[USA] O5-4 "The Benevolent" (Revised from O5-4 "The Erudite")

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Dec 30, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Maxwell "Squirrelly" Tanka | Acorn
Civilian name:
Mike Tanka
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Site Manager (Holding)
DEA Special Agent (Holding)
Overseer Assistant (Holding)
Chaos Insurgency Gamma (Holding)
DEA Senior Agent (Holding)

Site Advisor (Held)
Alpha-1 SPC (Held)
Ethics Assistant (Held)
Nu-7 LT (Held)
E-11 LCPL (Held)
GENSEC Captain (Held)
GOC SGT (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:
Yes, I have received 5 warnings all of which are expired.
2x Micspam | 2x RDM | 1x Mixing

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I am applying for O5-4 with my nickname being “The Benevolent” . The word “Benevolent” means “well meaning and kindly” which I feel reflects my personality well. Throughout my time in the server I have tried my best to be as well mannered and nice as possible. I firmly believe that my colleagues can vouch my kind behavior and mild mannerisms. That is why I am choosing the nickname “The Benevolent”

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
I feel that my background in multiple fields makes me a good candidate for Overseer. Not only have I held combative jobs, I have also held administrative jobs too. The knowledge I’ve obtained working with different departments as SA transfers well to a Site Command position. I have learned how to properly discuss new policies and assist the departments I work over.
Being a good Council member also means you have to work well with A-1. I feel I can accomplish this as I have been a member of A-1 myself (Although briefly). Along with that I have worked alongside them as an OA. I also worked up to the position of Site Manager after hard work. This, combined with my persistence and unwillingness to fail, makes me the best candidate for this position.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

Initiating Code Blacks:

In the case that a breach cannot be fixed by MTF, Site Command may have to activate a code black. If the issue cannot be resolved even with a code black Site Command may have to nuke the site creating an RP reset.

Helping Resolve issues:
If an issue that cannot be resolved by a member of Site Administration, said issue may be passed up to Site Command. Unless the issue is related to Ethics then it will be dealt with by the Council. They also deal with internal issues with A-1 if necessary.

Sitewide Issues:
If there are problems with SCPS can approve the use of AA during the breach. If D-class are rioting they can also initiate KOS outside of Airlock. If D-Block manages to get enough weaponry that three sweeps have failed, O5 can also authorize a mass termination. In the case of a severe info breach members of the council also can do site-wide amnestics.

Roleplay Enhancement:
Members of the Overseer Council are responsible to help promote RP around the site. This can be shown by approving research tests, Giving A-1/OA’s orders, giving SCP’s the ability to be passive. They also have to review documents given to them by their OA’s.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

Voting on Site Director Applications
Voting on DEA Director Applications
Voting on Overseer Assistants Applications
Appointing the A-1 Commander
Voting on other Overseers
They also assist Site-Administration, Overseer Assistants, Department of External Affairs, and Alpha-1

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Squirrelly was going about his usual day as a Site Manager at the Site-65 facility. As he delved into his departmental review, he realized that his coffee cup was now empty. After typing his final page, he decided to head down to the breakroom and get a refill.

Squirrelly walked towards the breakroom at his normal pace, greeting other staff and engaging in conversation. As he was walking, he noticed that Alpha-1 members seemed to be discreetly positioned all around, an unusual sight considering they were usually only seen when accompanying O5 members. Curious, Squirrelly continued his path, eventually entering the break room.

To Squirrelly’s surprise, there sat O5-1, the highest-ranking official in the Foundation, casually sipping coffee and perusing a newspaper. As he glanced up, a smile crossed his face. "Hello, Squirrelly! Have a seat, I've already prepared a cup for you," O5-1 said, gesturing towards an empty chair with a fresh drink in front of it.

Squirrelly took the offered seat, unsure of why someone of such high standing was just casually sitting in the breakroom. They engaged in idle chatter, discussing the facility's policies and the various issues plaguing Site-65. However, as the conversation went, Squirrelly began to feel increasingly woozy. His vision blurred, and all of a sudden everything faded to black.

When Squirrelly awoke, he found himself in a lavish office seated in a nice chair. Around him was a nicely decorated office, high bookshelves with photos across the wall. Sitting across from him were three individuals he had encountered separately before, but never all together. The tension in the room was immense as O5-1 broke the silence, "Glad you're finally awake. We brought you here to offer you a very special position." O5-1's tone was a mix of both serious and welcoming.

"We've decided that you are the perfect candidate for the role of O5-4," another individual chimed in. "You can decline the offer, and you will be amnesticized, and returned to your office as if nothing happened. So Squirrelly, what do you say?

Squirrelly hesitated, his mind racing. "Yes, I accept," he finally replied, feeling a mix of different emotions. "Great! Prepare to shed your former name and embrace your new role among the O5 council” announced O5-1.


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