[US] Pearson Pavish's Chairman Application

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Pearson Pavish's Application for Ethics Committee Chairman​




Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9994809

Discord name: Hypnotoad#9561

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Coming up to two years (1000+ hours)

Age: 18 Years Old

In what country are you located?: Australia

Time zone: Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) - GMT +10

Character name(s): Foundation - Pearson Pavish | CI - Peterson Pavish Jr

Civilian name: Liam Richardo

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): The SCP USA Server

Do you have a mic?: Yes, I do possess a Microphone.


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Research Department
Security Department
Medical Department
Executive Researcher ( CL4 )​
Officer ( CL3 )​
Sr. Doctor ( CL3 )​
Internal Affairs Department
External Affairs Department
Mobile Task Force / Choas Insurgency
Ambassador ( CL4 )​
Agent / Operative ( CL3 )​
CI-B ( CL3 )​
Staff (Out of Character)
Site Command
Ethics Assistant ( CL4 )​
Moderator (Held)​
Ethics Committee Vice Chairman
( CL5 )
Ethics Committee Member ( CL5 )​

Medical Department : ( Medical License and Psychiatrist Training )
Internal Affairs Department : ( Passed Evaluation and training )
External Affairs Department : ( Passed Evaluation and training )

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

No, I have not received any kind of disciplinary actions such as kicks, bans and or warnings.


What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:

I am applying for the Ethics Committee Chairman position.

Well, I never thought this day would come but here I am 5 months into being an Ethics Member and now applying for the Chairman position. As I have mentioned previously on my initial Ethics Committee Member application I have been an Ethics Main for as long as I can remember, initially starting on this server I was your average joe Internal Affairs Agent, after working with ECM’s and ECA’s at the time the committee allowed me to become an Assistant, from there I spent over 9 Months within the assistant team to which I revamped the whole system, implemented the Coordinator System to provide structure and more to strive for within the program, furthermore myself and Coral created the department review system to allow for further roleplay within the team.

With this amount of time poured into the Ethics Branch, I have seen many Ethics Members and Chairmans alike come and go, however, with such it has allowed me to learn from them all individually as each new Site Command Member brings their own way of doing things to the table as well as their own unique personality. With this, I have improved my skills when it comes to communication with individuals across all departments and my ability as a whole to assist across many facets of the Foundation Structure have benefitted from this diversity. Of course, as you know not every Ethics Member or Chairman has been the picture of an Ideal SC member, however with their time they provided many barriers which brought their own lessons for myself to improve as a whole and I hope to use such lessons during my time, if picked, as chairman.

I hope that with this application, if accepted I will be able to continue to provide leadership and guidance for the Ethics branch as well as the Foundation as a whole and be able to foster our area of the server for the future to come, improving and growing every step of the way. I have not been perfect, and I can admit that I have had my times where I have made mistakes, but who hasn't? Each mistake has allowed me to grow and build upon the foundation of what makes me, me. As always thank you for reading this application and I appreciate you considering me for this position.


What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee Chairman Role?:

I have been a part of Ethics for an incredibly long time, I have put my heart and soul into this branch for the better part of two years, and have constantly been a driving force behind change within both Ethics and the Foundation in many ways, I have previously mentioned in my application for Ethics Member what my contributions were during my time as an Assistant for the Committee, which included such things as the creation/assistance and implementation of:
  • Ethics Committee Assistant Program​
  • Site-Wide Awards and Honors System:​
  • D-Class Work Program System​
  • Tribunal Summons procedure​
  • Foundation Justice System​

Now of course I will not be going into each of these areas in detail as I have already done such within my previous application and there is no point copying and pasting when you can read it here ECM Application

During my time as an Ethics Member I have always tried to ensure fair and equal treatment of all personnel across every branch, done my best to provide roleplay for each department, be it my current cosmetic projects within the Medical Department or personally approved Research Studies with Research Staff. I have also been a big pusher for change in relation to the Foundation Justice System, bringing further infrastructure to the Tribunal System through the addition of discord areas dedicated to such, not only providing better roleplay for the site, but handing over power to the Internal Affairs department with Tribunals which in turn allows for unique experiences for the IA Department.

I have been incredibly open and involved in the idea to allow GOI’s to prosper through more mutual interactions with the foundation, especially CI as the same old shoot foundation raid and steal SCP’s can be fun, but sometimes a change of pace can help, I have been attempting to foster such through mutually beneficial cooperation in surface events, not resulting to immediate hostile action to allow for such GOI’s to be allowed to grow outside of their current gameplay loops. I would like to specifically mention Darby here who has been making great strides within this area and I hope to continue to provide assistance to the best of my ability to foster a better community.

