[UK] Toaste 'Puppy' W.'s L2 Demotion Appeal

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Name: Toaste 'Puppy' W.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:634694900
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: SCP-RP UK
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details: Yes - to Eidolon. They were unwilling to discuss or provide further details
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Director of Research Eidolon, across Discord.
Rank demoted from: Exec. Researcher
Who demoted you?: Eidolon.
Date of demotion?: 20/07/24
What is the case against you?: Insubordination via not logging hours, failing to create passive roleplay, and ignoring Jr. Researchers.
Is this true?: Yes for the hours. No for the rest.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No.
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: None.
What is your side of the story?: I was told by Eidolon previously that they did not appreciate my misuse or disrespect of the hour logging system. I understood that but unfortunately have not abided by their request to follow this order - logging hours simply isn't a thing I'm capable of both due to ADHD and my current schedule; it is extremely easy to forget at the end of the day and was never really on my mind. I've created passive roleplay and this is known; I've contributed to the documents on the corkboard in the Junior Researcher spawn, I'm currently in the process of creating passive RP for SCP-8837 by introducing it to anomalies for 'alien' studies, I've brought researchers along to higher clearance tests and I've helped several researchers learn how to document. Not once have I ignored a Junior Researcher that has requested help from me and I have not received any proof of this from my Director despite asking for such in my Level 1. I am accused of intentionally going AFK when I am either simply busy with my own testing, or legitimately away from my computer at that time. All of my lower-clearance testing as an executive is well-known for involving departments, and this especially applies to lower-clearance members of my department. I invite CL1 and CL2 researchers to my test when applicable.

Hi Toaste,

I have made the decision to remove your Executive Researcher whitelist and I would like to explain why:

I've noted that you have not had any activity logs done since the 13th and that this is the second time I have had to chase you up for activity - and that in the past all of your logs are done as 30 hours blocks of "backfil" which does not provide any good oversight from a management perspective, I will also be talking to other players in the department who do this.

I have also received three complaints on you from junior staff in the last week all stating that you are refusing to look at or sign their research documents and that when they attempt to contact you, you are either ignoring them or going afk inside the Exec's office. There is also no evidence to suggest that you are using your position to elevate the testing of junior staff members, or conducting routine passive RP in your own testing.

With this said, I believe your actions are discouraging junior members of the department from sticking with us, and this is damaging the department's health.

I haven't ignored or refused a member of my department; whether Junior, Senior, or Executive, and when I do refuse signatures I have good reason. I can recall a single incident where a researcher was upset by my refusal to sign, which I refused due to their document stating they wished to bring a firearm to their test and their attitude towards me during their requests. I do not recall and have not been made aware of any other denial incidents. I have not received any strikes in the past or currently as an executive and was removed with no strikes. I've always followed departmental policies while both testing and interacting with other researchers and I stray away from telling others to break them on my behalf; I have had sampling rules clarified to me in the past when I misunderstood but this was remedied immediately.
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Active member
Jul 10, 2024
Hey Toaste,

I wanted to respond to your response and share my side of the story.

You said you were helping juniors when they asked, but honestly, more than 70% of the time, you either ignored their requests or said you were too busy. When I asked why you didn’t help them, you told me (and I have proof) that helping juniors isn’t your job and that you had other things to do.

Regarding you being away from your desk, I usually checked the offices first because you were there over 60% of the time. When I spoke to you through the door, I could see that you heard me, but often, you didn’t respond. I’m not saying you were always AFK, just that this is what I noticed.

One of the worst things I saw was you telling Researchers and Senior's to collect more than 3 liters of SCP for floor 3 to collect more for yourself, which isn’t allowed. you were using the research team to make money for yourself, aiming to get 2.8 million from this. Plus, you didn’t rightfully compensate them for their time, paying them under market rates since they didn’t know the prices like you do, even though you falsely told them they could.

I don't believe that you should become an Executive again due to the misuse you've done to our department.
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Hey Toaste,

I wanted to respond to your response and share my side of the story.

You said you were helping juniors when they asked, but honestly, more than 70% of the time, you either ignored their requests or said you were too busy. When I asked why you didn’t help them, you told me (and I have proof) that helping juniors isn’t your job and that you had other things to do.

Regarding you being away from your desk, I usually checked the offices first because you were there over 60% of the time. When I spoke to you through the door, I could see that you heard me, but often, you didn’t respond. I’m not saying you were always AFK, just that this is what I noticed.

One of the worst things I saw was you telling Researchers and Senior's to collect more than 3 liters of SCP for floor 3 to collect more for yourself, which isn’t allowed. you were using the research team to make money for yourself, aiming to get 2.8 million from this. Plus, you didn’t rightfully compensate them for their time, paying them under market rates since they didn’t know the prices like you do, even though you falsely told them they could.

I don't believe that you should become an Executive again due to the misuse you've done to our department.
I would really appreciate seeing the proof that you claim to have, as nobody yet has been able to produce this to me personally. I've never intentionally ignored a junior researcher nor refused the signing of their documents. I do recall a specific incident where I refused to sign your document, however, which seemed to upset you. I refused to sign, as stated previously, due to the document stating that you wished to hold a gun during the test, and additionally due to your rudeness at the time.

To address the rest:

2.8 million is just the cost of the total chems I will have; what you are talking about is me asking a sr. researcher to help me, which they obliged, and I paid them 150K for 51 liters each of 035 and 106, and said I'll give them another 50-100K afterwards (which is a little below market price, but nowhere near 'scamming' - they knew the prices of both chemicals and agreed.) - I never told them to oversample, simply a misunderstanding on my behalf regarding the policy which was very quickly remediated; no mass-sampling was conducted that I ordered, and I am bewildered as to how you got the conclusion that 51L of 035 and 106 are worth 2.8 million. The rest is just me being genuinely AFK and you wanting your documents signed; I'm not sure why you would think I would specifically ignore and target you, I harbor no ill will towards you.
Apr 4, 2023

Appeal Denied

Hello @Toaste ,
Thank you for taking the time to make a roleplay appeal,

The Council has discussed your appeal and deemed your demotion just.

In the evidence that has been provided to us, you have neglected the requests of your director and your duties as executive.
Therefore we believe it would be unsuitable for you to return to the Research Command team at this point in time.

You may make a level 3 appeal in this section of the forums which will be appealed to SL if you still disagree with the outcome of this Appeal.
O5-3 'The Humanitarian'​
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