Willow Rayman's DoIA Application #2 (UK)

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Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I've been playing for roughly four months now.
Age: 20 Years Old
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Willow "Coyote" Rayman, Clara "Lake" Baker (GOC)
Civilian name: Alsa Williams
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
IA Ambassador: Holding
GOC Private
E-11 Lance Corporal
Nu-7 Specialist
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 1 Warning, FailRP
Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs?
I am applying for the Director of Internal Affairs because IA is where I belong, and I'd love nothing more to help IA grow and prosper, to see agents come and grow to new heights in their roles, while also assisting in the changing of IA's current reputation as a group who is there to just arrest people into something more than that; I want to see IA become a haven for those who have concerns, while taking care of the ones causing them, locking them up for crimes, I want people to feel safe and sound with IA around. This also gives me a wonderful platform to assist in creating RP for IA members, which at times can be extremely lacking, until recently, thanks to the changes Broda and Merrick have made.
What makes you suitable for Director of Internal Affairs?:
I am suitable for Director of Internal Affairs for a few reasons.
  • My skills in de-escalation, as I've worked on them for quite some time, are quite good, and I have managed to talk risky scenarios down, and calm angered personnel.
  • My ability to remain calm when managing stressful scenarios, such as code blacks, or large breaches manning checkpoints.
  • My speech skills, while not the best, are quite good, and I can talk under stress, making most public speaking situations very easy on me
  • I can be authoritative and decisive when I need to be, knowing when it's time to put down my boot.
  • I have great skills in listening to others, especially about their worries and concerns.
  • I have what I would consider solid writing abilities, along with the ability to get documents done quickly, even under time constraints. (Op. Wardens)(A proposal of mine)
  • I know how IA operates internally, as I'm one of the longest-standing current ambassadors of about 3 months.
  • I put effort into all that I do for the department, be it a document, assisting agents, or managing relations.
  • I'm quite empathetic and understand what people need to hear, or what they may need help with just off of tone of voice.
  • I am highly active, and even when not on site I am easy to contact, and quick to reply.
  • I'm always ready to assist someone with what they need, no matter the difficulty of the task at stake.
  • I understand the current needs and possible future needs of the department.
  • People know my face as a safe one to divulge concerns to, be it in my own department, or others.
  • I take care of others' needs effectively, and quickly.
  • I typically take a soft, guiding role when I can, assisting my agents whenever possible.
What are the responsibilities of the Director of Internal Affairs in RP?:
  • DoIA's are responsible with creating interesting RP for their agents/ambassadors.
  • To keep their standards high and professional, always aiming to make agents and ambassadors the best at what they do.
  • To train ambassadors and agents
  • To scout out site personnel for potential agents, ambassadors, or even successors.
  • To suggest changes to the FLC, in the environment everchanging
  • Assist in the education and understanding of the FLC for the entire foundation.
  • To assist the growth of the department as a whole, not just the personnel, but the legacy it carries past.
  • Maintain and improve the relationship between IA and other departments.
Please give some lore about your Director of Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in: Willow is currently tied into a few long-running events from Mirai.
Link to lore/personnel file/a few of the storylines I'm involved in-> Lore!
Last edited:
Jan 6, 2023

Haven't had too many interactions, I'm afraid. Your application feels lackluster compared to the usual DoIA applications that I've seen so far. Bullet points could use with some applications (like what do you mean with putting in the effort into the department? You claim you have solid writing skills, yet I see no examples in terms of documents)

Take the time before a verdict to overhaul most sections of the application.


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024

Haven't had too many interactions, I'm afraid. Your application feels lackluster compared to the usual DoIA applications that I've seen so far. Bullet points could use with some applications (like what do you mean with putting in the effort into the department? You claim you have solid writing skills, yet I see no examples in terms of documents)

Take the time before a verdict to overhaul most sections of the application.
I do quite a bit of my documents as in-game docs, rather than on drive, however, I have one that I will be adding now from some time ago.


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024

Although Rayman got the potential, I personally think the drastic timezone difference could have some consequences, such as not being able to monitor ambassadors personally, monitor on-site activity, and especially respond to important messages such as from ambassadors.
The reason that this ends up not being an issue is because I work third shift, which puts me in a well-set-up time point to put time in during peak hours, and time before and after.


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024

Bullet points with no elaboration give me no confidence you know what you are talking about

Haven't had too many interactions, I'm afraid. Your application feels lackluster compared to the usual DoIA applications that I've seen so far. Bullet points could use with some applications (like what do you mean with putting in the effort into the department? You claim you have solid writing skills, yet I see no examples in terms of documents)

Take the time before a verdict to overhaul most sections of the application.
Also, I expanded upon some of the bullet points, and explained them a bit.
  • Like
Reactions: Guts
Jul 22, 2023
-When playing as agent Willow Rayman has been extremely helpful with any questions I have had.
-Great at RP, I have been in several RP situations with this ambassador and they have only improved the RP by being involved in it.
-Very active, I see them on site often.
-Would be a great Dpt Director

Willow, Good luck with your application :D
  • Cool
Reactions: Willow


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
I would also like to say, I am much better with face-to-face since I can somewhat understand what you're looking for better; Open-ended questions tend to hurt my brain, and I also feel that loading the app with a mass amount of text could make it seem cluttered.
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Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
+/- Neutral

Willow I see you on-site all the time, you are very nice and friendly, but I just feel I haven't seen much come from you, bar what you would expect from an Ambassador.

Best of luck,
A lot of stuff I do in IA is helping others with their stuff; I'd much rather see an agent getting recognized than stealing their limelight in things, as I am already part of the CL4 section of Internal Affairs. Merrick and you leaving DoIA came at short notice along with... hesitation to submit a poor document, I hadn't fully prepared a... portfolio, if you will, of work that I have done, assisted on, or have had input on.


Well-known Member
Mar 14, 2024
Incase anyone would like to see V-time, most of the AFK time is me writing documents in-game. I've been cooking up quite a bit recently. Likely around 5-6 hours total is me doing documents.


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  • Candidate has demonstrated their ability to work in a team with Ambassadors and DoIA, happy to do brunt work.
  • Candidate clearly is capable of creating documents that are of high quality, IA has various facets that will suit you well if you become Director.
  • Candidate appears to have good activity, adequate amount for the role and is responsive in externals when help has been requested.
  • Candidate's lore documentation appears to be a recap of most of their actions already performed on the server
  • Candidate has good activity, but I have not seen much of this time be used in-game for actions specifically on Ambassador. A lot of it has been pausing to do documents or socialize (not a bad thing on its own to clarify, just that I struggle to see you elsewhere.)
  • Candidate is definitely a fantastic Ambassador, but I have been unable to identify many instances of leadership that would be necessary for departmental leadership.
Overall a solid application and I would not be opposed to seeing you as DoIA, but I cannot lean conclusively either way based on what I've seen. Easily the biggest thing I'd say needs to be worked on to make this a more convincing application for the post is your leadership. If I was able to see instances of that then this would be a +support overall. Best of luck.
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