before, I can progress and create something even bigger for our community. My whole progression to my current role of Senior Overseer Assistant should underscore not only just my will to learn but also my capacity to lead at higher levels of responsibility.

Experiences and Qualifications: I firmly believe that this is controversial to some of our fellow community members as I'm currently holding a Jr. CL4 position, with no prior Sr. CL4 position - though I consider this one of the fairest issues that may be raised because as we all know and as it has always been pointed out, this kind of progression usually is followed by the Jr. CL4 -> Sr. CL4 -> CL5. While I understand that the traditional pathway through Sr. CL4 roles like Site Advisor or Department Director may seem like the most adequate step before ascending to the O5 Council, I strongly, and honestly believe that my unique trajectory and experiences have greatly prepared me uniquely (to some extent) to this role - while the traditional path offers valuable insight and a lot of experience which I respect and deeply honour. All in all, to put it simply, I believe my professional aspirations and skills are alligned closer to the strategic and overarching responsibilities of the O5 Council.
Now within the O5 Council, I have ascended to a Senior Assistant (essentially what was known as the older Factotum, encompassing the most trusted Overseer Assistants) this of course comes with added responsibilitites, mainly leadership ones - which I believe may demonstrate my performance as an Assistant and, above all, a Leader.

Operational Expertise: Having served in various capacities, I believe that I possess a very robust operational background, I have assisted the Research Department by proposing new Research Policy changes where the aim was to enhance the security on-site. I've assisted Site Administration greatly with their department monthly review, having also created a great well-being test to be used on our personnel. I've been assigned as an OSA lead to some tasks which further displays my coordination and leadership expertise.

Community Engagement: Though most community members may not see me around the Site very often (due to me being either disguised while down or at Floor 3), I consider myself an approachable person and often engage with individuals across all levels (which is an attribute that I've displayed forever, always eager to involve newer members aswell - will give some examples below - as everyone was new once).

Documentation and Rigor: I pride myself on the quality of my documentation. Whether it's creating a simple report or submitting a new project to the Council, I ensure that every piece of content is not only informative but also elevates the experience by remaining immersive and to a very high standard.

Conclusion: To me, my tenure as an OSA has been marked by proactive leadership and the creation of engaging projects, along with policies and more. I've created a pretty big project (which I'll list below) that spans across multiple departments. My overall time as an OSA has constantly required me to have a deep understanding of how the different departments operate, and the ability to manage multiple teams, ensuring that all of the participants are always actively participating as well as motivated.
Some of my Roleplay creation includes, but isn't limited to:
  • Assisting Site Administration: Collaborated in the creation of the Wellbeing Survey to enhance staff morale and identify areas of improvement;
  • Personnel Interviews: Conducted extensive interviews through various clearance levels, focusing on loyalty assessment and integrity as well as wellbeing.
  • Specialized in Surveillance: As a Senior Overseer Assistant, I've been focusing on Surveillance, actively engaging in surveillance operations across the site to detect any ill behavior.
  • Projects: Though I cannot disclose all the information to this as some of them are currently on going, I've created several projects that are essentially a joint cooperation between the Medical Department, Research Department and the Epsilon-11 personnel. I managed to involve to some extent personnel from lower to higher clearances to a few projects - This however is still on-going, and if necessary, more details can be given. At essence, the projects culminate in one big project that is being created to address emerging Council threats (Project Rebirth; Project Venom Shield and others which are on going which I cannot disclose yet).
  • Council Support: I've suggested several orders for the Council, always demonstrating a proactiveness and pointing out lack of morale.
  • ECA Trial: Reported significant security violations of an ECA trespassing on Floor 3 jurisdiction and exposing secrets to a D-Class personnel, which lead to a series of roleplay oportunities on this, as more evidence was then gathered on the ECA before trial.
  • Certification and Training Program Proposal: Currently I am developing a comprehensive certification and training program intended to standardize and elevate the skills of Foundation personnel, pending coordination with the Site Administration and Ethics Committee as well as the Council for possible implementation. This certification program aims to change the way some departments are underperforming, by possibly implementing a new mentorship/training program in them.
I believe this may highlight my diverse roleplay skillset, but also demonstrate that I'm very proactive and always eager to excel in my involvement in critical aspects of the Foundation's operations. I can hereby be an asset, suited to be 'The Guardian' for the Foundation.

