Wipe the economy in the next update and nerf banks


CC Executive VIP
Jul 3, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Completely resets the economy and disallows players to easily create bank businesses in /business (for example increase the minimum amount of money to start it).

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I don't think so.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Healthy economy
- Higher chance of reviving the server
- Making money would be way less easy
-(Hopefully) server won't die after couple of months when the economy is peaked

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Well, players lose their progress. But it's not like they're playing the frigging server to begin with.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Not much to say, this server died like 2-3 times with the economy partly being the reason. While this might not totally guarantee the server's revival but some kind change similar as this should really be considered.
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Captain Obvious

DarkRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 5, 2022
United Kingdom
You know, I understand the direction you're trying to go in but the excution isn't the best.

I think banks as businesses has been a great addition and has really added a lot of just roleplay around it, nevermind giving players a second means to store/earn some dolla and a different area to make money. I do appreicate that the system does need a few tweaks/changes though, as especially from the beginning of the server a lot of money was being made from it and it could be argued it harmed the ecomony down the line. I think owning a bank should be a luxury and not every dick and harry using it for their money laundering business (cue irl)

Ecomonic wipe is something not decided. I would favour in it, a clean slate for a clean verision of the server, however I can see the opposing side arguing all their time being lost for nothing. It's something to be discussed further I think once the server is closer to its update.
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Actually in favour of an economy wipe tbh. Launching "DarkRP 2.0" or whatever this fabled DarkRP revamp/update will be called in the end almost feels futile if it isn't accompanied by an economy wipe. What reason would people actually have to play 2.0 if they still had everything? But then again on the opposite end of that if somebody had spent hundreds of hours grinding for stuff, their frustration wouldn't be hard to understand. Honestly this kinda thing should be left to a player poll or made as an executive decision by NL. This topic is far bigger than just 3 lads on the forum.

The banking suggestion on the other hand I am a little mixed on, on one side, player operated banks are now a staple of CG DarkRP and have been for years, they drive player engagement and provide a clear "end game" level objective, but, they aren't without faults, the biggest being that once 2 or 3 have been made, it does generally feel that as you say the economy has "peaked" and the server will then do nothing but decline, that and ultimately they are needless vanity projects that serve generally little purpose outside of miniscule interest generation while also being a great means for making a very small group of players (who themselves may not be the greatest of players with the most spotless of reputations) so insanely rich it effectively negates the entire point of an economy system at all as it becomes essentially impossible for a new player to catch up to the richest on the server, then as a by-product of that allowing an incredible amount of toxicity and resentment to foster. To be honest though, I don't think they are going anywhere, without them there really is no meaningful end-game objective and thus no point at all to actually grinding. I do think the rules need tweaking slightly to try and kerb the seemingly limitless wealth they generate the 2 or 3 players that run them, and potentially more gameplay loops other than just 'open account for extortionate fee, put money in, wait 3000 years for cost of account to pay itself off, profit at some point? not likely anytime soon'


CC Executive VIP
Jul 3, 2021
Gotta agree, suggesting to remove the bank system entirely from the server was not a good idea. However, they really should make it hard for people to actually own one of those by for example increasing the minimum amount of money to commence it.