[USA] O5-4 "The Sinner"

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Apr 20, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56887776
Discord name: thegypsybard
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Roughly 11 months as of writing.
Age: 26
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
Character name(s): Darby
Civilian name: Elias Hightower
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

Yes, and it gets frequent use.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Site Advisor [HOLDING]
Director of Research [HELD]
Executive Researcher [HOLDING]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

An old warning for FailRP when I didn't know some rules.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

I am interested in the position of O5-4. I have spent quite a number of hours pouring over research documentation, guiding the next generation of researchers, and otherwise working to establish a viable and engaging RP atmosphere amongst the server population. While my personal goal is the betterment of RP itself, I have worked with SA/SC even before my time as Advisor in order to make sure every experience was a fun and memorable one when visiting the server.

I believe I could continue on in SA easily given my track record and abilities as both player and senior CL4. When I consider what interests me most about the server and what I do most for those that interact with me, I realize that what I want most is to create and lead RP for the people I have grown a fondness for in the community.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

A simple question with some pretty clear answers.

  • The first and most important quality necessary for a role as central as Site Command is that I have the patience necessary. It may not seem obvious to those who have not been integral to the flow of RP and administrative processes, but this job is stressful. Even as just a Director I received constant attention from elements all over the server- even members of other GOI outside the facility. This has only increased since I moved up to Advisor. Being able to juggle these problems without losing your cool cannot be emphasized enough.

  • While the role itself requires a certain level of mystique and threatening undertones present within the universe, as a player it is important to understand that we are all here to have fun. Often there are questions about how the various elements of the foundation work. be it what an ISD is to who they need to go to for certain authorizations. As Site Command, it is your job to know the answer to as many questions as possible, or know exactly who to send somebody to to find out the ones you don't. I believe my experience thus far is testament to my knowledge of the Foundation and its workings.

  • Document creation is something that was integral in my duties as Director of Research and executive before that. After nearly 10 months of work in both roles I moved onto SA, which has been an escalation of in-game documents to the wider control and moderation of external documents for my assigned department as well as assistance with helping newer CL4 with their own document upkeep.

  • Despite not being a Game Master myself, I have often worked with them and other members of the staff team to create opportunities for RP whenever I can. Often I will even create RP myself without the need for staff intervention, even if its only small things like a security guard needing therapy or a bartender in town. As a RP lead it is important to be able to immerse other players into the setting not just by running events, but even by just being present and visible at the right times.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council?:

As members of the foundation trusted with absolute authority over its operations, Overseers are expected to cover a number of areas:

In-Character Responsibility

  • As the motto goes, "Secure. Contain. Protect." Chief among these responsibilities lies the capture and concealment of anomalous features of the planet and universe as a whole. Whether it is a man-eating reptile that cannot be killed or a paranormal invasion of beings beyond human comprehension, it is the Foundation's job to ensure these rogue elements do not hinder humanity's progress with undue panic or strife. To do so, an understanding of these anomolies- these SCPs- must be found via the extensive research network interposed between each of the many sites scattered throughout the Earth's surface. It is an Overseer's job to lay down the groundwork to enable this understanding.

  • It may seem pretty obvious, but the second most important role of an Overseer is just that. They are tasked with overseeing the day-to-day operations of a site while it is in motion. On any given day a plethora of problems and will occur. Usually these can be solved by the bureaucracy that exists, but occasionally a firmer hand from a higher authority is required to ensure efficient and effective responses. Site Administration is utilized extensively to this effect, being enabled by the whims and views of their overseers to enact policies that better the pursuit of the core tenants.

  • The overseers also have assistants that carry out their orders when they cannot be involved themselves. This is most often the case when dealing with personnel not authorized to know directly of who they are and what they must do to preserve the peace. Assistants also are used to make official documentation when it needs to be presented, as Overseers seldom sign documents themselves.

  • Another resource available to Overseers is the MTF Alpha-1 division, an elite soldier unit tasked with guarding the Overseer Council and their interests. They provide security to keep the Council safe from threats, external or otherwise. They can also be used to carry out the whims of a council member while on site, be it information gathering or the removal of extraneous parasites. Jurisdiction over these men is a privilege, and one that should not be taken lightly.

OOC Responsibilities

  • In the event of a catastrophic site breakdown, it is Site Command that decides when to nuke. This is a last resort saved only for the most extreme circumstances when it is believed that SCPs are at risk of being loosed on the surface and ERT forces have been rendered KIA. While this may feel more of an IC responsibility due to its nature, nuking the site actively stops and resets any RP that is occurring at the time. This means that doing so should be considered more than just "what would the character do?"