  • Project Chimera Strike: Chimera Strike started out as a comprehensive initiative that was created by me to enhnance the Foundation's capabilities in managing external threats through the unethical usage of SCP objects. This project, acts an an umbrella for several projects that have happened and assigned to several departments. This project is at heart, the creation of a new SCP-008 instance that can be deployed to the Council's desire. It emphasizes cross-department collab and is still on-going.
  • Project Rebirth: Rebirth focuses on the application of regenerative properties found in certain SCP objects we have on site to advance emergency medical treatment and recovery protocols. This project was pivotal in exploring therapeutic and emergency trauma care aiming to revolutionise Medical practices within the Foundation. This project required coordination with the Department Director of Medicine along with several Consultants, where a meeting was held individually in-order to assess what resources would be necessary to be spent, along with personnel evaluation, in-order to only to give an oportunity to lower clearance personnel to work on it aswell. A bridge was then set by me between the Medical Department, Research Department along with the Epsilon-11 personnel, where each department's leadership was assessed through and feedback was heard. The project outcome was a total success having created a new path for trauma emergency care, which was at core the main goal, which is something that has great roleplaying potential to come, as my intention was to utilise it during situations where mass casualities are happening (breaches, raids etc...). By closely working with SCP-682 samples, this project seeked to harness and replicate regenerative capabilities, leading to breakthrough on site on how to treat catastrophic injuries and diseases. This was all conducted in several stages, with due coordination between departments.
  • Project Venom Shield: Venom Shield explored the defensive applications of our Site's biological anomalies. Specifically by utilizing the properties of SCP-008-2 and SCP-427-1 (with the introduction of SCP-049-2 later) in-order to develop biocontainment and countermeasures agains't biological threats. The focus was to create protocols and treatments that can be deployed rapidly in the field, enhancing the readiness out of site agains't biological threats. This was at heart a project that while allowing the Site to benefit from an added study, a bio-weapon agent was created covertly, as a minor contribution towards Project Chimera Strike. This project encompassed the Research Department along with the Epsilon-11, the Medical Personnel as well as E&TS, and was key to finding out a loop-hole in the older Research Policy, which then involved me having a meeting with two Ethics Comittee Members, two Department Directors of Research coordinating between them and O5 Council, in-order to push for a change in the older policy. The change has now been implemented. The roleplay that came through this project was nothing short of great to the involved personnel, several meetings were held where coordination and leadership strategies were a must, we had to adapt the SCP-008's chamber along with E&TS in-order to include extra laboratory equipment (something that was to be coordinated with game masters in-order to create an event).
  • Active Counter Ethics Operations: One of the main things I was afraid to disclose here due to the fear of it being metagamed was this current operation that I am leading. The main goal is to essentialy act as a screen to the Council's interests. To do this, I am currently managing the creation of several fake projects that can be distributed in strategic places along the Site, in-order to cover the Council's operations. Currently, I am leading the operation by creating several fake projects, setting up meetings with Alpha-1 Commanding Officers in-order to optimise the distribution of said projects, meetings are held and Alpha-1 specialists are called into the meeting where I coordinate with them and study where these projects are planted to make sure the Ethics Comittee gets their hands on them. This doesn't stop here, as these projects are created to such detail that they require the same amount of effort than any other regular project, I ensure each project gets their according fake weekly report, fake Research/Project lead member's signature, and all of this is being done simultaneously, with the Council having currently two documents in distribution, along with two more documents ready for distribution once the opportunity is right. I am managing the creation of 4 concurrent projects along with their respecting weekly reports just for this operation in specific that is currently ongoing I'll be glad to share even more details if desired.
  • Certification and Training Programs: This is an initiative that I'm currently working on that is being established to standerdize and elevate training across the Foundation, ensuring that all personnel are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to handle their tasks. The program covers various aspects of the SCP Foundation management, tailored to different departmental needs, currently I'm working on it for it to be implemented in lacking departments, this will also be done in colaboration with Site Administration, O5 Council. and several Dpt. Leads. The program is designed to foster ongoing development, keeping personnel updated as well as motivated. My end goal is that by doing this, newer and older department members, will be experiencing performance increases along with new increased morale - to do this, I intend on creating a course, depending on the departmental need that can be used to address unfulfilling and underperforming departments.
