[US] Recker's ECM Application

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Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Nov 26, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70404419

Discord Name: reckerxf

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have been playing on Civil Networks since November of 2022.

Age: 24

In what country are you located?: USA

Timezone: Eastern Time (EST/EDT)

Character Name(s): Matt 'Recker'

Civilian Name: Damon Hunt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes!

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • Clearance 4
    • Site Manager [Holding]
    • Site Advisor [Held]
    • Director of Internal Affairs [Held]
    • MTF Omega-1 Captain [Held]
    • Ethics Committee Assistant-Coordinator [Held]
    • Internal Affairs Ambassador [Holding]
    • DEA Special Agent [Holding]
    • Gensec Captain [Held]
  • Clearance 3
    • MTF Nu-7 SGT [Held]
    • CI-B [Held]
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why?
I am applying for the position of Ethics Committee Member as I'd like the potential to help guide the direction of all Ethics related operations within Site-65. As an Ethics Member, I'd be able to perform a wide variety of tasks including working with the O5 Council more closely to make updates to the legal codex, oversee the Foundation Tribunal System, as well as help modernize the existing Code of Ethics. I'd also be able to work closely with Internal Affairs, my original department at prosecuting the highest crimes and being an RP leader for them and others. During my time as Site Administration, I've worked extremely close with the Ethics Committee and have started to foster a plethora of ideas that I truly believe would help serve the Foundation for the better. Most of these ideas fall into the realm of the Ethics Committee. Aside from my motivation to join a more niche group where I can deploy these ideas, I also want to help repair some of what Ethics is currently going through. It is no secret that the Ethics Committee has had significant turnover and dissatisfaction over the past year. My personal goal would be to reduce some of this turnover in any way I can.

I honestly feel naturally at home within Ethics too. I get along swimmingly with all of the Committee and Omega-1 and in being a previous DoIA and Omega-1 Captain myself, I have a stronger grasp on the ins and outs of the aforementioned groups than other areas of Site Command & ISD.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
There are several things that make me a stand-out candidate for the Ethics Committee. My experience, ambition, and integrity are what makes me not only who I am, but what makes me a candidate that the Committee can count on.

My experience within Civil Networks is vast and includes a variety of leadership base roles. Within these roles held, I've held an Omega-1 Commissioned Officer position, Director of Internal Affairs position, and a Site Manager position. These three roles have not only allowed me to work within and next to Ethics and Omega-1, but have also allowed me to hone in on my strengths and weaknesses; allowing me to improve any weaknesses I may come across or currently possess. In working close to Ethics within these roles, I've gained a very in-depth understanding of how the Ethics Committee works. When to step in, when not to step in, and the exact responsibilities the Committee may have. This puts me above other applicants as my orientation or training period may be considerably shorter due to said experience. I would be able to jump into the role with minimal issues and attention needed from other Committee Members. I've been able to manage a considerable size of the Site as well, which is what I would continue doing as an Ethics Committee Member; overseeing multiple departments ensuring that they are being Ethical and answering any Ethics-oriented questions they may have. With my experience, you can ensure that you'd get someone who is familiar with the operations, someone who performs top-notch as a leader in what they do, and most importantly, someone who has an arsenal of knowledge that they can use to help others around the Foundation.

Ambition is a contributing factor to how I got my most admired roles. During my tenure as Director of Internal Affairs, I worked to ambitiously overhaul the department. Reworking a years-old handbook to be more legible, make tribunals more prevalent and conducting them (all of which I have won), and most notably repairing relations between departments. It is the repairing of relations during my time in Internal Affairs that I am most proud of. I was able to take unfavorable attitudes and frustrations towards Internal Affairs and instead turn said attitudes into valued feedback and lines of communication. This saw some of the best relations that the department has had since I've been in Civil Networks. When I applied for Site Administration, I am very proud to say that I was asked by other departments to refrain from leaving Internal Affairs due to how good relations were. This is something the department has never seen before. This is also what was able to land me the position of Site Manager where my ambition continued. As a Site Manager, I was responsible for the creation of the GOI Relations Report that works on intelligence sharing between SOP and Site Administration, as well as gaining a monthly grasp on GOI relations by interviewing CL4 SOP personnel. During my longevity in Site Administration, I've continued to show my ambition by leading discussions in department reworks, discipline on high ranking Foundation personnel, and leading the team of Site Advisors I have under me to come to a conclusion on various issues or topics. My proven track record of success in all of my roles and my ambition to innovate in addition to always having a will to assist others is what makes me a candidate that soars high above my fellow applicants.

