[USA] Sledge's Fourth Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:135552538
Discord name: s1peter
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4,790,760 seconds (1330 hours)
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: U.S.A
Time zone: U.S.A EST
Character name(s): Sledge, Yana "Wolf" Volkov, Fred The Fed, Mikhail Ivanovich
Civilian name: Mikhail Ivanovich
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): U.S.A
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- IA Ambassador, CI-B, UNGOC SGT, MTF E-11 SGT, GSD Captain
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Not lately no
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:
-I am the best candidate for the position of Ethics Committee Assistant because of my extensive experience in The Department of Internal Affairs and my knowledge of current Departmental policies and procedures. I am motivated to interview other departments and relay my findings to the Ethics Committee. I am the first person to ask what the situation is and will apply this to my newly found permissions to authorize KOS past airlock and AA when my superiors are not on site/available to do so. People often come to me with problems anyway because they know I get them results. This is only to my benefit being an assistant as I can relay their issues/grievances directly to the Ethics Committee should I be given the Assistant position.
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:
- The ECA has many responsibilities, the main one being interviewing departments and constructing a document to send to the Ethics Committee listing all the possible issues and relative grievances subordinate and Senior personnel may have regarding said Department and or regiment. ECA's are also responsible for the D-Class work program, not only issuing permits but also keeping track of the total amount of permits already issued to prevent too many D-Class workers roaming at once. Additionally, ECA's may also authorize AA and KOS past airlock if superior personnel are not on site or are unavailable. Another responsibility of the ECA is to represent the Ethics Committee when no Members or The Chairman are off-site, and acting as not only a representative, but as a liaison for any concerns or referrals to the Committee. There are other duties such as upholding the Code of Ethics and other departmental policies and procedures, or organizing tribunals for lesser cases, even authorizing sweeps. The ECA has a lot of responsibilities and to list them all here would take all day.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Sledge wakes up with his head on his terminal's keyboard and his flask empty, the monitor reads: "Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Committee Assistant, the Committee agrees that you are not yet suited to become an Ethics Committee Assistant. For details regarding your denial feel free to contact any Ethics Committee Member. You may reapply after two weeks."

"Ugh... I feel like shit.. get this off my screen! Tired of looking at it..."

He gets up, takes his rifle and heads into PW where he talks with a DEA Agent about the current events

"What do you mean Speff and Trap resigned!? Great... both at once? sigh well, godspeed to both of them, I'm sure they'll be fine."

"Yeah, and Thordan is the new chief. SA is still picking the second one"

"That's great! Thordan deserves it. Anyway, thanks Agent."

Sledge notices Consultant Orca and stops her

"Hey Orca! How's it going?"

"It's going well thanks for asking, how are you doing?"

"I think I'm fine, but SA doesn't so, I need my mandated psych eval done"

"alright, no worries."

He starts walking with you towards medbay

"So, I heard Speff and Trap resigned at the same time"

"Yeah, it was unfortunate I loved bickering with Speff"

As you two open the door leaving PW loop, you both see 2 tech experts swinging swords

"sigh i'll meet you in the room, I have to deal with this"

"Good luck haha"

As Orca enter medbay entrance Sledge is yelling in frustration

"Hey! cut it out you idiots! You're going to kill someone! It wouldn't be a problem if it was you dying, but you're endangering everyone else!"

Tech: "That's the point, we're just having fun, if we die we die."

Sledge handcuffs the one

"And they think I'm the one who needs a psych eval, damn suicidal techies..."

"Aren't you an Ambassador? Like.. shouldn't you be professional and stuff?"

Sledge starts dragging him into interrogation

"Hey wait! I'm suicidal! I'm crazy! Get me a psych eval or something! I don't need jail!"

"You can have your psych eval inside of jail without any of your weapons techie..."

"Aw man.. you're no fun!"


Sledge enters medbay

"Alright, all set Sledge?"

"sigh sure, stupid ass maintenance personnel with swords. I'm surprised they haven't been stripped of their privileges at this point"

"A daily occurrence"

"A daily headache"

"Hah, I can only imagine"

"I'm sure it'll reflect on my psych eval"

“Alright, so besides the techie incident, how has your day been?”

"Well... I got denied Assistant for the 3rd time. And I woke up hungover looking at that damn rejected screen so, not the best"

“Do you know why you got denied? I’m sure it’s something we can figure out and work on”

"Idk... something about ppl not feeling comfortable enough with me or something. Nothing you can fix. I've been doing a lot of lectures to try and prove my usefulness... maybe they're anxious about someone with my uhm... medical condition being close to site command. But, at least I didn't get denied because I suck at my job. That's really all that matters to me. I do my best to be the best, and it's nice to know that ain't the reason I was denied"

"I suppose that makes sense. Moving on, how have your relationships been?"

