Denied UNGOC - Medic Loadout Changes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Removes the Kriss Vector
+ Adds the AKZ
+ Adds a TE-5 E.T.D

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ Will make Medic a more versatile job in the UNGOC for combative RP (Neutral Faction or not, we still have to combat people from time to time.)
+ Will incentivize use of the Medic job, since Field Operative is unlocked at the same rank of LCPL and is considerably better in terms of firepower.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might be a bit unbalanced as the AKZ is a strong weapon, but shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The UNGOC - Medic job is simply put, underpowered. The Kriss Vector can not compete with the competition (Nu-7 Medic having the GRY SBR and CI Medic having the Ghost R5, both of which being Assault Rifles compared to the Vector being an SMG). This will balance out the Medic jobs between the factions and overall add a reason to play Medic.
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May be a bit biased, even though the Kriss Vector isint bad due to it's fire-rate.

The Mag size and the recoil are just awful for a Faction which mainly operates on Surface.

(We don't even do raids that often, atleast on UK)

I'd rather have a bigger mag and less recoil than have an SMG for Close Quarters
Pretty sure it was denied cause weapon reworks were already in progress, but the person spearheading it was axed, also would be better armed then CI (they're funded by the UN lol)
Im fine with a weapon change, but UNGOC barely raid, and if anything only assessment team should have them, the TE-5 isnt needed.
+Support for replacement, as long as its unique and not OP.
-Support on TE-5, just use a dispenser
-support not only does AKZ not fit the aesthetic of the UN but a hacking tool is unneeded considering it can be taken from dispensers alongside CI being the faction you should join if you expect to do a lot of PVP and raiding
keep in mind that the stats of every single gun can be changed, if a vector rebalance is needed then its stats can be changed
-support not only does AKZ not fit the aesthetic of the UN but a hacking tool is unneeded considering it can be taken from dispensers alongside CI being the faction you should join if you expect to do a lot of PVP and raiding
keep in mind that the stats of every single gun can be changed, if a vector rebalance is needed then its stats can be changed
2 jobs have the AKZ?

Being a neutral faction does not mean we can not be combative.

The issue is that the Nu-7 Medic and CI Medic have assault rifles, GOC medic has an SMG, a bad SMG at that.


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 16, 2022

Suggestion Denied

Hi @Second ,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.
As stated previously , as a team we are already looking into things like this but as a medic your gun will not be as efficient as others because your primary role is to be a medic ; and it's that way also for balancing reasons. We cannot have jobs on the server that are a jack of all trades because it damages RP on the server; different jobs need to communicate with one another and work together.
Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.

kind regards

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