Walter Pieceburys NHC Application

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79693762
Discord name: Walter Piecebury#1423
For how long have you played on MRP: 1,5 years on Civil gamers MRP Only
Age: 25
In what country are you located?: Denmark
Time zone: Gmt +1
NATO name (regiment and rank): Walter Piecebury 17th CPT and former 17th Major under Remme and Fortze
USSR name (regiment and rank): Walter Ivanovich PVT
Civilian name: N/A
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-Yes i have for " killing less then 4 infantry with a Matador" which was and accident and it was on the 25 of November 2020.

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
Irl i have extensive experience both as a former what is equivalents to a PFC in the danish reserve troops and has lead of a MRP platoon in hardball, quite a while ago on the server i was a 17th Major leading 17th Infantry into war also i have extencive experience with leading nato wars with 17 wins under my belt. (with no defeats)

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
i am experienced enough to know that i do not know every job in nato and i am willing to listen to the members of the regiments to now what they need from me.

-That is also my plan if i get the promotion to have a excel format set up for the regiment so individuals can name the time and date so i can have a personal meeting with every member of the regiment over the rank of CPL.
This is to learn what they need and what i can help with as their Reg GEN.

-In real life: my experiences with in the danish reserve troops has allowed me to experience how real leadership is carried out.
As a person i am very dedicated in every role that i am placed in as i put myself in to everything i do.

-Activety: since my job Irl at the moment is as a trainee cook i only have 14 work days a month and can there for spend allot of time when i am off duty.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

Walter Piecebury 17th 1LT and former 17th Major under Remme and Fortze

USSR : Walter Ivanovich PVT

List your strengths:


Self disipline.


Knowledge of nato and its tactics

List your weaknesses:

Short fused

Intolerence of mingees

(btw im sry for the gramma english is my third language)
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Feb 26, 2022
.great role model
.brilliant leadership skill
.very well experienced

Walter you’re an amazing leader and someone to look up to in the MRP server. I think You’ll fit well in NHC and bring many victories for NATO
+He was mature back in the day when I knew him
+Had some decent leadership from what ive seen from back in the day

-not seen lead
-The last 17th OG :cry:

Hey walter cool to see that you came back on the server and went back to 17th. I don't play anymore but I will still give you an verdict on my experience with you back in the day. I do believe you can be a good asset to NHC cause i consider you more of the "serious" players and def not an minge. I feel you could have some impact on making NATO a more serious faction.

Good luck walter
  • Haha
Reactions: Walter Piecebury

+My right hand man
+Great Leadership skills
+Lead 17th as MAJ and as 1LT now
+Massive potential for higher position
+Does not stand for stupidest
+OG like myself (If i remember correctly i trained u as TRN)

=Short fused
=Long time off since OG 17th

Walter since you re-joined 17th you have strived to make 17th better along side myself and the other COs you are a Kind and approachable person but as the Hersh of 17th your PT is brutal but fair and i would love to see you in NHC because you would go far as you have the attitude and the confidence to tell people that what they're doing is shit and can take criticism.


MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021
- Neutral (leaning -ve)

+Good activity
+active in TS3

-Have witnessed toxicity from yourself
-never seen leading a war

I don't think you are ready just yet, maybe lead some wars to get experience, don't be afraid to ask. Despite this, I wish you luck!
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+My right hand man
+Great Leadership skills
+Lead 17th as MAJ and as 1LT now
+Massive potential for higher position
+Does not stand for stupidest
+OG like myself (If i remember correctly i trained u as TRN)

=Short fused
=Long time off since OG 17th

Walter since you re-joined 17th you have strived to make 17th better along side myself and the other COs you are a Kind and approachable person but as the Hersh of 17th your PT is brutal but fair and i would love to see you in NHC because you would go far as you have the attitude and the confidence to tell people that what they're doing is shit and can take criticism.
It was brendan that did my training but your where a major inspiration for what i am today (your serious side ;-) )
Dec 28, 2021
+ Support

+ Discipline
+ Helpfull
+ Good leading skills
+ Mature
+ activity on TS
+ Intolerance of mingy behaviour

- Short fused
- activity in-game
- Have not seen lead the whole of NATO

In my opinion you should get some more experience first.
You did help me through alot which i am thankfull for but you aren't ready for NHC.
Either way you have my undying support!

- Tadeusz
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021

Sorry Walter, but I am going to have to give you a -1. This is probably going to be my shortest feedback as I do not have many negatives to say, the issue is that you have not done enough to make yourself worthy of this position as of now.

You are very much mature and friendly, and put a stop to minging around inside your regiment. You also lead 17th when need be and overall give a good example for the lower ranks. Only negative interactions I've had with you was when you were SNCO and said: "We had a victory but now she is bitching at us" after I had lectured NATO in a DB due to poor war results. We spoke about this incident, you apologized and after that I have honestly not had issues. You could make a good NHC, but again I need to see a change in other areas:

Your activity is poor. I have barely seen you for a while, and I am online every day for 4-6 hours. You have not really involved yourself with the regiment or COs lately, which is weird because at the start you did. I barely see you get involved with 17th decision making or communicate with the other COs. We need active and dedicated members for NHC, which is the main reason I cannot stand by you getting such a position. You simply are not active enough.

My other issue is your lack of leading. Again, you do lead 17th when you are online, but you have never stepped up to do war leading or anything else outside working with 17th on the server. NHC is a position in which you oversee the whole of NATO, not just your enlisted in one regiment. My problem is, if you only do the minimum of leading (that is commanding 17th during wars), you are not ready to take the job of commanding whole of NATO.

Lastly, and as everyone expects, I am disappointed with your application. It is not pretty or nice to read, and to be frank, you could put a little bit more text in it. I would like to see more effort put into this application to prove your dedication to the position.

Best of luck,

BGEN Athena

(P.s. whoever complains of my font, I am not changing it! ?)
Nov 22, 2021
Hey Walter
So I am going with a neutral as I don't have to go with to give a better verdict on you becoming an NHC, as I have no to little interactions with you, but the once I have have been pleasent and nothing about that, but also, as said by the others who have given a verdict, I haven't seen you lead NATO as whole, if you ever wish to step up and lead NATO I will gladly give you a chance and I believe any NHC will. Best of luck with your app.


BGen. Dukem


Well-known Member
Mar 15, 2022
+Great tactics
+Great attitude
+Reliable brudda
Walter Piecebury literally my main man and a king at leading ground in 17th and keeping everyone in check. literally the most reliable guy I know. Even though I dont want you to go but you would be a sick NHC.


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Please contact a Lieutenant General or above when you are on TeamSpeak to undergo the next steps of joining
NATO High Command.​
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Reactions: NightWolf
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