"She's the only thing that keeps me going Orca, as for my friends, more and more of them are leaving or dying."

“All in a days work, eh? How’s your relationship with your coworkers and peers?”

"It's alright, I see them less and less but, they're all good people. I might be a Senior Ambassador but, we learn from each other everyday."

“Well that’s exciting! What do you think of other GOIs?”

"GOC is alright, good intentions but our ideologies are a bit different. I'd say we gotta work with them more often, they're better allies than enemies. As for CI, I want all of their heads on a pike. Had I not went into IA, I would personally be out there carving their corpses. MC&D are hooded morons who get into trouble and associate with CI so, them in general I do not care for. There are a few I personally think are good people that don't follow in their organization's footsteps but... that is very few people"

“Alright alright.. you have any concerns?”

"Too many to go over"

“Any that stand out?”

"I wake up everyday fearing that me or Rai get taken away and classified as an anomaly. I strive to be the best and to get important enough to where that can't happen. I'm grateful they haven't done so already, though it was close to happening"

“Is there any particular reason they would do that? You two are very trusted and valued personnel.”

"Well, if they don't understand it, they want to learn it, if they learn it's helpful, it stays, harmful, it stays but they try to get rid of it, if it doesn't do anything, it stays. I guess me and her... are either helpful or not worth it... She's a lot more tame than I am... she keeps it hidden away and is able to practically starve herself. I am not that way, I have to get my fill, and sometimes the flasks aren't enough.. the occasional captured CI courtesy of DEA and Nu7 is the only "treat" I get and even then... they're disgusting people, and I mean that both literally and figuratively."

“I see, anything else you’d like to share?”

"Uhh.. yeah. I've been a lot more confrontational and aggressive lately. I kinda just noticed that"

“Has there been anything upsetting you lately? Any major changes in your life?"

"Same old same old. Seems like everything upsets me nowadays"

“Maybe you should go to Kill House more, to get that anger out”

"I have something already.. besides, I can't vent with shooting cardboard and wood, I need actual targets" Sledge waves his empty flask around

“Ah, right. Well, I believe that can conclude our secession, another eval next week?”

"Sure, why not? It's a nice break. How'd I do?"

“Well…you’re not a sociopath!”

"That's nice I'm sure rai will be delighted to hear she isn't paired with a sociopath"

“Haha I’m sure she will be”

"Thanks Orca, see ya around"

“Have a good day Sledge!”

"You too"

Sledge leaves medbay to fill up his flask at 294 before heading back into his office and sitting down at the computer

"Sigh... no, they're wrong, I am MORE than fit for this position and I am reapplying.. shit, I have to wait 2 weeks!? welp... I guess I'll just prepare it early"

[IA]: Ambassador Junkman: "Hey Sledge, that techie you arrested escaped jail, someone gave him NHU"

"for fucksake... the application can wait." [IA]: Sledge: "On my way..."
-support your behavior and how you talk on discord and in-game is weird, you also have a problem with witch-hunting people in-game as an ambassador
Me "witch hunting" people is something I only do with friends or people that I let know beforehand who are ok with it. It's for fun and is intended to be taken that way. As for how I behave.. I don't really know how you would personally know since we interact once a week maybe. And from what I've seen, I don't think your behavior is all that stellar either.

If those are the only issues, I'm glad to see you took the time to find them. I'll be sure to work on them! ?
Nov 15, 2023
+Support - this is a long rambling response, so to save everyone's time I have italicized the key points.
It's relatively apparent that Sledge often plays something called a character.
Sledges character, especially the ambassador, is a hardass, and he even admits to that. While I can see why Mars calls it "witch hunts," it's literally what IA does. They track people with an AOS on them; it's a part of their job, and Sledge does it well. I think him doing his job well, being a hardass, and not caring what people call him or when they yell at him says a lot more about others who- even though they know he's doing his job continuously call him cruel names.
While everyone has different interactions and interpretations, I often speak with Sledge and have discussed with him frequently in the HH-3 discord. I haven't experienced anything that is "weird."
Sledge is genuinely a goofy guy; many people on civil networks are goofy; it's just how people interpret it, and if they have an issue, they should mention it to him properly rather than trying to bash him.
Back to the character of Sledge, being an IA ambassador, it's more than clear that he is ethical. Daily, you can see him enforcing ethics despite people's protests; he's strong-headed- a very good trait for someone in ethics.
I'm not sure why Sledge was denied the last three times because, though I started playing two years ago, I've only stuck around since last October, but even being here for only a handful of months, I've seen much positive change in Sledge. Back in October, I was something like a Cadet or Guard, and Sledge arrested or was going to arrest me for something I thought was dumb. From there, I decided I didn't like him. Well, flash forward to my combat medic days. I became good friends with Sledge and found out he's a funny and really friendly guy. Even now, watching him interact with others he comes out a lot more approachable than he had before. I believe he is ready to take up the job of an Ethics assistant and he will use this position positively enforcing ethics throughout the foundation and its members.
Anyway, back to my point (I can already see the comments I'm going to get for defending Sledge, lol), he would be good eca; choose him now!
Oct 7, 2023
Me "witch hunting" people is something I only do with friends or people that I let know beforehand who are ok with it.
You have a document in your IA Cabinet that quite literally has the SteamID's of multiple people of who you dont like, the sole purpose of this being to watch someone until you see them break the rules, if that isn't witchhunting then I do not know what is.
  • Wow
Reactions: Oliver Dalgetty
You have a document in your IA Cabinet that quite literally has the SteamID's of multiple people of who you dont like, the sole purpose of this being to watch someone until you see them break the rules, if that isn't witchhunting then I do not know what is.
Uhh, no, I *had* a document that my director talked to me about which had the names and steamID's of minging GSD during low pop hours that I relayed to the Senior personnel of the security department who thanked for the information but did not take any action.