  • Honorable mentions: Currently promoting/working on an operation that has been suggested to the O5 Council, Operation Phantom Files, this operation's aim is to involve the Surface Operations into a colaborative effort by infiltrating misinformation within GOIs.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
As per my lore understanding, and the community's lore.
  • Council Decisions: The O5 Council is responsible for making critical decisions that shape the direction of the Foundation's operations.
  • Legislative Authority: The O5 Council updates and maintains conduct legislation within the Foundation's Legal Codex (FLC). To do this, they must ensure that their suggested policies align with the Foundation's goals along with the ethical standards.
  • Emergencies: The O5 Council must be ready at all times to strategically utilize significant resources, such as the Alpha Warhead, Mass Termination of D-Class personnel, as well as the use of mass amnestication when necessary. Authorization of Code Blacks and other emergency protocols to manage crises efficiently also proves to be essential to prevent widespread damages to the Foundation.
  • Site Management: One of the main responsibilities is ensuring that the site and the current designated Site Administration are managed efficiently. This included overseeing the general operations, settling possible disputes (when they arise), and ensuring that the site's administrative and management teams are performing optimally.
  • Policies: All in all, we act as a maintenance team towards the normal and good functioning on the Site, ensuring the roleplay remains to a high standard.
Roleplay Leadership:
  • Exemplary Roleplay: Being part of the O5 Council, signifies at core being a roleplay leader, one must be actively creating roleplaying scenarios that drive our community forward. This ranges from developing complex projects and orders that involve multiple departments and personnel to broader community roleplay. Creativity is a must, and without it, no roleplay leader can strive. The end goal is to engage the community in a meaningful and unforgetable way.
  • Guidance: A roleplay leader should act as a corestone and as a guidance to other high-level roles within the site, helping to develop the next generation of leaders and roleplayers is, in my eyes, a healthy cycle to perpetuate the good roleplay found within Site-65.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
With great power comes great responsibilities, the O5 Council acts as a pivot figure in the governance of the direction of the server. Therefore, their duties do extend beyond in-game activities to ensure smooth operation of the community as a whole. These responsibilities include but aren't limited to:
Applications and appointment:
  • Review and decide new applications to the O5 Council;
  • Review and decide new applications for OSA;
  • Appoint new positions such as the Director of Research, MTF Alpha-1 Commander, as well as the Site Director.
Roleplay and Community:
  • As roleplay leaders, the O5 Council members are responsible to coordinating with SL to organize server-wide events and scenarios, ensuring these are balanced and contribute positively to the server's health.
  • They should also coordinate with Game Masters in-order to organise said events and scenarios.
  • They participate in several roleplay creations, including but not limited to: Orders and Projects for Alpha-1, as well as Overseer Assistants - serving as a stepping stone for wider roleplay participation oportunities for the site.
  • The roleplay produced by an O5 Council members is incentivised to be for everyone (Including GOIs such as CI and UNGOC).
  • All of the decisions taken by an O5 Council member should always have the server's health into consideration.
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
'The Guardian', born into a family with a deep history in global intelligence, is a protector of the Foundation's deepest secrets along with their highest ambitions. With a deep understanding of the delicate balance of power within the Foundation, he embodies the viligance necessary to navigate the complexities of his role. 'The Guardian''s main purpose is to preserve the Foundation's global and interdimensional initiatives. With a big knowledge on cryptographic anomalies, as well as Temporal Anomalies. Lately he has been having a huge involvement in major Thaumiel projects, notably SCP-███ with Dr. Thaddeus █████ - being both time traveling chairpersons of the Foundation’s Temporal Anomalies Department (which doesn’t exist yet). 'The Guardian' is firm in ensuring the balance of the Foundation is kept in check, ensuring nothing oversteps their power.
Personnel File of the SCP Foundation on Site-██ File number: 20.322.2a-2000
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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 25, 2023
- I have been through your tenure as an OSA from where you first got accepted into OSA to where you are now, I do believe in your ability to provide RP for the site, Seeing as you are a Sr OSA as well, Now i will say that going from OSA to O5 is definitely quite the jump but your hard work to me makes up for it, Good luck!
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Reactions: LuxPT
Mar 20, 2022