  • The actions and orders of an Overseer can both make and break RP on the server as a whole. It is necessary for someone in this position to understand when their involvement is constructive to painting a vivid picture for the players on site, and when it only complicates an already chaotic situation. This balancing act is not easy, and more often then not there isn't going to be an easy way to determine what actions will have positive effects on those around you. Learning how to intuit these reactions is important to maintaining server health.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Pertinent Audio Logs Attached:

//_Tape_1 Begin//

"-no I'm perfectly comfortable. Really, you don't need- Oh, is it on? Terribly- Yes, yes of course. Ahem."

"Hello! My name is Doctor Cornelius Darby. I'm a researcher for the SCP Foundation, currently stationed at site-65 in- ah, an undisclosed location of northern Canada. This morning marks my third consecutive month of employment within the facility, and thus they wished to have this audio file record my state being for the benefit of those who would wish to consider my psychological profile. Personally, I believe this could have been handled via an in-person interview, but I understand the benefits that lie in analysis capable via third party involvement.

"Prior to my involvement in anomalous studies, I graduated from Carnegie University under a double major in both Parasocial Psychology and Educational Psychology, with a failed attempt at biopsychology during my first two years. Following my graduation I then continued on to obtain my certification in applied practice concerning subjects of major duress with an emphasis on self-actualization. Put succinctly, I worked with those of trauma in the pursuit of reclaiming their lives.

"During this time, I had been making attempts to investigate potential ways of averting or outright negating the harmful effects of devastating mental disabilities such as Alzheimers, dementia, anti-social disorder, et cetera. While I had a strong grasp of the effects and lateral changes caused by the chemical imbalances caused by the symptoms and treatments alike, I simply couldn't accept that modern medicine had still failed to make any progress whatsover in understanding how to combat the afflictions. Due to some, in hindsight poor decision making on my part, I began to delve into more obscure biblioterica regarding the subject. Without wasting all the tape on my exact findings, I found my attention brought to an online chatroom concerning a small town in the Canadian outback that claimed to have proof of a 'miracle pill'.

"Naturally I wrote it off as inane chatter common to the internet, but weeks of pointless research had left me a tad desperate it would seem. Against better judgement, I took an extended holiday and hired a guide to take me to this rural town in order to get to the truth of the matter myself. Well... Just my being here begets the ending, but when I arrived and started asking the wrong questions, I inevitably garnered the attention of the Intelligence Organization- the DEA as they were known before their merger in past weeks. After what I assume was a background check done on me, they approached me with an offer. One that, as you can see, I accepted.

"I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time; honestly, can you imagine just going with some shady people in the middle of nowhere with a claim of forbidden knowledge? I didn't even have any idea they could induce amnesia at the time. For all I know, a simple 'No' would have led to me disappearing! Knowing what I do now however, I doubt I could ever go back to change anything. Especially not since all this talk of reality bending has started to get discussed..."

//Further tape [REDACTED]_//
//Tape_2 Begin//

"This recording is being made on 06/01/████ of my own volition and intent. My name is Cornelius Darby, acting Executive Researcher within Site-██. I make this audio log as a personal recording of my current state of mind and manner with full rights given to all clearance level 4 personnel for any use.

"Following Incident Report 33-E I spent several weeks in mandated recovery within the medical wing of Site-█, in order to ascertain both my physical condition and my mental fortitude following the trauma. While I will hardly disclose everything recorded during those sessions here for sake of time, I report that physiologically I am perfectly healthy for a male of my age- Rather, a male of half my age, anomalous changes taken into account. I once again pass my graciousness to Site Administration for allowing my continued tenure despite the brief mishap.

"Progress on the development of my subordinates has been moving along at a snail's pace. The juniors seem to be getting younger and younger every week, with the same attention span deficit still. Were it not for the excellent leadership of my department and my very capable colleagues' dilligent work, I've no doubt our infrastructure would have collapsed long before I arrived.

"Where as before I would spend the minutia of my days catering to each and every care that was brought to my desk, I find myself reinvigorated with an exuberance I had not known for years. Now I can not only take care of my duties on the Board, but also manage extensive testing of my own. The most recent test- an experiment on the effects of SCP-500 on our new strain of SCP-███- was performed and carried out without incident despite the recent changes within heavy containment. Even now I am already beginning a paper focused on the potential applications of various cognitohazards being used to better both ethical and medical advancements within the department and facility as a whole.

