[USA] Dusk's Facility Advisor Application

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Jan 8, 2023

Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:

Hours: 2882.4167
Days: 120.10069
Months: 3.9458134

In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Alpha-1 CSG
MTF Omega-1 LCPL
DEA Agency Manager
DEA Special Agent

Chief of Security
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
3 Warnings for RDM/NLR far expired

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I feel my efforts can be put to more use with individuals aligned with my will to change instead of stagnate. I have plenty of ideas that go under the way side so to speak because of exterior motives and a want to be comfortable instead of a will to make others comfortable. I have lost interest in other roles mainly because of the lack of interest to expand and innovate and I feel with the group we have at Facility Administration I can comfortably sit in a position with other likeminded individuals.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
I have plenty of experience being in leadership positions and plenty of experience changing regiments for the better, be it through a gradual change or setting an example for others to follow in my wake. I've always set out to do my best to change a department for the better even if others don't wish the same. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
> Governing body overseeing all facility doings and goings.
> Creating fluent and concise communicative lines for all departments to express opinions and changes to their direct supervising bodies being Facility Administration
> Ensuring documents and protocols are always updated and publicly known to all departments
> Creating a fair and understanding environment for everyone whilst still maintaining an authoritative body to ensure all parties are following rules and regulations
> Being the direct mediators from Facility Command to facility employees
> Innovating and doing right by the facility to benefit all individuals equally
> Inquiring about all the latest information to ensure Facility Command and Facility Administration can adhere to policies and regulations adequately
> Understanding all departments on a personal level to create a friendly and knowledgeable environment
> Diplomatic arm to all Groups of Interest to relay important information from the core of the facility
> Facility promotions only designated through Facility Administration votes

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Document Number: ICC-65IC3-009
Effective Date: [REDACTED]
Review Date:
Prepared by:
Human Resources Department
Approved by: [REDACTED]

Subject Line:

Our departmental understanding is that all individuals should have a clear and open environment to speak their mind, whilst maintaining a form of personal integrity to ensure all parties evolved feel wanted and heard. After some recent observations, we have noticed there are some discrepancies within these guidelines that we would like [REDACTED] to meet. Our understanding is that we feed these departments their goals and understandings and the reciprocation is positive results. As such we have not seen these results in the manner we see fit therefore you are receiving this document, here, today. Please respond with an adequate response to these indiscretions in a mannerly time.

Thank you,

The Human Resources Department

From: "Dusk"
To: Human Resources Department
CC: Communal response to allegations
Attachments: response.sheet.xtl ; departmental earnings.xfc

Hello, in formal response to the said allegations regarding the recent observations, I have presented you gentlemen with the necessary documentation to prove against these allegations so that we may move forward with our prepared plans and regulations. Below this you shall find all necessary information regarding your inquiry's and any or all information quashed through my physical evidence and prescribed documentation. I personally feel these allegations are a personal attack on my character and trust as I have built up quite the standard for how I feel my department should be functioning, not only for my employees but to the facility's standards. I hope this finds you gentlemen well, and any or all questions you may or may not have feel free to forward back in this chain for me to answer quickly and concisely.



From: Human Resources Department
To: "Dusk"
CC: Communal response to allegations re:
Attachments: attached.complaints.xfc ; inquirys.sheet.xfc

Thank you for taking the time out of your day for such a formal response, after some review of the documentation forwarded to our department we have reviewed some inquiries shared with us from external departments dealing with your interpersonal relations. In regards to your most recent concerns The Human Resources department has decided unilaterally that the raised questions in regards to the most recent changes and forwarded motions have been nothing short of heresy. We have noticed that the documentation provided is just a clear miscommunication, however some more questioned have raised through our deeper investigation into this matter. It seems some civil unrest has become of the department because of this and it appears as this is a matter specifically for [RECACTED], it is with our utmost respect that we apologizes for creating any unneeded stress or concerns during your department dealings and we at the Human Resources Department wish you a swift and clean recuperation to your normal duties. Any further complaints, please feel free to personally email our leading body supervisor over these departments here [REDACTED]. This chain shall cease after this response has met you well. Thank you for you time and efforts over our departments.

The Human Resources Department

May 30, 2023
From: @Skyfire1355
To: @Dusk

Subject: Site Advisor Application Verdict

Hello Dusk,

Thank you for showing your interest and taking your time to submit an application for the position of Site Advisor. After deliberation, Site Administration has deemed you not suitable for the position of Site Advisor at this time. Unfortunately, your application is to be denied.

Should you have any inquires please reach out to me at my email (@Skyfire1355).

You may reapply in two weeks.

Best Regards,

Site Director "Skyfire"

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