Name: Krakow B.
Steam ID: 76561199074528541
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details:
Yes I contacted the DoR who banned me. His reply was that he wanted me to go back through the Executive Researcher application process again. No specific reason was given for this.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah over discord DMs
Rank demoted from: Executive Researcher
Who demoted you?: Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah
Date of demotion?: 10/24/24
What is the case against you?:
The stated reason for my demotion was FailRP (Bunny hopping, mixing, refusing to attack players as a hostile SCP) and Toxicity.
Is this true?:
For the most part yes, I believe that everything but refusing to attack players as a hostile SCP is valid. I only figured out why I was considered bunny hopping after the ban.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A
What is your side of the story?:
Things started when I came back from being AFK for ~2 mins and found myself being knifed by an MC&D by the name of Randy Douglas. This really frustrated me because they mocked me for being “caught lacking.” I proceeded to flee for a long period of time because I saw no sensible RP reason to attack them and the two other people who started following me later. I believed that attacking them would be a poor decision because doing so would inevitably attract more hostile attention to SCP-8854 that would lead to their termination. This was especially true because while AFK more than 10000 damage was dealt and I had 4000 health left. This led me to believe that SCP-8854 would prioritize its own safety so that it could fight another day rather than mindlessly charge into a fight that they can't win.
During the chase I used limited jumping while PMing Randy toxic and mocking messages. This including things like calling them an idiot, mocking them for losing sight of me, and telling them to fuck off. This is the offense that I agree most with, no one should say things like this and I am confident that this is the last time I will do so.
Subsequently I was also using limited jumping as a force of habit. While I knew that bunny hopping wasn’t allowed in this type of situation, in the moment I believed that the amount of times I was jumping was perfectly acceptable. I am now aware that jumping in combat situations should be avoided as much as possible. Regardless if the amount of times I was jumping could be considered bunny hopping (I think that it is), Randy made no complaints about me bunny hopping and I kept jumping thinking I was doing nothing wrong. Later in the search another MC&D, Steven Milard, was also following me.
After they caught me I informed them that MC&D had already taken their allowed three liters from me (as well as UNGOC). Unfortunately when I did this I forgot to use /LOOC in chat and this was the basis for mixing being included as FailRP. In response they complained about me mixing in voice chat and said that they didn’t believe me. Accordingly they sampled me despite my warning. I informed an admin about this, but am unsure of what the status of the report is. I was subsequently taken to the foundation, sampled by foundation members, and brought into 914’s chamber to terminated. Right before the termination I said “it was real” in OOC. Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah responded in voice chat with something along the lines of “it really wasn’t real, I have banned you from the Exec team for your behavior.” After the termination he revealed himself to be Randy Douglas through PMs and informed me for the demotion reason once I asked him.
This demotion doesn’t sit right with me because Barry made no attempt to warn or inform me that I was breaking any rules (other than toxicity which I should've figured that I was breaking). Had I known I was committing FailRP I would have stopped doing so immediately. While I know it is my responsibility to know the server rules, I believed I wasn’t breaking any for the most part. I believe that Barry was more interested in punishing me for my toxic behaviour at that moment rather than taking me aside and warning me of the rules I was breaking. While I believe I did a lot wrong that day, I do not believe that this warrants demotion. Thank you for taking your time to read this, I know it was long but I didn't want to miss or misrepresent anything.
Steam ID: 76561199074528541
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA: USA
Level of appeal (2 or 3): 2
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details:
Yes I contacted the DoR who banned me. His reply was that he wanted me to go back through the Executive Researcher application process again. No specific reason was given for this.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where: Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah over discord DMs
Rank demoted from: Executive Researcher
Who demoted you?: Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah
Date of demotion?: 10/24/24
What is the case against you?:
The stated reason for my demotion was FailRP (Bunny hopping, mixing, refusing to attack players as a hostile SCP) and Toxicity.
Is this true?:
For the most part yes, I believe that everything but refusing to attack players as a hostile SCP is valid. I only figured out why I was considered bunny hopping after the ban.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals: N/A
What is your side of the story?:
Things started when I came back from being AFK for ~2 mins and found myself being knifed by an MC&D by the name of Randy Douglas. This really frustrated me because they mocked me for being “caught lacking.” I proceeded to flee for a long period of time because I saw no sensible RP reason to attack them and the two other people who started following me later. I believed that attacking them would be a poor decision because doing so would inevitably attract more hostile attention to SCP-8854 that would lead to their termination. This was especially true because while AFK more than 10000 damage was dealt and I had 4000 health left. This led me to believe that SCP-8854 would prioritize its own safety so that it could fight another day rather than mindlessly charge into a fight that they can't win.
During the chase I used limited jumping while PMing Randy toxic and mocking messages. This including things like calling them an idiot, mocking them for losing sight of me, and telling them to fuck off. This is the offense that I agree most with, no one should say things like this and I am confident that this is the last time I will do so.
Subsequently I was also using limited jumping as a force of habit. While I knew that bunny hopping wasn’t allowed in this type of situation, in the moment I believed that the amount of times I was jumping was perfectly acceptable. I am now aware that jumping in combat situations should be avoided as much as possible. Regardless if the amount of times I was jumping could be considered bunny hopping (I think that it is), Randy made no complaints about me bunny hopping and I kept jumping thinking I was doing nothing wrong. Later in the search another MC&D, Steven Milard, was also following me.
After they caught me I informed them that MC&D had already taken their allowed three liters from me (as well as UNGOC). Unfortunately when I did this I forgot to use /LOOC in chat and this was the basis for mixing being included as FailRP. In response they complained about me mixing in voice chat and said that they didn’t believe me. Accordingly they sampled me despite my warning. I informed an admin about this, but am unsure of what the status of the report is. I was subsequently taken to the foundation, sampled by foundation members, and brought into 914’s chamber to terminated. Right before the termination I said “it was real” in OOC. Barry ‘Blue’ Uriah responded in voice chat with something along the lines of “it really wasn’t real, I have banned you from the Exec team for your behavior.” After the termination he revealed himself to be Randy Douglas through PMs and informed me for the demotion reason once I asked him.
This demotion doesn’t sit right with me because Barry made no attempt to warn or inform me that I was breaking any rules (other than toxicity which I should've figured that I was breaking). Had I known I was committing FailRP I would have stopped doing so immediately. While I know it is my responsibility to know the server rules, I believed I wasn’t breaking any for the most part. I believe that Barry was more interested in punishing me for my toxic behaviour at that moment rather than taking me aside and warning me of the rules I was breaking. While I believe I did a lot wrong that day, I do not believe that this warrants demotion. Thank you for taking your time to read this, I know it was long but I didn't want to miss or misrepresent anything.