[USA] Daniel R. Kight DoM Application

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Nov 17, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

I've been with the community since November 2022



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character names:


Sp. Agent "Watergate"
Consultant Daniel R. Kight


James "Kismet" Kight


Daniel "Qadar" Kight

Civilian name:

Oliver Kight

What server are you applying for?:


Do you have a mic?:

Yes I do ~

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Foundation Held:

Consultant Jebediah Richter

CI Held:

CI-C Delcom James "Kismet" Kight


UNGOC LCPL Daniel "Qadar" Kight

Foundation Holding:

Special Agent "Watergate"
Seraph-9 Operative
Consultant Daniel R. Kight

CI Holding:

N/A Conscript

UNGOC Holding:

N/A Private

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Yes, for various reasons such as RDM, FearRP, FailRP, Etc, but nothing too serious, they're all expired aswell.
Why are you applying for the Director of Medicine?

I am applying for Director of Medicine because I'd like to be able to have a bigger role within the department as I am currently a consultant and feel I need more responsibility within the department. I am applying because I love medicine on the server and I love the roleplay that comes with it and I feel if I were to become the Director of Medicine I would be able to perform more roleplay and perform my duties better within the department. I would also like to be able to help with external relations and with matters regarding senior leadership of the Foundation and I'd like to get my first Sr. CL4 role down.

What makes you suitable for Director of Medicine?:

I am suitable for the role of Director of Medicine because I have a ton of experience leading people as a Delcom in the past and as a Consultant. I've recently come back to the medical team after about 2 months of resignation but I still believe I have the proper experience to take up the mantle of DoM. Personally I think I am a great roleplayer when I am in such a situation and I think I could bring a lot of great roleplay to the medical team and assist everyone with anything they may need within the department.

What are the responsibilities of the Director of Medicine in RP?:
- Oversee the entire medical department including Consultants
- Accept or Deny new medical consultant applications
- Train these new consultants
- Make final decisions within the Medical Department
- Start new projects and assign medical field leads and Co-Leads
- Train the trainee doctors on how to do their job and to get a medical license
- Help the medical staff if they need it or give input where it is needed
- Handle department relations
- Enforce medical policies and procedures
- Be a role model for those around them

Please give some lore about your Director of Medicine character and what storylines they would be involved in:

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Username: ΩΓ435ΘΞΔ
Password: 6783 17 βλακ 09238Γ ασον ραολινγ

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File Accessed, Welcome Σιτε Διρεκτορ Πυρο
  • BirthPlace - Tucson, Arizona
  • Birthname - Daniel R. Kight
  • Gender - Male
  • Nationality - Caucasian
  • Height - 170 cm
  • Weight - 65 kg
  • Age - 39
  • DoB - April 4th, 1984
  • Eye Color - Green
  • Hair Color - Brown
    Likes - Biochemistry, ███, SCP-██
    Dislikes - SCP-███, Overseer-6 "█ ██"
Phobias - N/A
Blood Type - AB-

History - Daniel Kight, born to the parents A and J Kight, both former members of P█ L█, brother to J Kight, a current member of the C I D C, was a former member of both The Foundation and The UNGOC. Daniel joined The Foundation in ████ before leaving The Foundation in ████ after his involvement in incident ████████-███████-████████ Involving SCP-███-██, SCP-███, and SCP-███, Daniel did extensive research on SCP-███-█ and SCP-███-█ after which he was amnesticized because of his extremely dangerous discovery about SCP-█-. Daniel joined The UNGOC the same year of his leaving from the foundation in order to liquidate an unknown SCP he came into contact with that scarred his eyes orange leaving him unable to see any other color. Daniel stayed with The UNGOC until ████ at which time he left because he had achieved his previously stated goal of liquidating that SCP and had no use to be with The UNGOC anymore. Daniel rejoined The Foundation in ████ after deciding he wanted to help with research on SCPs again. Daniel joined the Medical Team when he rejoined The Foundation due to his extensive background in █████████ which he learned when he was with The UNGOC. Daniel was with the medical team for about 3 years before deciding to apply for the position of Medical Consultant. Daniel was accepted into the medical team with open arms and was assigned to the duty of Pharmaceutical Division Co Lead, something he had been hoping for since before he got accepted into the department. Daniel has been staying with the medical team of Site-█ for 6 months now, during his third month of tenure with the team he opened a project into the use of skin cell samples from SCP-█ in cell regeneration technology, he hopes to reverse the affects of the samples as currently they destroy any biological matter they touch leaving nothing but black liquid identified as █ behind. So far Daniel has partially reverted the affects of the samples as they now do not destroy biological matter as fast and they are slow acting. Daniel has now run into a stop with his plans of reverting the affects of the samples and decided he needed to apply to become a Director of Medicine in order to further his plans of reverting the cell affects. Since his previous director █ "Moneybags" retired from his position he has now had the opportunity to apply and now awaits a response from Site Administration as to whether his request for elevation has been accepted or denied.
Last edited:
Jul 13, 2023
+ Major Support
- The Consultant formerly known as Jebediah Richter.
- Would make a top tier DoM for as long as I've known him in the medical department.
- Let my boy cook.

Estere 'Orca'

Active member
Nov 15, 2023
May the best consultant win c;
All jokes aside lets be real, Daniel increases the enjoyment of medical roleplay more than any other consultant I have met. He's just a silly little guy! I always get excited to see Daniel on because of the short jokes

Also very active and incredibly professional! He's very well suited for such a position.
From Site Administration
To: Daniel Kight


Hello @Playdoughzombie

Thanks for showing interest in the Position of "Director of Medicine", After careful discussion & consideration
Site Administration has deemed you suitable for the position of
"Director of Medicine".

Welcome Medical Deputy Director Daniel R Kight.

Kind Regards,
Site Director Pyro

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