[USA] Alex "Deftone" Reznor's ECA application

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Sep 20, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197902550
Discord name: bipolar#4929
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since June 2022 roughly
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Norway
Time zone: CEST
Character name(s): "Deftone" Reznor
Civilian name: Nicolai Carter
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): Yes
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF A-1 COM, E-11 CPL, GOC SGT, C.I Alpha & DEA Senior Agent
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: A couple, most of which are expired.

What makes you the best candidate for ECA?

- I see my leadership qualities come in handy, I am able to dish out orders respectively and ensure that they're carried out while being able to handle them myself as well. As a former high-ranking Alpha-1 member, I understand how to maintain a professional attitude and work with high-ranking individuals. I also do enjoy writing up documents and can be quite helpful regarding paperwork and things that need to be written out. Being a part of the server for so long has also helped me be more creative with my roleplay and understand my character on a deeper level which can make out for some interesting scenarios and create fun roleplay for those involved.

What are the responsibilities of ECAs in RP?

- Constantly uphold a professional standard while on duty.
- Follow all ECM orders and directives given.
- Conduct liaisons and inspections on departments, regiments, and other units for Ethics.
- Write documents and other types of paperwork for the Ethics.
- Ensure the Code of Ethics is being upheld throughout the facility.
- Represent the Ethics Committee in attending meetings, dealing with delicate issues, handing out orders, and other things that ECMs don't have time for or aren't on-site for.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in
- Not much is known about Alex Reznor's history in the foundation or his life prior to joining the organization. Most of his files are redacted, but some seem to indicate him being part of a certain security detail that is just as shrouded as his mystery. Some older and more senior members of the foundation tell tales of his time in that particular security detail and some of the work he conducted, but most disregard the stories as folklore and pure fiction. Although oddly enough, some of those who spoke too much about Alex Reznor were found to have disappeared without a trace.

Alex Reznor, after some controversy, retired from the organization and went on to find different passions. Alex found music and began writing passionate songs that expressed his feelings and frustration, songs that had heartfelt messages and contained the thoughts of the former foundation member. Starting off as a hobby, Alex began to take the prospect of starting a career in the music business seriously.

He started off producing and writing songs for his upcoming debut album, although it took a while for him to learn mixing and engineering he eventually taught himself the ropes and started getting quite decent at it. His storytelling abilities and rhyme schemes also improved during the process of him creating his album. After he finally completed the album he tried finding a label that would sign him as an artist and distribute his work across the country. After several rejections, an individual who went by the name "Mr. West" found Alex's work and took a liking to it, Mr. West was a star in the music industry and was a highly respected artist in the Hip-Hop genre, with legend status. West signed Alex Reznor to his personal label and invited Alex to his studio sessions where they would work on several tracks with each other. The album began distribution across the country and was a commercial success, Alex Reznor, a now critically acclaimed artist, began setting up his upcoming tour across the country. He hit the road, traveling from state to state and performing multiple concerts live.

On a quiet, dark night as Alex Reznor was driving across a rural area his tour bus suddenly stopped abruptly in the middle of the road. Reznor stepped out to investigate and found that his bus crashed on a creature of anomalous nature, an instance of SCP-939 was seen crushed under the tracks of his vehicle, and as quickly as Alex discovered the scene, he heard a human-like scream echo from the barren desert that stretched across the road he traveled. Alex Reznor was already familiar with 939, he knew it was just a mimic attempting to lure him out, he fetched a gun from his bus and began to arm himself ready for the coming of the creature. He hid in his bus and waited. The screams became louder, it was approaching his bus, he recalled his training and remained calm. Soon, he heard the footsteps of 939 and waited for the precise moment to open fire. When he heard a growl inches away from the bus he popped on a window and emptied a magazine until it fell limp. Alex Reznor immediately drove off before any more trouble would show up.

After stopping at a hotel, he received a call in his room. A voice he didn't recognize spoke to him and stated that a job was available, a job that handled delicate issues with a less violent approach that would suit Reznor's skillset. Although hesitant to leave the music career he built behind, he knew that anomalies like this were gonna keep coming and harm innocent people. He made his decision and prepared to return to the facility he left long ago.
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MilitaryRP Staff
Jul 25, 2022

Last week during my visit to the US server, I witnessed you commit unethical actions by killing an OSA and minging around. Whilst you made it a huge effort to put you in cuffs, you got a friend to kill you from afar with a freedom to avoid punishment. To mention, you were on Internal Affairs Agent. If you require video evidence, shoot me a discord DM (Otters#0070)
  • Angry
Reactions: Bohemia


Well-known Member
Feb 17, 2023
+/- Support
From this i dont doubt u could be a good ECA as u do have a well written app and CL4 experience but after reviewing a clip that i saw from otters (so i can better understand that situation and get some insight on you as i have very few interactions with u) im leaning to not giving u support for this application BUT this answer can be swayed with more interactions with u hopefully and a better understanding of what happened in that clip

Current - Nu-7 LT "Spartan"
Sep 20, 2022
Let me clear up some confusion regarding that event as IA. An insurrectionist group that was comprised of former high-ranking A-1 was beginning to form, they called themselves "The Red Remnants". These former A-1 were extremists in nature, their goal was to transform the current foundation to be a lot more authoritarian and brutal under the remnant's control. They had planned to do this by assassinating multiple Senior CL4 and CL5 personnel and placing remnant sympathizers in their vacant positions.

Their leader was an OA who called himself "The Tyrant", formerly our previous chief overseer. He radicalized the minds of these former A-1 and had them join his cause, by the time I caught wind of this growing terrorist cell he had already managed to send out assassins to murder the Site Director. In a confrontation I had with The Tyrant I was met with threats and aggression, the moment Otters walked in was when the situation, unfortunately, climaxed and I had no choice but to put The Tyrant down, in regards to "having a friend kill me to dodge a punishment" that statement is simply untrue.

The man who killed me was a former A-1 MAJ called "Meta", he was someone you could perceive as being the Tyrant's right-hand man. A hit had already been placed on me long before Tyrant passed, and Meta eventually got to me in the end. However, thanks to my work, these insurrectionists have been put to a stop and The Red Remnants are no more. Sleep well at night knowing Deftone destroyed a faction of domestic terrorists in the facility. (Not even a lore post, this literally happened)
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