Zhorik's CSB Application

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Well-known Member
May 18, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:561977648
Discord name: kris.pope
For how long have you played on CN MRP: 1-2 years, almost 2d playtime this month.
Age: 16 (turning 17 in like a month).
In what country are you located?: Germany

Time zone: UTC+2

Character name(s):
USSR name:
SGRU LTCOL Zhorik Moscow

NATO name: PVT Boris Cardinal

Civilian name: Debdeb Khaled Salami

Do you have a mic?:

List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held:
SGRU LTCOL (current)


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you interested in joining CSB?:
I want to have more peacetime RP opportunities, playing the Military groups is a lot of fun also outside of war but I found I get the most RP scenarios played out in peacetime on Civilian and with CSB I hope to have them more frequently. I see a lot of fun in playing as a unpredictable terror group and I am also interested in playing CSB during events. With more people joining CSB I wish to be one of those people to make CSB more prominent on the server.

Why are you the best candidate for CSB?:
I have a lot of RP experience, and I mean a lot. Being in RP discords and other servers similar to here, I am no stranger to RP and creating scenarios that are interesting to engage in by others. I have observed CSB during events and peacetime so I believe I have some basic knowledge from watching others on the team.

Please create some lore for your CSB character
Name: Fayiz Abd al-Aziz
Fayiz grew up in the Middle east during the time of well known terror figures were at their primes. Growing up as a kid, Fayiz was often exposed to violence, terrorist activities and conflicts in his day to day life. Shortly after turning 15 he had already possessed his very own imported AK-47 rifle that he had found while exploring demolished buildings of his neighbouring city and learnt how to disassemble and re-assemble it after some time, tho he never had the chance to learn how to shoot or even how it feels to shoot a gun as he had no ammo for it at the time. By the age of 22 he had already traveled far east from his hometown, taking his belongings and gun with him, hoping to find some sort of refuge from all of the terrorism and war he had to endure as a child. Much later on he was approached by a friendly guy, taking notice to Fayiz not being in the best shape at the time and offered to help him. After getting to know the guy, Fayiz was offered to join the Crimson Blade for protection from the war as he would surely not survive if his life went on like this... and after hesitating at first because he remembered the horrors of war and conflict however, he ended up joining as he had no other choice and decided to embrace his fear with the life he had left.

Do you understand that CSB is a RP faction and caught not doing so will end up in you being removed?
I am fully aware and understand the consequences of my actions for not using CSB as intended.
Last edited:
Sep 28, 2022

Thank you for your interest in CSB and taking out the time to make a CSB application.

We are happy to inform you that me and the Leader team have come to the conclusion that you are ready to move to the next step within CSB.
Please Contact me when you are ready for your interview.

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