[USA] Level 2 DoM Demotion Appeal

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Name: Abbie "Dinklesprinkle" Oswald
Steam ID:
Please state if it is for SCP-RP UK or USA:
Level of appeal (2 or 3):
Have you already carried out a level 1 appeal - please give details:
I spoke to Harold for level 1, immediately told me to go to the forums which indicates the level 1 was void / completed within the first sentence. Spoke a little after for information but I still feel the information that was given to me was both very sparse and a bit sporadic.
Who did you carry out the level 1 appeal to, and where:
Harold Hawks in discord DM's
Rank demoted from:
Director of medicine
Who demoted you?:
Harold hawks [Site manager]
I am unsure if any site command were involved in the decision making. I Believe server senior leadership review may be required.
Date of demotion?: 25th of March
What is the case against you? -
Demoted after being issued a third strike

The third strike was issued after a conversation I had in medical leadership which was clearly OOC and no one had any issues with this other than the people involved in demoting me.

My second strike was for being banned for 3 days for severe toxicity, Which got overturned and marked as a misunderstanding on the staffs part despite not bothering to look at context or the way the word was being used.

My first strike was issued on basis of a misunderstanding and not knowing ethics had to have edit access to a roster, and refusing, as a result I received a strike within the next message for "insubordination"
Is this true?:
in basic terms, yes however I believe the situation was completely mishandled and was escalated way higher then it ever needed to be.
Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?:
Please list any previous roleplay demotion appeals:
What is your side of the story?:
id like to preface this by stating that I feel there has been bias involved within my demotion that seems to have come with a very rapid pace nit-picking at anything I have done in order to find a reason to remove me which I will explain further down. [Screenshots can be sent in DM's if appropriate]

in relation to my first strike i was issued this for refusing to give edit access to my roster for the medical department to Puggo as an ethics member despite no one from site admin, Ethics or the council requesting edit access before. At the time this confused me as i had no information supplied to me that stated it was a hard requirement for site command to have access to all and every document as no one has ever asked me for access before. Aside of that we as a community are at an age where Doxing, continuous roster griefs and I have always made sure there has been a strict security revolving around my roster where only medical lead has ever been granted access after 2 weeks of a trial period and removed immediately upon hearing of their departure. Due to the nature of a "you will be removed from you position if I don't get my way" threat i sought advice from artemins who then went on to tell me that site command should have access and at this point i went on to give access to puggo after realising it was required to give site administration+ Access despite personally believing they do not need complete edit access to a informational document that they are not obligated to maintain efficiently.

During my "conversation" with puggo he was only confrontational and demanding for this immediately resorting into the strike which i feel was bias against me as I do not believe he would of immediately resorted to striking other department directors as he is known to have a multitude of friendships within the server which from my POV has treated with more leniency than myself.

For my second strike I received a three day ban for severe toxicity of which the ban was overturned within 24 hours by server leadership as it was deemed a misunderstanding through lack of investigation into the context of what was being said. However upon my return i was requested to the site Directors office where i was then informed I was to receive an in character punishment of the second strike and a month probation and basically being told if any complaints were made against me in the same nature as the ban. I would be removed regardless of the situation. I was also informed that this was a vote conducted by the entirety of Site administration and some members of the ethics community however during the time between then and my removal I have learned that the "vote" was a discussion between Pyro and the ethics member appointed to overseeing medical.

As of this I don't feel I have been given fair representation or a fair shot and it seems as if the plan all along was to push my removal despite the fact the punishment had nothing to do with being in character and was rescinded by server senior leadership however pyro took it upon himself to continue with this action despite it not being in character. I believe this was acting in a bias manner as i do not believe he has any intent to stay on good terms with myself. numerous times involving his time as a staff member and a site administration i have attempted to approach him numerous times regarding duties that either role of his and was either ignored, said one sentence then vanished for the day or agreed to a sit down to which he did not bother to turn up to. Based on this I have formed the opinion that pyro has some form of issue against me as based on the above that pyro did not act in an appropriate manner and did not have the common courtesy to deal with his issues with myself on his own accord instead electing to push a mutual friend that was uncomfortable doing so.

In relation to the third strike, I joined a jokeful conversation whereby Marvin was stating he does not like the feel of the skin on his body and was asking others if they like the way their skin feels on their body to which there was a few comments before I joined in the conversation to which i stated in reply to Marvin "I like the way your skin feels on my body" which was a reference to a psychopathic
tendency which involved wearing other peoples skin as clothing then proceeded to state "what" and then "imagine if skin clothing existed more prominently" which i feel makes my intention a lot more obvious that it was a light-hearted conversation where no offense was to be taken or for my "lewd" personality was to be shown in a "public" chat. Yes the conversational topic was a bit weird even for this community however there is no rule against being weird and seems like the people involved with my removal targeted my comment specifically to find justification for the third strike which resulted in my removal. based on this i do not feel the people who made the decision were acting on an unbiased manner and were finding any reason to remove me no matter how small.

