Denied Weekly Court Cases

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Well-known Member
May 17, 2024
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Add a guaranteed weekly court case which can be attended by either side, the crimes could be fabricated or they could be actual crimes committed by players.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

Possible Positives of the suggestion
Adds a guaranteed weekly event which would improve entertainment and also a form of entertainment for the players

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Would probably have to make an out of base courthouse to avoid spies using this as an opportunity.

Minges could easily mrdm a busy courthouse like this.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It should be accepted because we have a full court system, which simply does not get used, I have only ever been to one court case which was when the system was first reintroduced to the game in Afghan, I think giving both sides an event to look forward to every week would be a positive impact on the server, we could even have the players vote on whom is on trial and they could even vote for the outcome in some cases, as if the players are the jury, it would be a unique and special time of the week as you would never know who it's gonna be and what the crime would be
Upvote -1
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


MilitaryRP Staff
Sep 7, 2022

Court cases usually happen because somebody has either requested one or because somebody has been investigated so to have one weekly would be too much for KGB/RMP as they would need to constantly be investigating stuff.

Having more regular court cases would be nice just not weekly unless they were organized by gm to be joke ones.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2024

Court cases usually happen because somebody has either requested one or because somebody has been investigated so to have one weekly would be too much for KGB/RMP as they would need to constantly be investigating stuff.

Having more regular court cases would be nice just not weekly unless they were organized by gm to be joke ones.
Whilst I understand your point nobody ever requests a court case because there is simply no point, you get charged with the crime anyways so even if you win the case it's still on your record and I've never seen an RMP/KGB investigation so I couldn't comment on that
I will write out the proper response later, however this is denied.

Court cases are to simply put it, boring. The main reason they dont happen often is due to people not wanting to sit there for an hour just to hear "guilty" or "not guilty". Investigations by RMP and KGB do occur (As I have seen in their discord channels) but you may not know that due to obviously the secrecy behind them. Also, if someone does win a court case, a Senior Admin could expunge the arrest from their record by request of HC.
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