[USA] Nexus's Application for SCP-096

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Well-known Member
Sep 25, 2022
Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:199159004
Discord name: Nexus#5782
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Couple of Months // 552 hours (Worth it)
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Australia
Time zone: AEST​

Character name(s): Jerry Schmidt, Larry Schmidt

Civilian name: Bazza Schmidt

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Held: MTF Nu7, Holding: CI-B, MTF E-11 CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Received warnings for FailRP one of which I am appealing at the moment. The reason I received the first one is that as a tech expert I feared for my life and shot back at d-class when they were actively firing at me. The second warning was talking whilst gagged, and the final one is selling weapons as a chef. I have noticed the errors in my way, especially talking whilst gagged, whilst being gagged after my warning I have consistently adhered to the RP of being gagged and have never spoken whilst being gagged after that intervention. I have also attempted to fix my roleplay abilities multiple times during many scenarios I have been involved in. Also, the final warning for selling weapons to d-class was unknown to me as monkey see monkey do, but being educated that it isn't allowed I have discontinued doing so.
What makes you suitable for SCP-096?:
- I believe my roleplay abilities are paramount to my success as SCP-096. I have always prided myself in doing the right thing and keeping everything realistic to the best of my ability. I believe my roleplay is up to snuff as I have always provided great roleplay as 035 using a voice changer to immerse d-class and researchers alike. I have also consistently added effects whilst roleplaying certain SCP's to a degree that would suit them lore-wise. I always try to make my roleplay scenarios enjoyable for everyone around me and try my best to not ruin people's experience. I am always looking for ways to enhance my RP by observing others around me and exhibiting that during my time in SCP:RP
What is the usual behaviour of SCP-096 when pacified?:
- SCP-096 remains dormant when they are not actively being triggered by a third-party observation. They're usually observed cowering in a corner with their arms covering their faces so as to not be seen nor to look at others. SCP-096 is usually heard crying in their containment chamber "hiding" in a 90* angle corner. SCP-096 has always been monitored remaining in a single corner for hours on end until an individual sees SCP-096 either by a physical photo or physical observation at which point SCP-096 will enter a rage state and cease the observers' existence.
When breached, where is SCP-096 allowed to go? Can SCP-096 beeline straight to D-Block?:
- There are two types of SCP-096 breaches: 1. SCP-096 Photo spawns; 2. SCP-096 is looked at whilst in their containment chamber. Both of which are deadly. If SCP-096's photo spawns, the CC module will deem him to be breached. Once this happens, SCP-096 is to only remain in their containment chamber and is to make no effort to walk out of their containment chamber. However, if someone observes SCP-096 either by looking at their face or their photo, SCP-096 must make an effort to eliminate the person that has viewed their face. Once all targets have been eliminated, SCP-096 is to remain where their last target died remaining in a dormant and crying state until triggered again. They are to not beeline it to any place they know they may be looked at multiple times including d-block. This will be considered failrp.
How is SCP-096 re-contained? Please describe all steps of the process: The first step is to ensure all combative staff that are going to attempt to contain SCP-096 are to wear scramblers, this is a device designed to obscure SCP-096's face. Once scramblers have been fitted to the person they are then to grab a bucket located at two areas within both site 56 and site 65, these areas are: 'Personnel wing bathrooms and HCZ non-specialized containment chambers' They are then to make attempts to place a bucket on SCP-096 whilst either in his rage state or dormant state. Once the bucket has been fitted to SCP-096's head, combative personnel/MTF-E11 are then to follow SCP-096 until he becomes beamable. SCP-096 may only be beamed once they are in a dormant state and not enraged. Once SCP-096 is beamed they are then cuffed with SCP elastic restraints and dragged to SCP-096's CC. One foundation personnel is to drag SCP-096 into their CC whilst another is to open the doors to let SCP-096 in and the other out.
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Well-known Member
May 21, 2022
I do want to make one correction, if by the CC module you mean the box that says containment failure, then it doesn't say containment failure when a picture spawns, if 096 is in his chamber, not enraged and it says he's breached, thats just a bug that occurs when someone spawns in as 096. If this bug happens, for the 096 player, it states at the top of their screen that their breach is active, which should only occur when enraged. When a picture spawns it instead says "Picture of 096's face is spawned somewhere." The way to fix this is simply get someone like an admin to either beam you in your cell, or force RC you. I want to add that doing this will not set you back in the breach queue

Summary, 096 containment failure when in cell not enraged is actually a bug.

This is coming from an 096 player by the way


Well-known Member
Sep 25, 2022
Thanks for the correction, I assumed that would have been the case. Just not entirely sure but put it in there.
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