Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107654243
Discord name: caustichail0
For how long have you played on MRP: ~1 year
Are you a returning player?: Yes
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: 1-2 Months ago
NATO name (regiment and rank): N/A currently (WhiskeyB / JaundiceJones)
USSR name (regiment and rank): N/A currently (RumB)
Civilian name: N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warn when i was very new to the server. None active currently
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
Yes, LTCOL for SAS, CO for 10th SD
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP:
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: ISAF
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: 2ND LT
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?:
Experience as a LTCOL, Personally trained by multiple NHC
List your strengths and weaknesses:
I am good at the personel side of regiments, interacting with the members of the regiment. I can semi fix Rosters. I can organise trainings and such
Sometimes i struggle with activity due to uni work but i am trying to change by scheduling better.
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it:
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:
Helping the regiment grow and helping members improve
Teaching lower ranks who join ISAF how the server is run
Organising activities for the regiment to prevent people from going afk in wars
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?:
People arent training lower ranks so they seem confused sometimes
Sometimes lower ranks in isaf can cause trouble for other regiments
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?:
More guidance for lower ranks, not exactly punishments but more a helping hand for new people
Organising trainings for the regiment and encouraging people to do missions
Discord name: caustichail0
For how long have you played on MRP: ~1 year
Are you a returning player?: Yes
If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: 1-2 Months ago
NATO name (regiment and rank): N/A currently (WhiskeyB / JaundiceJones)
USSR name (regiment and rank): N/A currently (RumB)
Civilian name: N/A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
1 warn when i was very new to the server. None active currently
Do you have any experience as CO or higher on MilitaryRP?:
Yes, LTCOL for SAS, CO for 10th SD
List your current in-game rank(s) on MRP:
What NATO regiment are you looking to enter?: ISAF
What rank are you looking to enter your chosen regiment in?: 2ND LT
What makes you the best candidate for your chosen regiment?:
Experience as a LTCOL, Personally trained by multiple NHC
List your strengths and weaknesses:
I am good at the personel side of regiments, interacting with the members of the regiment. I can semi fix Rosters. I can organise trainings and such
Sometimes i struggle with activity due to uni work but i am trying to change by scheduling better.
Please list out your accomplishments on MRP, both in your chosen regiment (if applicable) and outside of it:
What are the responsibilities of the position you are applying for?:
Helping the regiment grow and helping members improve
Teaching lower ranks who join ISAF how the server is run
Organising activities for the regiment to prevent people from going afk in wars
What are the main problems you see with the regiment you are entering into?:
People arent training lower ranks so they seem confused sometimes
Sometimes lower ranks in isaf can cause trouble for other regiments
Continuing from the above question, what is your plan to address these problems?:
More guidance for lower ranks, not exactly punishments but more a helping hand for new people
Organising trainings for the regiment and encouraging people to do missions