vasily's UHC app

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MRP War Veteran
Oct 14, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:183968774
Discord name: vasily#5598
For how long have you played on MRP: I don't remember the exact date when I joined MRP but I have about 4 weeks and 3 hours of playtime in about 2-3 months.
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Georiga (country)
Time zone: GMT+4
NATO name (regiment and rank): Vasily number two 17th CPL
USSR name (regiment and rank) DR.swazz AG CPT
Civilian name: Vasily3
Do you have a mic?: Yes I do have a mic
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first UHC application
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received many warnings I cannot check how much I also have 2 bans One for glitch abuse and the second for 3x rdm which are pretty old ones I might have 1-2 more bans when I was playing MRP 1 year-ish ago
I have read to rules many times and I think and I will not break any other rules
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
I have been AG co for over 2 months now I manage many roles within my regiment keeping it alive and healthy
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I have led over 13 wars after reaching my rank of Capitan most of my wars have gotten victories I have kept track of all wars that I lead the result is 5 major victories 3 major defeats 2 minor victories 1 minor defeat By gaining the rank of UHC I can perform my wars better because 1. I will Have a voice amp by getting a voice amp I will no longer make sits for it which I do during the war about 10-20 times 2. By gaining the rank of UHC I will be more respected within USSR which will improve how well people will follow my orders.
I am also a very active player I get about 5-6 hours every day I hardly AFK during this time BY being active as UHC I can ensure FOBs are placed in good positions and built well.
After leading several wars I know where and how to deploy every unit in their right position.
I will make sure every unit is ready for any kind of war most likely for a flash war.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
17th CPL
List your strengths and weaknesses:
+Activity: my activity is one of the major strengths as I said before I get about 5-6 hours every day sometimes I reach a peak time of 10 hours.
+Leading: I have led many wars not only that When I am on I lead AG all the time.
+PVP skills: this may not be the most useful strength but I still find PVP a good thing during the war of attrition.
+management: I keep ag document updated making sure everything is okay looking over every person that is withing ag.
+being active during peacetime: I build many FOBs lead base operations lead kidnappings during peacetime With this skill I can manage to make sure all of these things are being made during peacetime.
+joining times: I join very early I can make sure to stock much stuff like Scud's/BTR-HQ's

-Have many warnings/bans: as I said before I have gotten many warnings and bans but after re-reading the rule page much time over again I think and I will not break any more rules.
-can get angry after playing long periods: after playing 5 hours sometimes I get mad at some stuff but make sure to cool down and apologize to the person I flamed on
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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 22, 2021

-good AG co
-very supportive
-good at leading wars
-very hot and sex ?

AG SFC Mat'yu Trotskiy
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MRP War Criminal
Nov 16, 2021
+ Support

+ Good leadership
+ Active IG/TS
+ Would just work as UHC

Good luck!

AG MAJ Johno
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Well-known Member
Dec 29, 2021
i think big joe is very cool guy
my guy can be good hc
bing bong
some questions for future hc
what u would tell joe byren?
=Neutral (Subject to change)

Hello Vasily,

I will be handing the pros and cons in my verdict and ultimately telling what I generally think of your position to join UHC:
Lets start with the positives.

+Enriching RP
+Easy Going

The positions above are great features to have in general but even more to be in UHC, we always strive to bring the best and provide a great stage of representation throughout the board. However, there are a few caveats with your attitude/actions in the recent days that have skewed this to a neutral pending changing verdict:

-Bursts of Anger
-Fairly Recent spews of warns and bans

The aforementioned drawbacks are a eyebrow raiser for not just me but possibly the other and more senior UHC, these factors are not something we overlook and not something we want to encourage/allow, furthermore, it is good to be aware of making mistakes however, it is more enticing to us that you actively seek to prevent the warns/bans to take shape as then it would show signs of progress and show us that you are of great fit and addition to the UHC team.

For all described reasons and concerns, I am giving you a

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I will begrudgingly be giving you a +Support

I've seen you grow within AG and become a very competent leader within AG, and well respected by both your regiment and the team as a whole.

The reason why I state begrudgingly is because of the fact that AG needs solid officers, however it's not fair to limit a player's progression on the server based upon that reason.

I would prefer if you stayed and help transform AG before moving to UHC, however, that's not because I don't think you're ready, it's because, as I just said, AG needs good leadership.

My main concerns would be recent bans, I recall glitch abuse and a MRDM that was overturned to 3x RDM. After speaking to your (then) officers, I opted to not remove you from the regiment, and I'm glad to say that it was the right decision.

UHC also requires a LOT of patience, and I must urge you to try and control your temper a little more if you're to be successful in this position. It happens to all of us, things get frustrating or we get out-played and we start yelling over voiceamp, this is something I want all new UHC to steer far away from, so just keep that in mind.

Best of luck buddy,

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Eden Hawkings

MRP Patriot
Mar 24, 2021
+Active IG and TS
+Great leader

Hello Vasily I do believe that there are some things you can improve on but they are minor details overall I believe you would be good in a HC role good luck Vasily!
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
Hi Vasily, I will be going with Neutral for this application.

You are
very, very active and a great CO.

Although, you
warnings do concern me, as you have got quite a few not long ago, plus as Valkyrie stated you had a MRDM overturned to RDMx3. You can get quite toxic as you have self stated and I just do not think you are ready for that reason. UHC cannot in any situation lose their cool and be toxic at all. I think if you take some time and improve on that part, amongst reading server rules and making sure you dont get any more warnings you would be a great fit for uhc in the future.

Best of luck.
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MRP War Veteran
Oct 14, 2021
I want to thank everyone for leaving verdicts on my UHC application, and I wanted to respond to some of the verdicts.
I will begrudgingly be giving you a +Support

I've seen you grow within AG and become a very competent leader within AG, and well respected by both your regiment and the team as a whole.

The reason why I state begrudgingly is because of the fact that AG needs solid officers, however it's not fair to limit a player's progression on the server based upon that reason.

I would prefer if you stayed and help transform AG before moving to UHC, however, that's not because I don't think you're ready, it's because, as I just said, AG needs good leadership.

My main concerns would be recent bans, I recall glitch abuse and a MRDM that was overturned to 3x RDM. After speaking to your (then) officers, I opted to not remove you from the regiment, and I'm glad to say that it was the right decision.

UHC also requires a LOT of patience, and I must urge you to try and control your temper a little more if you're to be successful in this position. It happens to all of us, things get frustrating or we get out-played and we start yelling over voiceamp, this is something I want all new UHC to steer far away from, so just keep that in mind.

Best of luck buddy,

I do agree as u said, Valk AG needs active co’s I have talked to the co-team which would be jhonno and drako we had a good discussion about me applying for UHC, and in the end we all agreed on me going UHC preferably being regimental general of AG after all ag numbers may be looking slim but we are pretty active these days and we have many NCO's that would be good CO’s.
I also wanted to leave another reply on my kinda toxic behavior, yes I was being toxic last two weeks but I tried not to show my toxicity to other people, last two weeks I had pretty rough times IRL but now I have everything settled and I can say that I can go back Be positive co.
Once again I wanna thank everyone who left a verdict on my UHC application and I wish happy new year to everyone.

Chad Power

Civil Gamers Expert
Aug 8, 2021

hey vasily!
This is a quick response because i dont see anything (except the warnings) wrong with you joining UHC.
U led some wars under my supervision (and without any) and you always did great. I think you deserve a chance and i wish you best of luck!
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Well-known Member
Sep 12, 2021
High activity recently
Good experience

Good to talk to and will listen to you if needed
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