Your roleplay creation isn't spectacular and you have zero Senior CL4 experience.

I'd advise you to go via Site Administration first to get site management experience. Going from Jr CL4 to O5 has never worked out well for a persons longevity and impact. This is the highest position for RP leadership and you are attempting to jump many hoops.
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applicant has no experience in department management, departmental or site-wide policy creation or RP creation

application does not demonstrate a history in passive or active RP creation despite holding a position as executive researcher

application suggests the applicant can create quality documentation but does not provide any examples

application does not properly define the dutie of an Overseer both inside and outside of Roleplay which means you have either been set a terrible example by past O5 members during your time as OSA or you have not taken the time to learn what an Overseer actually does

lore entry is generic and underwhelming and does not demonstrate a sophisticated level of understanding of SCP lore that is crucial to a member of the O5 Council


Active member
May 13, 2024
I got no idea who this person is (mainly because i'm in USA) but I like how they think
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Reactions: LuxPT
Mar 1, 2022


I cannot give +Support because of a valid point from Broda.
Other than that, you can't physically please everyone. Do not be discouraged by the comments Eidolon made. He himself is nowhere near perfect.

Always know that perfection cannot be reached and that you should keep no going no matter what.
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Reactions: LuxPT


Active member
Dec 16, 2023

Your roleplay creation isn't spectacular and you have zero Senior CL4 experience.

I'd advise you to go via Site Administration first to get site management experience. Going from Jr CL4 to O5 has never worked out well for a persons longevity and impact. This is the highest position for RP leadership and you are attempting to jump many hoops.
Greetings Broda,
First of all, thank you for taking your time to read carefully through my application. I appreciate the concerns raised in regards to my Senior CL4 experience - particularly the absence of any Senior CL4 roles in my experience path. I do understand that the conventional path typically involves progression through Senior CL4 experience, which as stated offers valuable insights and experience.
With the current state of the community, I firmly believe that my unique experiences and skills are particularly suited to the responsababilities the O5 Council has.
While as you stated, the jump from Jr CL4 to O5 is indeed significant, my direct experiences have equipped me well with a distinct perspective and skill set that align closely with the Council therefore, to me, applying for Site Administration as of right now, would not honour and make justice the role and what it represents, at least for now.
As for the roleplay creation, I can hopefully change your mind and prove to you. As of right now, I cannot disclose quite some important details in regards to roleplay coordination and creation that I'm going through because they're on-going, and would possibly ruin it for the people involved.
As always, feel free to send me any additional questions of inquiries on Discord as I'll be glad to try and change your perspective.

Best regards
also Broda summed up most my thoughts on this - Personally haven't seen you create much RP, and as a SC member it is your duty to create RP for everyone, including non-CL4's.

