Vulcan's AC Application

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Well-known Member
May 10, 2022
United Kingdom, Derbyshire
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455689050

Discord name: Zeon#2820

For how long have you played on MRP: Nearly two years!

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: United Kingdom
Time zone: BST/GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank): JAC Major Vulcan
USSR name (regiment and rank): IVG PVT Apophis
Civilian name: TPA Jaeger

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: No, I have the link to the application:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received a ban for MRDM by using a matador but has been appealed on the same day, I swore to never make that mistake again ever since! I have also received a warning for combat jumping and base camping although I don't know the reason of why I got it in the first place!
(Note: for some reason I can't get the image of my warnings on here because apparently the file was "too large")
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Technically yes, I used to serve as a 2LT at first but left because I think at that time I had Major Depressive Disorder but I am now serving as the rank of Major for about a month!
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: Well, I take responsibility into every action that affects others including myself and I'll try and adapt to not make those mistakes again by trying to find a solution or if necessary another alternative solution to improve upon myself! During my time here as a member of JAC, I have learnt to become a better Commissioned Officer not just for my regiment but for everyone by improving my understanding, accountability, tactics and judgement upon others with the knowledge of tanks!

With this, I can cooperate with anyone in Allied Command or from different UAN regiments, I am approachable if anyone does have a problem with something as that I am always open-minded so I would like to hear people's suggestions/ideas but it would have to be something beneficial from both sides at the end to make everything fair for everyone!
List your in-game ranks on MRP: UAN JAC MAJ, NWO IVG PVT
List your strengths and weaknesses:

  • Active - I always come on this server at the end of my school day to make sure that my regiment is doing okay and to help build FOB's for the next war if necessary!​
  • Accountability - I would take full responsibility into every action I make, so if I have done something wrong I would be direct and tell the truth about what has happened!​
  • Open-Minded - I would listen to anyone that would have a single problem with a certain aspect of a regiment in UAN as I am always open for ideas or complaints!​
  • Discipline - Even though I can be quite chill and friendly for the most part, discipline still must be ordered to take place if a single member has been caught breaking the laws or just simply causing a scene within a regiment such as insubordination as it will not be tolerated!​
  • Leadership - I have lead a few wars as a SCO, the first war that I have lead was when I was Captain but the rest was when I was Major, I always adapt to the new rules and try to make my regiment as best as they can possibly make it by trying to encourage tryouts, trainings and UAN recruiting!​
  • Adaptable - Every time something has been changed within a regiment or UAN as a whole, I will try my best to try and adapt to the new laws/rules that has been implemented into the system without causing any problems by not complaining too much about it as my voice will be accounted for!​
  • Slightly hot-headed - During wars, I always expect people to gain some sort of victory in a certain aspect (Stocks and Territories), but if I do not see members trying their best, my anger would grow but I always try to refrain myself from saying anything unnecessary!
  • Knowledge - I do have a vast amount of knowledge in JAC but I have some sort of knowledge from UAF about their Air Vehicles and some RMP Jail times but to know more I must try and obtain this information to expand my understanding in UAN!

    Thank you for taking the time to read my application!​


Hi Vulcan, so for the reasonings behind my verdict I will say you are active in JAC, your maturity is quite good I'd say despite the ban as you have shown it was unintentional and apologised for it. You are a pretty friendly face to see in JAC overall and a good leader when you are heading up in wars. I would however like to see you step up to lead more often in wars as I have only seen you lead once or possibly twice. You have a fairly good relationship with other regiments so for those reasons I'm happy to Support your application.
Best of luck!
Oct 17, 2021
You are one of the coolest people on the server, and you are one of the best SNCOs in UAN, however personally, I believe that your regiment will suffer greatly from your loss. In theory, this could be overcome with you being their regimental general but then I cannot think of what would happen with the next regimental terms.

You have amazing qualities like
good activity and maturity, but I'm not sure how you would handle a leading role like AC.
Even so, I think you deserve a shot if that's what you want to do. Let my mans into high command!


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
Application Accepted

Hi @Vulcan ,

Thanks for taking the time to make an Allied Command application.

Congratulations on having your application accepted.

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining
UAN High Command.​
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