Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:515720
Discord name: m4bro
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): “Soap”, John “Kratos” Freeman, John “Ghost” Freeman, John “LTG” Freeman
Civilian name: gilberto rodriguez
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding roles:
A1 CPL "Soap"
SCP 096 whitelist
Held roles:
CI-MCOM John Freeman
DEA Special agent
DEA Field agent
CI-BCOM John "LTG" Freeman
A1 SGT "Soap"
GOC CPL Simon "Ghost" Siegel
CI-Delta john "Soap" freeman
MTF B-1 CSG john "Kratos" freeman
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for 05-4. The reason why is that I feel like the state of the RP on the server and the state of the council is lacking to say the least. Right now I have seen 05 done very little as a CPL in A1. Before when I was a SGT I saw them do a lot more and before any of that I saw them do stuff all the time. Even though 05 is supposed to be mysterious in RP, they should still be seen more often and they should be encouraging and starting RP scenarios around the site. Which was a common thing back when I was a SGT but now is a rare occurrence. 05 should be starting RP story lines for people around the site which is what I aim to bring back to the council if I was to be accepted.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Dedication: I have been on this server for a very long time and during that time I have shown that if I want something I will put my mind to it and try my best to get it. Such as when I wanted MCOM. I have tried for a long time to get MCOM within CI and when I finally did I think that over the time I was in CI I brought more RP into CI. Such as the divisions and documents.
Roleplay: During my time in all of my positions I have shown my ability to RP that excels over others. Such as my MCOM and special agent positions have shown I have great RP skills with diplomacy, leadership and interrogation. E11 has shown my ability to RP with tests, conducting passive breaches, handling and RPing with SCPs.
Familiarity: I am familiar with the responsibilities of the Overseer Council, after working with and around them for so long. This would allow me to work as a better 05 knowing my limits and what I am allowed and not allowed to do within the position.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP are:
- Approving tests and documents from Research staff
- Overseeing site operations to ensure that everything is running smoothly
- Management of MTF Alpha-1, Site Administration, Department of External Affairs
- Calling Code Blacks in the event of mass breaches that are going to be difficult to contain, as well as the use of the Alpha Warhead when containment is impossible.
- Authorization of Advanced Armory for personnel when breaches call for it.
- Being an RP leader and pushing for quality RP for all site personnel and GOIs.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Applications for new O5
- Applications for SD, OA, DEA Director
- A-1 COM appointment
- Keeping the Code of Conduct up to date
- Planning RP events with other departments
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"The Start"
John Freeman was born in the US in 1989 and grew up in the city of Cleveland and Graduated from Cleveland State University as an straight A student. His mother and father taught him the Christian faith and he prayed every night to the God he was told to believe in. His friends, family, and loved ones molded him into an intelligent man that had ambitions. Ambitions that would lead him to trouble.
"The Foundation"
John Freeman would be found researching an anomalous phenomenon that allows people to clone themselves. When doing this he accidentally cloned himself into 5 other kinds of himself. All of his clones including himself would be picked up by different GOIs to be studied and understood. The original Freeman would be picked up by the SCP foundation. When there, the foundation allowed him to keep studying the effects of this anomalous phenomenon but only if he worked for them. When working at the foundation he tried figuring out how to replicate what he did but no matter what it didn't work. He would still try to work on the phenomenon but now also focusing mainly on the foundation. Climbing the ranks of many departments quickly but many of them didn't feel right to him. Until one day, John Freeman was working as an E11 CPT and would have been kidnapped. He had no idea what was happening and when he was unblindfolded he saw many A1 around him looking at him, then he would look down and see a paper saying “John Freeman reassigned from E11 CPT to A1.”
"Under 05"
After this he continued to work on figuring out how to clone people but now as a RA and working under 05-9 “The ambassador”. Later on in his A1 career he figures out how to do the cloning but only if the person is dead and if their brain was intact. The main problem with this cloning is that when cloned, the person cloned would forget the last 5 years of their life. Freeman would spend the rest of his time in A1 trying to fix this issue but never figure out how to fix it. One day when trying to study another anomaly that can make someone immortal, he would get sent an email by 05 command saying “high priority message” when reading the email it told him to head to 05-1’s office for a meeting.