Furthermore, I have also been Vice Chairman for a long while now, with this I have provided guidance and developed ECM’s who have entered Ethics, handled the administration of Ethics Assistant Applications, pushed forward many, many Code of Ethics Additions and Amendments to provide QoL improvements when it comes to site policy as can be seen in Foundation Announcements. With everything that has been said thus far within this application, I hope you can also agree that I am ready to become the Ethics Chairman and continue to do my very best for the Committee and Foundation.

To conclude, I appreciate you for taking the time to read this lengthy application, now I haven't been able to cover everything within these paragraphs such as handling of reports and department issues etc. as that would make this application go on for eternity, and bring up issues that should be laid to rest.

Other than that, I hope you all agree with what has been said and thank you.


What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee and Chairman in RP?:

When it comes to the duties of the Ethics Committee within Roleplay and on-site, that entails an extensive range of items, these being such things as:

The Ethics Committee holds several crucial responsibilities within roleplay. They are responsible for approving research tests with Ethics oversight, ensuring the safety of D-Class individuals, and preventing unnecessary harm. Oversight of Foundation tasks, upholding Ethics in department policies, and monitoring site staff adherence to the Code of Ethics are also integral duties. The Committee issues orders to Omega 1, investigates ethical issues, and modifies the Code of Ethics to align with evolving standards. Overall, their primary goal is to ensure ethical conduct in all activities, ranging from basic researcher-D-Class interactions to high procedures such as in relation to SCP-008. They also supervise Site-Administration, manage assistants and Omega-1, and act as the primary authority in Site-Command alongside the 05 Council, responsible for handling extreme anomalies and ensuring the continued existence of humanity.

Other more general duties include:
  • Conducting Tribunals for CL4 when necessary.​
  • Issuing Orders to Omega-1 and Assistants.​
  • Collaborating with Department Leaders and Site Administration for effective communication.​
  • Initiating the detonation of the Nuclear Warhead in case of SCP Containment Breaches becoming out of control.​
  • Oversight of the Department of Internal Affairs.​
  • Ensuring the smooth and proper functioning of the site.​
  • Crafting distinctive RP experiences for on-site personnel.​
  • Implementing alterations to the Code of Ethics.​
  • Granting approval for Advanced Armory use during breaches as needed.​
  • Handling interactions with Groups of Interest, whether facilitating GOC tests or allowing MC&D entry to the site.​
  • Distributing instructions to Omega-1 and Ethics Assistants.​
  • Assisting in external relations with GOI.​
  • Sanctioning the D class work program in lieu of Assistants and Site Administration.​
  • Evaluating departments and conducting personnel interviews.​
  • Addressing and resolving complaints from personnel.​
  • Authorizing testing in cases requiring Ethics, such as SCP-008.​
  • Approval of Cross tests and other Research Department experiments, etc.​


What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

I will tailor this more towards the Chairman position within the committee:

The Ethics Committee are tasked with a couple of duties outside of roleplay, these include,

Director of Internal Affairs

Discussed amongst other Committee members and application verdict decided by Ethics Committee Vote.

Ethics Committee Assistants

Discussed amongst other Committee members and application verdict decided by Ethics Committee Vote.

Ethics Committee Members

The Chairman appoints ECM’s with the guidance of the Committee as a whole usually through a Committee Vote.

The Committee also assists individuals in the SCP-RP discord if any issues or questions come up amongst other miscellaneous duties.

Furthermore, as the Ethics Committee Chairman you have some other responsibilities you must maintain, firstly it is your duty to provide guidance for the other Ethics Committee Members and ensure all Members are all on task and performing to the necessary standard. It is also the responsibility of the Ethics Chairman to report to the Roleplay Health Officer, which at the moment is Pyro and ensure that issues are brought up to SSL for review usually through the monthly Roleplay Leaders review period. It is the Chairman's duty to lead alongside other Roleplay Leaders in the Maintenance of Server Health and the foundation as a whole.


Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Pearson Pavish's Personnel File

Last Accessed: 20/07/24 13:10 Hours
Clearance Level: 4

Personnel File #1
Pearson Pavish was first noticed by Foundation Staff when beginning his work as a lecturer of advanced Medical Science at the National University of Australia, working there for 4 years his work was admirable and possibly helpful to the foundation's interests in further studying SCP's unique properties and effects, on 09/06/14 Pearson Pavish was subject to continued security screening and inducted into the Scientific Department as a Junior Researcher under the watchful guidance of research Leadership as an associate in Medical Sciences

Personnel File #1.3
After his continued work within the scientific department Pearson Pavish was elevated to the position of Researcher on the 23/01/15 and quickly then after promoted to Senior Researcher, his research specifically on the SCP subject 1025 is the primary reason for his elevation to a Senior Researcher position and further clearance access as a new Clearance Level 3 personnel, he was entrusted with the testing of other higher-level SCPs to further his career.

