Denied Use Matadors on SCPs

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Active member
Jan 18, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Firstly I'd like to underline that I think this should be allowed on the surface as I don't see a problem in using explosives on the surface.
As it currently stands a Matadors should not be used on SCPs and only on armored vehicles, I suggest to change it so a Matador may be used on SCPs as well.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Have all the AA be usable on SCPs
- Currently matadors are only used once every hour to destroy 1 BTR and then rot in the inventory of the player
- Help fight SCP that hide in buildings or camp in rooms

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Crossfire potential
- the Matador will be used outside the manufactures intent

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think its better to just have all the AA be allowed on SCPs as excluding a singular weapon from it seems odd, we currently have Nitro that is a even more powerful explosion allowed indoors and on SCPs with that in mind I can not understand why a Matador is not allowed. Every AA is a weapon of destruction that can be used interchangeably and the Matador plays into that. Furthermore I understand there is crossfire potential but so is there one with Nervgas and Nitro. Although both of those are allowed. I support the usage of Matadors outside on surface SCPs in particular as it makes sense to use explosive on a target in an open area. Adding to that UNGOC has the airstrike they are allowed to use on SCPs, in my opinion using a rocket launcher on a SCP seems more sensible than cluster bombing it. Speaking on surface SCPs the crossfire should be minimal as nobody should stand that close to these SCPs.
The Matadors intent of usage is on armored vehicles but I don't see why the Foundation would not use it on SCPs they wish to destroy.
I also don't think the matador is OP as it doesn't do extreme damage and would be on par with the Auger in damage output, it really can help when the SCP is camping in a building or other areas giving the ability to do damage without sacrificing 20 people.

Currently it is seen as "Common Sense" that using a Matador on SCPs is wrong, with which I do not agree. I'd like you to consider my suggestion or maybe clarify that the matador can not under any circumstances be used on SCPs.

The rule

2.1 Use equipment realistically - Equipment must be used realistically and not be abused. Enhanced Armoury equipment must not be used against human combatants, a matador can be used against armoured vehicles. This rule does not extend to SCPs, however, there must be 2 or more SCPs breached for Enhanced Armoury equipment to be used.

Makes it seem that Matadors are ok to be used on SCPs

it has been pointed out that the Matador is a bad weapon, but this fact does not support the ban of its use, if its bad people wont use it but people shouln't be punished for using it
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Feb 4, 2023

Literally why not... it's shit as it is anyway, and feels a little silly to warn people about using it. Even if approved, I doubt we'll be RPG'ing SCPs anyways, it'll more be a, "Hey, I have 4 rockets on me, might as well use them and refill ammo later!"
Jun 6, 2022
Suggestion Denied


Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

Currently, the Matador only does about a 100 damage. We see no reasoning as to implement this, as it'd only cause unintentional crossfire & issues. The matador is intended for usage on armored vehicles, not SCPs.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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