I don't have a grudge over anyone, it wasn't personal, it was simply me gathering evidence for a report and my lazy ass not getting rid of the document. I already talked with David about it and it's been cleared up.
+Support - this is a long rambling response, so to save everyone's time I have italicized the key points.
It's relatively apparent that Sledge often plays something called a character.
Sledges character, especially the ambassador, is a hardass, and he even admits to that. While I can see why Mars calls it "witch hunts," it's literally what IA does. They track people with an AOS on them; it's a part of their job, and Sledge does it well. I think him doing his job well, being a hardass, and not caring what people call him or when they yell at him says a lot more about others who- even though they know he's doing his job continuously call him cruel names.
While everyone has different interactions and interpretations, I often speak with Sledge and have discussed with him frequently in the HH-3 discord. I haven't experienced anything that is "weird."
Sledge is genuinely a goofy guy; many people on civil networks are goofy; it's just how people interpret it, and if they have an issue, they should mention it to him properly rather than trying to bash him.
Back to the character of Sledge, being an IA ambassador, it's more than clear that he is ethical. Daily, you can see him enforcing ethics despite people's protests; he's strong-headed- a very good trait for someone in ethics.
I'm not sure why Sledge was denied the last three times because, though I started playing two years ago, I've only stuck around since last October, but even being here for only a handful of months, I've seen much positive change in Sledge. Back in October, I was something like a Cadet or Guard, and Sledge arrested or was going to arrest me for something I thought was dumb. From there, I decided I didn't like him. Well, flash forward to my combat medic days. I became good friends with Sledge and found out he's a funny and really friendly guy. Even now, watching him interact with others he comes out a lot more approachable than he had before. I believe he is ready to take up the job of an Ethics assistant and he will use this position positively enforcing ethics throughout the foundation and its members.
Anyway, back to my point (I can already see the comments I'm going to get for defending Sledge, lol), he would be good eca; choose him now!
Time to reveal the plot twist: Sledge is NOT ethical. He does try to be though! :D. Thanks Orca, and I was denied Assistant for good reasons the first 2 times. The 3rd time, eh you could argue it but I don't think I was wronged.
Oct 7, 2023
minging GSD during low pop hours
I remember this situation quite well, these "minging gsd" that you refer to had a Chaos Insurgent in chains within the interrogation room where you then attempted to hold 5 of the GSD under gunpoint to take the Chaos Insurgent for yourself WHILST the GSD where actively calling DEA to Interro, you then opened fire on all 5 of them, breaking FearRP.

After this, the "minging GSD" took the CI to the DEA bunks where you then decided it would be cool to bodyblock the door to the DEA bunks whilst the Special Agent had allowed them into the DEA bunks, they then hold you under gunpoint 5:1 to move out of the way where you then decide not to move and you get killed, you then wrote a document for these people because you broke the rules twice.

Instead of letting this nonchalant situation go by without issue, you decided to create your own issue for no reason and attempted to get people in trouble for it.

(i have a clip of the first situation but I wont be releasing it publicly you can dm me if you want it.)