Discord name: m4bro
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2 years
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): “Soap”, John “Kratos” Freeman, John “Ghost” Freeman, John “LTG” Freeman
Civilian name: gilberto rodriguez
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding roles:
A1 CPL "Soap"
SCP 096 whitelist
Held roles:
CI-MCOM John Freeman
DEA Special agent
DEA Field agent
CI-BCOM John "LTG" Freeman
A1 SGT "Soap"
GOC CPL Simon "Ghost" Siegel
CI-Delta john "Soap" freeman
MTF B-1 CSG john "Kratos" freeman
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
I am applying for 05-4. The reason why is that I feel like the state of the RP on the server and the state of the council is lacking to say the least. Right now I have seen 05 done very little as a CPL in A1. Before when I was a SGT I saw them do a lot more and before any of that I saw them do stuff all the time. Even though 05 is supposed to be mysterious in RP, they should still be seen more often and they should be encouraging and starting RP scenarios around the site. Which was a common thing back when I was a SGT but now is a rare occurrence. 05 should be starting RP story lines for people around the site which is what I aim to bring back to the council if I was to be accepted.
What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
Dedication: I have been on this server for a very long time and during that time I have shown that if I want something I will put my mind to it and try my best to get it. Such as when I wanted MCOM. I have tried for a long time to get MCOM within CI and when I finally did I think that over the time I was in CI I brought more RP into CI. Such as the divisions and documents.
Roleplay: During my time in all of my positions I have shown my ability to RP that excels over others. Such as my MCOM and special agent positions have shown I have great RP skills with diplomacy, leadership and interrogation. E11 has shown my ability to RP with tests, conducting passive breaches, handling and RPing with SCPs.
Familiarity: I am familiar with the responsibilities of the Overseer Council, after working with and around them for so long. This would allow me to work as a better 05 knowing my limits and what I am allowed and not allowed to do within the position.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP are:
- Approving tests and documents from Research staff
- Overseeing site operations to ensure that everything is running smoothly
- Management of MTF Alpha-1, Site Administration, Department of External Affairs
- Calling Code Blacks in the event of mass breaches that are going to be difficult to contain, as well as the use of the Alpha Warhead when containment is impossible.
- Authorization of Advanced Armory for personnel when breaches call for it.
- Being an RP leader and pushing for quality RP for all site personnel and GOIs.
What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Applications for new O5
- Applications for SD, OA, DEA Director
- A-1 COM appointment
- Keeping the Code of Conduct up to date
- Planning RP events with other departments
Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
"The Start"
John Freeman was born in the US in 1989 and grew up in the city of Cleveland and Graduated from Cleveland State University as an straight A student. His mother and father taught him the Christian faith and he prayed every night to the God he was told to believe in. His friends, family, and loved ones molded him into an intelligent man that had ambitions. Ambitions that would lead him to trouble.
"The Foundation"
John Freeman would be found researching an anomalous phenomenon that allows people to clone themselves. When doing this he accidentally cloned himself into 5 other kinds of himself. All of his clones including himself would be picked up by different GOIs to be studied and understood. The original Freeman would be picked up by the SCP foundation. When there, the foundation allowed him to keep studying the effects of this anomalous phenomenon but only if he worked for them. When working at the foundation he tried figuring out how to replicate what he did but no matter what it didn't work. He would still try to work on the phenomenon but now also focusing mainly on the foundation. Climbing the ranks of many departments quickly but many of them didn't feel right to him. Until one day, John Freeman was working as an E11 CPT and would have been kidnapped. He had no idea what was happening and when he was unblindfolded he saw many A1 around him looking at him, then he would look down and see a paper saying “John Freeman reassigned from E11 CPT to A1.”
"Under 05"
After this he continued to work on figuring out how to clone people but now as a RA and working under 05-9 “The ambassador”. Later on in his A1 career he figures out how to do the cloning but only if the person is dead and if their brain was intact. The main problem with this cloning is that when cloned, the person cloned would forget the last 5 years of their life. Freeman would spend the rest of his time in A1 trying to fix this issue but never figure out how to fix it. One day when trying to study another anomaly that can make someone immortal, he would get sent an email by 05 command saying “high priority message” when reading the email it told him to head to 05-1’s office for a meeting.