Accepted UNGOC TB Slight buff

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Gives UNGOC Thaumatologist 100 or at least 75 energy and if not allow it to have extra health

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not too my knowledge but I could be wrong

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- UNGOC TB will have more use
- I can stab people with bullet freeze on for extra time
- Makes sense because the UNGOC tends to have better Thaumatologists in lore ( I.E; Academy of Unified Thaumatology )
- Gives TB a fighting chance against SCPs and helps with countering Type-Green ( The UNGOC mostly fight KTEs when not in war )

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Balancing issues
- During wars with Foundation will make the problem of Type-Blue be exasperated

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think that the UNGOC are not fighting human players enough to make the UNGOC Type-Blue being powerful a large issue ( Unlike CI TB ).
I can see why it would be accepted and I can see how it would be denied but I reckon it would be neat :D
i thought the entire point of the GOC was that all parathreats were too dangerous to keep alive so they kill all reality benders, i'd assume that includes GOC members who have grown too strong
GOC are wayyyyyy more hypocritical than you think mate.
Paratech is anomalous, and oh boy do they have a rainbow of suits to spare
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Reactions: Bill Nye The Guy
The GOC rarely fight human combatives and mostly fight SCPs which a Type-Blue buff would help with doing
One word for you. Bomb. You have the munitions to obliterate human and SCP life so your point to "fight SCPs" with a TYPE-BLUE is weak. Additionally, it would be counter productive to use TYPE-BLUE openly in the containment of SCPs.
Apr 6, 2023
i thought the entire point of the GOC was that all parathreats were too dangerous to keep alive so they kill all reality benders, i'd assume that includes GOC members who have grown too strong
Thaumatology is an understood Anomaly that is too against normalcy to be allowed into the normal world but not too dangerous to warrant destruction, That is why the UNGOC use Special Assets, Type-Blues and Paratech
  • Wow
Reactions: Bill Nye The Guy
Apr 6, 2023
One word for you. Bomb. You have the munitions to obliterate human and SCP life so your point to "fight SCPs" with a TYPE-BLUE is weak. Additionally, it would be counter productive to use TYPE-BLUE openly in the containment of SCPs.
What about the 2 hours cooldown on bombs? Or the fact that bombing pinewood isn't the best course of action? Or just that bombs don't go underground and Warfunds are useless while in site?
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Apr 6, 2023
unless it becomes a type blue like the one CI has instead of a thaumotologist like the shitty research one
Type-Blue is a thaumatologist and I am not asking for the same HP and Energy as the CI TB just one or the other so either more energy or more health because at the moment Thauma is worst of both worlds
Apr 6, 2023
Type Blues are actually pretty much useless against SCPs, aside from having a slight chancs for energy weapons or augers, though AA already exists if you want good weapons to fight SCPs (even better than the already very powerful GOC base kit)
Suggestion justification makes no sense, -support
We don't have Augers in our AA and AA has a 15 or 30 min cooldown
Apr 6, 2023
So it should be buffed because they mostly fight SCPs and not humans? What about the times they'll come across a human?

The GOC should protect them as said in the Five Fold Mission? If Foundation has let Relations sour that much then this sorta stuff would be a wake up call to that instead of SL Intervention
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