Re-watching the clip you also started mixing saying you where gonna call a staff sit on us, kind of weird how you can try to make a comment about my behavior whilst you actively break the rules for your own gain.
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I didn't like you when I first joined the server mainly because you did your job too well but now that I've been here a while and adjusted to the server I've enjoyed seeing you around. You can come off as a hardass sometimes but I don't think anyone comes close to the dedication you have when it comes to RP and doing your job. Good luck.
I remember this situation quite well, these "minging gsd" that you refer to had a Chaos Insurgent in chains within the interrogation room where you then attempted to hold 5 of the GSD under gunpoint to take the Chaos Insurgent for yourself WHILST the GSD where actively calling DEA to Interro, you then opened fire on all 5 of them, breaking FearRP.

After this, the "minging GSD" took the CI to the DEA bunks where you then decided it would be cool to bodyblock the door to the DEA bunks whilst the Special Agent had allowed them into the DEA bunks, they then hold you under gunpoint 5:1 to move out of the way where you then decide not to move and you get killed, you then wrote a document for these people because you broke the rules twice.

Instead of letting this nonchalant situation go by without issue, you decided to create your own issue for no reason and attempted to get people in trouble for it.

(i have a clip of the first situation but I wont be releasing it publicly you can dm me if you want it.)
I remember the situation quite well, the "CI" who was obviously not CI was a Sr Doctor who went into 914. You were all minging before, running in a group of 5-6 just asking people violently for ID's outside of D-Block for no apparent reason, tranqing people, etc. This situation only really highlighted the issue.

And I was disappointed to learn all those GSD were A1, what doesn't surprise me is it being brought up now and not when the issue actually happened which proves you truly don't care about what happened and you just want to make a mess here. If you actually want to talk about the issue, you can DM me. (You could've reached out months ago when it happened) Or, you could continue on my ECA app and I'll just ignore it.

I stand by my actions, I don't stand for minging and had I been captain at the time, the SRU present would have their licenses removed for unprofessionalism and insubordination. Roaming in a large group during low pop to harrass people and break rules just isn't enjoyable to deal with, and I got in the way because it wasn't fair to those who were being annoyed by the GSD actions that night.

I suppose, we can agree to disagree.

I didn't like you when I first joined the server mainly because you did your job too well but now that I've been here a while and adjusted to the server I've enjoyed seeing you around. You can come off as a hardass sometimes but I don't think anyone comes close to the dedication you have when it comes to RP and doing your job. Good luck.
I'm glad to hear that. I am definitely a hardass, and I make that openly apparent. The great thing about being a hardass is, people remember you, and people remember I get shit done. If you fuck up, I will be there to correct your error. I strive to eliminate repeat offenders and if me being hated by you accomplishes that, I am happy in the end.

Anyway, enough with the yapping, I appreciate your comment.
Oct 7, 2023
I remember the situation quite well, the "CI" who was obviously not CI was a Sr Doctor who went into 914
Metagaming ^^
You were all minging before, running in a group of 5-6 just asking people violently for ID's outside of D-Block for no apparent reason
When 914 is called out of 1:1 that is what you should do ^^
And I was disappointed to learn all those GSD were A1, what doesn't surprise me is it being brought up now and not when the issue actually happened which proves you truly don't care about what happened and you just want to make a mess here.
This isn't a point
I stand by my actions, I don't stand for minging and had I been captain at the time, the SRU present would have their licenses removed for unprofessionalism and insubordination.
There is a difference between minging and having fun whilst actually doing the SRU job, "and had I been a captain at the time, the sru present would have their licenses removed", but this is what you tried to do? You said before this that you reported us to Security Leadership but nothing came out of it, these responses also seem highly ignorant to the fact that you broke at least 3 rules during this encounter, after breaking 2 rules you came back to the DEA bunks to harass us once more. You seemed to be the only person who actually had an issue with it which highly suggests that you where specifically out to get us.

I also forgot to mention that you have been punished before for these downright weird things you say in Discord, whilst you may see it as a funny quirk. For others it is just downright weird. Seeing someone who actively attempts to "bite" people in-game as well as saying stuff like this just pushes my point even further.
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Metagaming ^^

When 914 is called out of 1:1 that is what you should do ^^

This isn't a point

There is a difference between minging and having fun whilst actually doing the SRU job, "and had I been a captain at the time, the sru present would have their licenses removed", but this is what you tried to do? You said before this that you reported us to Security Leadership but nothing came out of it, these responses also seem highly ignorant to the fact that you broke at least 3 rules during this encounter, after breaking 2 rules you came back to the DEA bunks to harass us once more. You seemed to be the only person who actually had an issue with it which highly suggests that you where specifically out to get us.

I also forgot to mention that you have been punished before for these downright weird things you say in Discord, whilst you may see it as a funny quirk. For others it is just downright weird. Seeing someone who actively attempts to "bite" people in-game as well as saying stuff like this just pushes my point even further.
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I say the goofiest stuff on discord lmao. Plus I've already had these things addressed forever ago.
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