Personnel File #2.1
Pearson Pavish has continued to study and evaluate the effects of SCP-1025 as well as along the way a couple of other SCP Subjects, at this time Pearson has taken up some medical duties within the medical department, previously earning his medical license (Mentioned in previous personnel logs). Pavish's decision to begin leading into other departments other than the science department was the quote on quote "I feel as if some of the work done by other colleagues of mine in the research department are not for the progression of science but for their own obsessions". This has been taken into account by the ethics committee for further review as well as Pearson's continued presence within two departments.

Personnel File #2.7
Pavish for a year now has been within the Department of Internal Affairs, his motives were from what we know from previous experiences and things that he has witnessed in his previous departments, Pearson has taken on an Agent Position reviewing and applying the Code of Ethics on site, taking a special interest in the scientific department and their protocols in relation to testing D-Class personnel on SCP subjects, Pearson continues to monitor the department with a watchful gaze, motives could be more than meets the eyes, he should be put under review by department leadership.

Personnel File #4
Pearson Pavish has continued to uphold his duties within the Department of Internal Affairs, he continues to watch over scientific testing and maintains order within the facility with just application of both the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, continued service within multiple foundations departments has lead to a respectable reputation within the department.

Personnel File #4.4
Through Pearson Pavish's continued and consistent efforts towards the stability of the foundation when it comes to the legal codex, he was contacted by the Ethics Committee for a position within the Assistant Staff in the Committee, with this offer Pearson Pavish accepted the offer from the committee and took up a role enforcing ethical standards further on-site.

Personnel File #4.8
Pearson Paavish has continued his service within the Ethics Committee as an Assistant, enforcing ethical standards on site, however, Pearson Pavish has expressed further interest in going back to his roots within the Research Department, expressing interest in becoming an Executive Researcher while also an Ethics Assistant, his inquiry has been forwarded to the Research Directorate.

Personnel File #5.1
Pearson Pavish's application to the Research Department Directorate was unfortunately denied but nonetheless, he has taken up arms within the Ethics Committee as an assistant and doubled his efforts, networking and building relationships not only with other Clearance Level 4 Personnel on site but in general

Personnel File #5.3
Pearson Pavish's consistent work effort and contributions to the Ethics Committee have been noticed not only by its members but the Chairman himself, after some discussion the committee has decided to appoint him as the Assistant Coordinator, training new in-coming assistants, handling issues and inquiries from assistants as well as assigning them to specific Ethics members for duties, hopefully, this position will provide him with fundamental skills needed later on.

Personnel File #7.9
It has been almost a year now, Pearson Pavish has continued his work alongside the Committee diligently and consistently, some things to note is the completion of the site honors system and appointment to fully oversee the Ethics Committee Assistant program, Pearson now looks to the future and hopes to do more, be more within the site, only time will tell.

Personnel File #9.2
Pearson Pavish has been recently appointed as a member of the Ethics Committee apart of Foundation Command, this had been Pearsons's dream for a long time coming, finally confirmed and processed through the orientation given to every new member of the Committee, with this newly achieved office and responsibilities, it will be grueling to begin his work, however that has not stopped him before.

Personnel File #9.2
Pearson Pavish has remained committed to his role for the last 4 months and with such, has been elevated to Committee Vice Chairman, he continues his work as always, however with more tasks to manage, he begins the administration of Ethics Assistant Application, pushes forward multiple Code of Ethics improvements and provides notable guidance and feedback both to the fellow members of the Committee but also Site Administration and Department Leaders, his ambition grows further, his eyes on the Chairmans seat within the meeting room, the next hurdle to overcome.


Closing Access to Pearson Pavish's Personnel Files.

Note: Thank you for reading my application and see you around!
Major +Support

Pearson Pavish is by far the best Candidate for the role of Chairman. While I was Chairman over him Pearson was constantly doing good work that not only benefitted Omega-1 and the Ethics Committee but benefitted the entire site. Pavish has displayed the ability to RP and has shown a deep understanding of the administrative duties that are required of Chairman.

SL / SSL I know you and Pearson Butt heads a lot but he is the best Candidate
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 5, 2023

I'm so happy this application finally came up, simply because this man deserves Chairman. Ever since he was an ECA, he put in tons of effort.

I'm not the best with these kind of messages, but I really do think Pearson a great - If not the best candidate for the position.
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Reactions: Hypnotoad
Oct 7, 2023

From infecting yourself with 008 on floor 3 on purpose to just genuine incompetence, from what I have heard you are one of the hardest people to work with on this server and I think in no shape way or form that you are capable of holding chairman
  • Haha
Reactions: ToasterStrudels
The largest support I can give

During my time as ECM, Pearson was someone I could always turn to for help adjusting to the new position. He would always take time to sit down with me and go over ideas I had for the Committee/RP, along with working with me on punishments that were in an ethical gray area. Pearson has amazing and wonderful ideas that align with what an ethics committee should think, which has not always been the case on this server. At this point in time, there is no one that I think could handle the spot better than Pearson.
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Reactions: Hypnotoad
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