"There have yet to be any concerns rise from my ailment on the psychological side as either. While myself and the kind psychiatrists who assist me with my self-diagnosis do recognize patterns of narcisism and obssessive-compulsive tendencies beginning to develop, some minor medication and readjustment therepy are helping to minimize the impact they may have on my longterm health. There have additionally been no signs of my prior affinity for reality bending- a fact which posits further study for the ramifications implied. I still experience headaches when interacting with SCRANTON-relay devices, however. Likely an aftereffect of the biological change.

"I will be concluding this log early, as I have a project to propose to members of Site Administration concerning a subject that has recently come to my notice amongst our supply of D-class personnel. Further logs will be filed under the adjoining folders in the future, with this one archived and tagged appropriately."

//End _Tape_2//


"What do you mean, you placed a live grenade inside 999?"
. . .
"No, Mr. Stanley. There is never a reason for you to carry heavy ordinance within the facility. Yes, that includes 'to stop terrorists.' Are you unstable?"
. . .
"If you take a look at the third line here, you can see that I have placed an indenta- What the- IA! Stop that junior that ran by, he's kidnapping an Advisor!"
. . .
"Just- Enough. I need my smoke break."

It has been growing and growing over the weeks as they come and go with the relentless flow of time. This numbness that has steadily been taking the place of what was once compassionate determination. I used to find joy in my work, joy discovering just what all had lied just beyond the pale that made up human consciousness. I cannot fathom if it is the work I do or my own condition, but I feel... missing. Like I have taken a wrong headway in a calm ocean that extends in every direction. What's worse is that I'm starting to not care what happens to these subjects. There- That right there. Subjects. I haven't thought of them as anything more than assets to be used and discarded in months. Even writing it down like this feels distant, like I'm observing another stand in my place and direct my limbs to a sombre melody all their own.
I think it is time to move on, while the effects are relatively restrained to myself. If ethical concerns are the problem, then I'll just apply my expertise somewhere that I can focus my newfound efficiency. Better to do so now before █ ███████ ███████ █████ ███████ ███ ███████████ █ █████ █████.

// ERROR //// UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION//// RELOAD_Y/N? //[COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)]


//_input.username O5-1 The ███████//

//Access Granted//

>The following information is to be redacted to clearance level 5 by orders of the O5 council. Unauthorized viewers are required to stay where they are and await incoming ISD teams upon receiving a Class-C alert from this terminal.

The results of Project Chrysalis is not what we had anticipated. While Subject-32 did manage to have replicative cells introduced successfully to his body's cellular structure, the introduction of solution XJ18-135 has resulted in far more destabilization of mass than what was theorized. Recognizable traits have all been eliminated due to the widespread cell degeneration without compromising the subject's faculties, but their internal biology has been irrevocably altered to a state of quasi-malleability. In addition there have been severe discoloration of all tissue samples to resemble black tar while external extremities have lost their intrinsic stability and result in deformed/distended musculature.

Subject-32's lucidity falls within the supplied parameters requested by ███ ███████████, though it is unclear what kind of mental state they will have after prolonged existence in this state. It is recommended to maintain strict adherence to the attached medical plan in order to detect any changes to personality and culpability that may occur. Full records of prior subjects' biometric readings and suitability can be found stored in the ███████ archive.
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Reactions: Ben Banks
Nov 24, 2022

Darby has shown consistent and clear abilities that are required to be a member of the O5 Council. He is one of the best candidates that has applied in a very long time who will actually create and facilitate RP around the the site for everyone. Darby has worked hard to gain these skills over many months at the foundation starting with research then to SA where he is currently. I believe that he is ready for the position and that he will help the Foundation grow and change with the aforementioned experience. He was a phenomenal as a DoR, great as SA, and will be even better as an Overseer.
+support active SA who knows what he’s doing, can’t wait to put Perfect L30 Dogfood into his office (unless his pac changes)
The only complaint that I have is that I feel like there’s barely any new lore related to the O5 position (should it be accepted), though I do like the sort of teaser that you have added
Apr 20, 2023
+support active SA who knows what he’s doing, can’t wait to put Perfect L30 Dogfood into his office (unless his pac changes)
The only complaint that I have is that I feel like there’s barely any new lore related to the O5 position (should it be accepted), though I do like the sort of teaser that you have added
This is ironically due to how quickly an O5 position opened up actually, haha. I had planned to do some lead-up projects with research over the next month/however long before a spot opened so I could link a whole project as the lore for funsies. The surprise position forced me to post before I had time to do that.

I'll probably still put together some in-game/out of game documents together for it that I might post in the lore section later down the line.

danny spikey

Dec 28, 2023
I think he will be great for the job, always in the mood to rp and make sure everyone has fun
(Ima miss being able to guard you Darby)
-Danny Spikey
nu7 CO
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