I Cannot be certain of all comments made in site administration or site command threads / Group chats, However from what i have been informed during my removal. a lot of people disagreed against this action and felt extremely rushed just because i am a long standing member of the server that does not allow tribalism or high ranking toxicity to affect my department. A final point id like to mention is it was often brought up that we had to maintain the image of being "senior clearance 4" however i feel it should be in-game where as on discord it should be encouraged we should have a laugh with each other and grow as a community instead of inciting division
Mar 12, 2023
Hey Abbie, thanks for taking the time to make an appeal. As the person who removed you, let me set a few things straight with all due respect.

I won't post the entirety of our DMs unless Site Command or SL asks for it except for the part where I clarify that the level 1 appeal actually is meant to happen in our DMs and we move forward with it. As you can see there was some confusion as I was discussing the situation with an Admin that was helping me deal with the removal of roles, document access, etc, and he told me something that was incorrect to which another admin corrected him. So while I did tell you to go to the forums, I recanted and we then conducted a full fledged level 1 appeal.


Around what would be considered the end of your level 1 appeal, you mention that you would just be going up the ladder of appeal, indicating that you were done with the level 1. Nothing wrong with that, just please don't take things out of context.

This decision was made by me, due to the nature of our administrative structure at the time I believe this appeal goes directly to the O5 first.

Let's go through all of the strikes:

1. Your first strike was on the 19th of February. This was not active during the time of your removal thus it holds up no weight in regards to your removal so I won't discuss that here.

2. Your second strike was for using the F-word slur in context of a british food. I was also incorrect in saying that this was only put out by Pyro and Pearson as Pearson has told me over teamspeak that it was an agreement made by other members within Site Administration in conjunction. The reason why this strike along with a probation was put through was because it was determined that despite the context clearing your name from a ban, it still would have resulted in at least a verbal warning from staff and it was believed that despite your possible dialect or manner of speaking, you were aware that you should not have been using this word ingame regardless of the context. As there has been an excessive amount of conversation about how to handle your actions over the past few months, it was ultimately decided that we were getting to a last straw moment and so both a strike and the one month probation were put in place.

3. Your final strike was given because you had posted an arguably lewd comment in the department leaders chat. When hearing myself speak it out loud and from other SA members speaking it out loud, I wasn't able to move past the fact that it pushed past the boundaries yet again on a conversation we've had a multitude of times regarding lewd comments. Saying "I like the way your skin feels on my body" directly to someone is already just past the line of weird into inappropriate, there are a number of ways to interpret it and I don't believe you are being honest when you are trying to imply that you were only playing along. I believe you said this comment intended as yet another innuendous/lewd statement and it has already been made clear that we would be taking immediate action on those instances.

All that being said, your full removal was a decision I personally made due to the fact that in causing action for a third strike you had violated your probation. This decision was not made hastily, but from months of consistent behavior that has evidently yet to be corrected.

It distressed me to have to go through with the decision because I consider us friends, but enough was finally enough and as a member of Site Administration I have a duty to ensure that the environment we share here on the SCP-RP USA Server is fun and comfortable for as many people as possible. As an RP leader, you also had this duty and you failed enough times that you now have to face the consequences.
Warning: Message Received... Processing Message.

Incoming Message from: @kennedy.inspector@scip
To: Abbie "Dinklesprinkle" Oswald

Greetings, please take a seat. The Council has reviewed the forum submitted to us via RAISA. Upon deliberation amongst ourselves, Site Administration, and members of your department we have come to the following conclusion.

The current process that has resulted in you demotion was a bit... dodgy. Reviewing the data, you did receive punishment that was warranted, however due to circumstances that were out of the councils control, one of your strikes should of been considered void, and in this process, were not. Due to this, the demotion holds little water and will not stand.

I do warn you however, with this appeal being accepted, you will still be under a probation period, where you are expected to follow regulation, keep your head down, and reframe from saying anything that might make some one uncomfortable. During this probation phase, you can be subject to a one strike base termination, so long as that termination is within a reasonable grounds.

We look forward to your continued work within the Department of Medicine...

Glory to the Foundation, Signed O5-2.

Appeal Accepted
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