And the lack of Sr CL4 experience speaks for itself. Always feel like before going into SC you should have some leadership experience, such as SA, DPT Lead, or as a MTF CO.
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Reactions: LuxPT
Apr 2, 2022
-As far as I heard you are doing well as OSA and working really hard, and I know you have ambitions and ideas for some cool projects in the future
-Worked with your Exec and OSA character in the past and I think you may fit O5 "The Guardian"
-The character background could use be a little bit more interesting tho
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Well-known Member
Jan 13, 2023

Very friendly person, I interact with this dude regularly and he is great too be around

I disagree with those that say he does not create impactful roleplay, he has been performing great on OSA from my perspective, and he goes out of his way and actively has DM'd me to talk about creating such roleplay.

Best of luck in ur app mate
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Active member
Dec 16, 2023
also Broda summed up most my thoughts on this - Personally haven't seen you create much RP, and as a SC member it is your duty to create RP for everyone, including non-CL4's.

And the lack of Sr CL4 experience speaks for itself. Always feel like before going into SC you should have some leadership experience, such as SA, DPT Lead, or as a MTF CO.
Hello Niox,
Thank you for taking the time reading through my application.
I appreciate the concerns raised in regards to my Senior CL4 experience (or lack of), and as stated to Broda, I firmly believe in my roleplay creation capabilities and can hopefully change your point of view. To me, at least for now, though I understand the immense experience that one does gain by applying to either a Site Administration, or a Department Director position I am not considering applying for such positions (now) simply due to the fact that, as stated, my skillset is more alligned to those of the O5 Council, I feel it would not be honouring the role and what they represent to be applying (at least right now) for Site Administration or any Department Director (almost as we've witnessed before to solely tick a box), it is an unfortunate reality but definately not unseen that holding a Sr. CL4 position (while it provides one with good experience) does not necessarely create a good roleplay leader.
As for my roleplay creation, I will be glad to share with you some details, though most of them are on-going and in-order not to ruin the experience to the involved players I decided to not share them here.
All in all, when applying for a new role, I always try and honour what the role is, and what it represents, I would not be applying for the O5 Council if I didn't believe in my roleplaying creation abbilities, though I can elaborate with you through private channels, I have a very long experience in roleplaying which I'll be glad to be sharing with you through Discord, should any additional questions or concerns be raised.
Thank you for your valid criticism.

Best regards
Mar 20, 2022
Greetings Broda,
First of all, thank you for taking your time to read carefully through my application. I appreciate the concerns raised in regards to my Senior CL4 experience - particularly the absence of any Senior CL4 roles in my experience path. I do understand that the conventional path typically involves progression through Senior CL4 experience, which as stated offers valuable insights and experience.
With the current state of the community, I firmly believe that my unique experiences and skills are particularly suited to the responsababilities the O5 Council has.
While as you stated, the jump from Jr CL4 to O5 is indeed significant, my direct experiences have equipped me well with a distinct perspective and skill set that align closely with the Council therefore, to me, applying for Site Administration as of right now, would not honour and make justice the role and what it represents, at least for now.
As for the roleplay creation, I can hopefully change your mind and prove to you. As of right now, I cannot disclose quite some important details in regards to roleplay coordination and creation that I'm going through because they're on-going, and would possibly ruin it for the people involved.
As always, feel free to send me any additional questions of inquiries on Discord as I'll be glad to try and change your perspective.

Best regards
None of this has even closely changed my opinon.

What do you mean "applying for Site Administration as of right now, would not honour and make justice the role and what it represents, at least for now"?

Im also confused at what you mean about "With the current state of the community, I firmly believe that my unique experiences and skills are particularly suited to the responsababilities the O5 Council has."

You can speak of ongoing RP in OOC, anyone who acts upon such info in IC will be done for metagaming, so please, do elaborate on what you've been doing.

RP Leadership is something you need to learn via prior roles of that of an O5. The Council's reputation and quality is rising and I do not see you joining it at this time.
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