Zaza staff application

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Well-known Member
Apr 3, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Salamajerkku
How many hours of playtime do you have? (vtime_menu in console): In the old cg i had atleast 1k hours and right now on the new server i have 2d 3h its only counting up
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: Finland
Time zone: UTC+3
In-game name: ZaZa
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:449160595
Discord ID: Kandykandy#1368
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: My first one
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have received 2 warnings for rdm because of miss understanding on my part but since then i have had better understanding of the rules and havent had any issue
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?: I have
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes
How many hours can you be on everyday?: 5-11hours everyday
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?: I have played cg darkrp for a really long time its so great to see that finally it came back after being gone for a while i do really like it and i have made great friends ingame and overall enjoy to play the server i am dedicated to being an active member of the server being online regularly allows me to help all the players in need and respond to all issues also conflicts may arise from time to time i can handle such situations with patience and understanding my aim is to help all the players and keep a positive vibe also as a moderator my primary goal is to ensure fairness in all my actions i understand the importance of treating all players equally regardless of their background or status within the server overall i enjoy playing this server and have alot of fun doing so i really hope i can be part of this awesome staff team and help players out because thats what i like to do
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I am active and i would help the server by taking sits much as possible and solve problems things runs smoothly when there is active staff team online to respond to those in need of help and keep the server awesome i also am active on the night time which again helps to control things and minimize rules breakers who are trolling/minging ruining other players experience this is the best darkrp server i have ever played and its really fun also i can understand players and can handle situations without losing temper i do think that with training i could become great staff member
Last edited:
Dec 22, 2020
I have spoken with you in-game and I can see you aspire to help out the server in any best way you can, therefore, my verdict will be a +support.
You are mature as well as good people, and you seem to know the rules well. Though, I'd recommend trying to be more active on TeamSpeak3.

Good luck, fella!
I don't recognize you from old cg, but I wasn't there at all times so it could just be that we didn't get to cross paths.
The only thing that concerns me is that you already have 2 warnings for RDM? Even if its a misunderstanding that means you didn't quite know the rule up until very recently and I just wonder if there's any more rules that could be the case with?

Don't have any issues with you but not talked to you enough so I'll have to go with a neutral.

Captain Obvious

DarkRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 5, 2022
United Kingdom
Hi @ZaZa , I'm going to give you a:

+/- Neutral
+ The application is good, however it could be formatted better.
+ Good age.
+ Good amount of time to be able to dedicate to the server, but I'd be concerned if that is feasible long term.
+/- You only have 16 hours, a lot since launch however it is still below the requirement. I understand the server is new.
- 2 warning for RDM already. Even with misunderstandings, the server has been open only about 2 days and you've receives these warnings and have made a moderate application? It would worry me.

If I was staff I'd be interested to see if you receive any more warnings as this moderator application develops, and if you stay clean I'd lean towards a +Support.
Dec 25, 2020
i have seen you and talked to you ig tho i cannot remember you from old cg
the main reason i have gave you
-Support is because you have recieved 2 RDM warning and that concerns me
i'd suggest you go ahead and apply next week (and behaving good in the server) then im pretty sure you have a solid chance of being accepted
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