Denied Weapon wobble

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Removes or changes the stupid weapon wobble system that was added with the NWO/UAN Update

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Makes your gun not have a random weapon shake that you can't control
Reverts the guns back to their old state (idk why it was changed in the first place)

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
There wouldn't rly be any. The guns used to be good before the NWO update. There wasn't any idea to change it during the planning of the update.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Guns don't have a set wobble patterns, they decide to shake randomly, Making gunfights RNG based. There was no reason to change the weapons as no one has complained about them, the only issues were weapon balancing such as dmg and spread.

(Fix LMGS ?)
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Apr 2, 2022
Its really annoying please get rid of it
I don't think this is easy to see in the video but if you're staff spawn in a mk8 and do 10 sprays of 20-30 bullets and you will see that some of the sprays, maybe even half are A LOT harder / impossible to control
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Active member
Feb 20, 2022
Really annoying to shoot when shots I was pulling off 1 min before don't work anymore because of shitty RNG, guns just don't work like that, they don't go all over the place unless you're inexperienced as hell, we're supposed to be playing strong army men not fuckin recruits that just got a hold of a gun for the first time in their lives.
Also pls fix LMGs they are absolutely useless, the only purpose I've seen Autorifleman used on JAC is to swap off of another job. No one wants to use the M60 because of how bad it is, the spread and random wobble is just atrocious on a weapon you're supposed to used to suppress an area at a decent distance.
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