[USA] Hanz Powers COS application

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May 30, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:429540382

Discord name:roro3138

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 900+ hr | Since mid-late 2022


In what country are you located?: USA

Time zone: PST

Character name(s): Hanz Powers “roro”

Civilian name: Hanz Powers

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?: Yes


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: GSD Senior Captain [Holding] DEA agent [Holding] Alef-Six LTCOM [Holding] AXO-HOP (COM) [Held], MTF NU-7 CPL (holding) | Licenses: All [Holding]


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: N/A active

(1 inactive warn for playing a 2 second soundboard clip in IA room)



Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?

Personally, I feel it's my current goal within the facility, the vast majority of my over 900 hours in the server have been on exclusively GENSEC, and Probably more than half of which have been Captain since June 2023 I got the position in . As of now within the roster I am the Captain that has been on Captain for the longest that is not on reserves, or the current chief of security.

I personally enjoy the more logistical and technical parts of Captain along with it also being a combative role, and the aspects of helping out newer cadets who are often new to the server. but I would like to take it a step further in departmental leadership to tackle many of the issues of D-block that I have seen in my almost a year as captain and security in the facility as a whole. As well as firm some of our policies to further direct GENSEC as a whole in a good direction and lead the group of captains into keeping our authority and professionalism, while keeping troublesome captains out of our department.

I don’t wish to have this position as a medal on my uniform or a few lines of text in another application, I wish solely what is best for the department that I have spent more than 35 entire days dedicating every minute to making this server a better experience for anyone who enters D-block. I have not applied or gained any other Clearance 4 positions at all in order to dedicate almost all of my time to captain no matter how low it is in the security hierarchy


What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:

During my over 900+ hours of playtime on the server, most if not everything that I have done or participated in has been in the interest of, or directly associated with promoting leadership within Junior and Senior GENSEC ranks.

I have played almost exclusively on GENSEC, which was promoted by my Time spent in the GENSEC Advancement of Elite Officers (AXO) subdepartment, a group of GENSEC dedicated almost entirely to teaching and promoting leadership within GENSEC and known by some as “a Fastrack to Captain” which I later went on to lead as the Head-of-Program (commander) and bring at least a dozen Gensec who now hold the captain position.

Since June I have been a captain and have advanced to the highest available position within the ranks as a Senior captain. A role which is earned by having a specialized position within GENSEC which would promote, or keep good standing within the department, and or change policies about the department to benefit GENSEC, which I gained by going into the Position of AXO-HOP (Head of Program.) which was later Merged into GENSEC’s Alef Six, where I currently stand as the Lieutenant-Commander

Through my time as captain I have withstanded and led tens of dozens of sweeps, and mass terms inside of D-block directly while promoting constant communication within GENSEC to have swift,consistent, and low casualty operations within D-block. That along with my constant communication and discussion with GENSEC Captains and the problems we have faced at Captain Meetings, and even Leading an entire Meeting when the occasion came, along with the odd A-6 Meeting, and tens AXO meetings I lead when I was HOP


What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:

The chief of general security oversees GENSEC in its entirety, and is personally responsible (along with the Deputy chief) for Adding, promoting, striking, and discharging people from the Captain role. Along with this they hold weekly meetings to Security Captains on the state of affairs, new policies, and problems internally. As well as managing relations between site administration and other departments/Sub-departments throughout the facility.

They also act as advisors to the senior captains, who manage specialized positions such as Alef-Six Commander, or Heavy-Weapon-License manager


Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Hanz, natively from the Maldivian island of Male’ was involved in some sort of private military position before joining the SCP foundation. Sometime in Winter 2004 he was found outside of the foundation Site-02 with a major head injury, as well as a copy of the JPS Tanakh inside of his vest pocket. After spending some time in the site as D-class personnel he was misplaced in a foundation roster terminal as one of their contracted combat-research team members.

At 3-28-2018 he was stationed in site 65 as a member of an unnamed mobile task force, before transferring to GENSEC Security as a Captain due to what he deemed on his transfer forums as “religious calling” he would go on to join and even lead multiple GENSEC Sub-Regiments and end up in current day as the Lieutenant commander of Alef-Six.

/////////////// Colleague notes:

“wont put that old testament down”

“Good leader, bad speaker”

“nuh uh" -thordan

“Blank stare”

“Fuck that guy he owes me 20 dollars” // Footnote this is in (CAD), this is 14.89 USD.

Last edited:
May 30, 2023
The second best candidate for Chief, Hanz like Thordan, basically did any chief related work/issues if they couldn't step in or were too busy. I've always seen Hanz as a no BS, take charge, do it now and do it right kind of guy. My votes are with Thordan & Hanz, no competition really.
Thank you sledge I really appreciate your message


Well-known Member
Mar 2, 2024

It's Hanz, do I really need to say more?
Guy is super amazing to work under, can keep a level head at all times no matter how stressful the situation is, and has a leadership style that I absolutely cannot ever complain with.
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