What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
My suggestion change/add the D-Block, and Security SectorD-Block
D-Block Lockdown
We’re trying to change the D-Block lockdown
access from Clearance Level 2 to Clearance Level 3, with added special keycard access
Biometric: True
• Security Response Unit
• Security Guard ( If the D-Block lockdown is abused, the access result will be removed )
D-Block Maintenance Storage Vent
We have decided to add a special access maintenance storage vent Clearance 3
• Security Response Unit
Security Sector
Security Sector Armoury
We have decided to add a special access armory for the more trusted Security Response Unit
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No, I was the first time made the suggestionPossible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
• I’m not sure if the Security Response Unit heard about the hacking in the maintenance vent, but they may be allowed to enter. However, they need the required combative clearance level 3 to access the D-Block Vent• The Security Response Unit may be granted access to the armory, but only if necessary, including equipment like Scramble helmets and night vision goggles ( Thanks Thato

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
• Foundation staff with Clearance Level 2 may not have proper access to the D-Block lockdown option, which can lead to abuse, as lockdowns could be falsely triggered when there’s no actual SCP threat.Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The option is can tell the Pros and ConsD-Block
• The General Security Department provides control over everything, including the ability to initiate a D-Block lockdown if there’s an SCP breach or the presence of SCP-008 spores.
• Non-combative Foundation staff with Clearance Level 2 can easily abuse the D-Block lockdown, falsely triggering it, causing job abuse, and running uncheck
Security Sector
• The highly trusted Security Response Unit can patrol and perform duties in the D-Block at any time
• None
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