Integrity to me is my most valuable trait. Integrity is something that is measurable in everyone. My integrity has been proven in Civil Networks time and time again not only by having zero strikes or punishments in all of the roles I've held to date, but working with an optimal attitude. Integrity is most important as a DoIA and Site Manager; and also the Ethics Committee. Within those roles, you have easily hundreds of people on Site looking up to you for guidance. You can't afford to mess up, and I am an individual who takes that to heart. Should I make a mistake in my position, I am one to immediately fess up and work to correcting the mistake with colleagues if needed as opposed to sliding it under the rug. Especially as an Ethics Committee Member within Site Command, this is an important trait to have as again, hundreds of people will be subordinate of me. Not only am I expected to act with integrity, but I am also expected to be able to self-manage as there is a very limited amount of people superior to me. This trait that I possess, again my most valued trait, is engraved into the very heart of my existence. It is something I even act with in real life, let alone a video game. As an Ethics Committee Member, you can be sure that you are getting someone who will never act with malice and will carry out the functions of their role to the best of their ability. Always.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
  • Conducting tribunals on high ranking individuals.
  • Selecting new Omega-1 Commanders & Directors of Internal Affairs when necessary.
  • Distributing orders, whatever they may be, to the Ethics Assistants and Omega-1.
  • Participating in Site Administration/Site Command meetings.
  • Liaising with the O5 Council to ensure that operations conducted within Site-65 are Ethical.
  • Liaising with the O5 Council to ensure the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and Legal Codex all work well together and that there are no loopholes or overlapping issues.
  • Investigating instances of corruption or other issues that are deemed sensitive within the Foundation.
  • Signing Research papers for tests requiring Site Command or Ethics Committee signatures.
  • Observing high-level tests to ensure the Code of Ethics is being adequately forced (although this can easily be delegated).
  • Creating roleplay for the Site. Ethics Committee Members are frequently referred to as "RP Leaders" by others.
  • Managing the D-Class Work Program
  • Looking at the welfare of all personnel on site including D-Class.
  • Maintaining the Code of Ethics and working with O5 to maintain the Legal Codex.
  • Reviewing department proposals that are questionable to the Code of Ethics and being a deciding factor on approval/denial.
  • Rewarding personnel by giving out medals for excellent performance through the Foundation Medals System.
  • Everything Site Administration can do, such as:
    • AA authorizations
    • KOS past airlock authorizations
    • Calling Code Blacks
    • Inviting neutral/friendly GOIs into the Site.
    • Enabling Full-Site Lockdown
  • and last but certainly not least, activating the Alpha Warhead when the facility gets overtaken for a significant amount of time and breaches are determined to be uncontainable.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
  • Handling level 2 demotion appeals.
  • Reviewing IA Director applications.
  • Reviewing ECA applications.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Check out my personnel file! Please note it is not officially approved.


SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Mar 17, 2024

Sometimes i feel this man is just trying to run from me ;) Recker is a great person and would be an amazing asset to the Ethics Committee. He does amazing work in Site Admin as a manager and has don't amazing work as DoIA, Ambassador and just as a player on the server. He always helps out when he can and makes time for players. I honestly do not see anyone else that would fit these shoes but Recker!
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Mar 19, 2024
Recker is by far the best candidate for this role. He has very and I mean very good RP and is very fit for the role. He has been a big part of my journey in SCP RP due to the fact he helped me improve myself, I believe he deserves this role due to his kindness and upmost professionality.
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