Ali L's MRP Mod Application

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Jan 10, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Ali L
For how long have you played on CG MRP: Just more than 2 weeks.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: England
Time zone: GMT
In-game name and Previous Names: (USSR) Alpha 356, (USSR) Alpha Vlad, (USSR) Alpha Vlad (muted). (NATO) Alpha 536, (NATO) Alpha (muted). (PC) Ho Lee Fuk (muted).
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155387041
Do you have a mic?: Yes, at this current moment in time it is broken, I have ordered a new one and should be here in the next few days.
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- Yes
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I haven't received any warnings, kicks or bans.
Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
- I have had experience as a staff member before.
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
- I have also had experience but still learning new things.
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
- About 4-6.
Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
- For me personally, I just like to help people in anyway I can. Sometimes I see things and people wouldn't report it. I play PC quite often and I see some things which shouldn't be happening and the person doesn't seem to report it. So basically I just want to ensure that people on the server have a good time and i also know that this server can get up to 100 players and sometimes the staff may struggle with handling a lot of sits.
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: I would be able to help people get their sits answered quickly and if people need training during war I would put them forward as I see often a lot of trainees waiting during war and they might leave or lose interest for having to wait so long. I'm quite a relaxed person as a whole. Basically meaning i don't get angry often and I have patients for people who are new to the server or new to MRP. I would gladly help guide them and make sure they don't get into trouble.


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
-Neutral (changed at 2:04 am est)
-Not sure if you've been here for two weeks
-Active In-Game
-Active in Teamspeak most of the time

-Haven't talked to much.
-when Cal and I were disguised as NATO and we're in there base you were there as USSR shooting at NATO randomly. Which is not allowed
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Dec 24, 2020
Today I will be going with a =Neutral since I haven't really interacted with you nor have any rp with you but good luck!


Active member
Dec 24, 2020
+ Active in game and TS
- Haven't interacted with you that much
+ Good rule knowledge


MilitaryRP Staff
Dec 24, 2020
~ Neutral (With -Support Tendency.)
~ Unsure If you are active in game for 5-8 Hours, (Or my memory is weak.)
~Same applies for the TS. (Unless you are USSR side)

- You see things that do not get reported? Do you think by taking the unreported thing you might
Upset both sides that *Might Have Agreed* On Not Reporting it? (If it is a small thing that does not break Server Rule Wise)

-/~ If You were long enough in server You can tell that our Staff is Hyper active and at the same time are ready within -5sec to get a sit, But good to know You would train people waiting on the backline, ( <- If i get to know you in game i expect you to do This)
In General By The Application And Information Used In It.
You Haven't Been That Long On Server Have You? Non The Less, Good Luck!
Jan 10, 2021
~ Neutral (With -Support Tendency.)
~ Unsure If you are active in game for 5-8 Hours, (Or my memory is weak.)
~Same applies for the TS. (Unless you are USSR side)

- You see things that do not get reported? Do you think by taking the unreported thing you might
Upset both sides that *Might Have Agreed* On Not Reporting it? (If it is a small thing that does not break Server Rule Wise)

-/~ If You were long enough in server You can tell that our Staff is Hyper active and at the same time are ready within -5sec to get a sit, But good to know You would train people waiting on the backline, ( <- If i get to know you in game i expect you to do This)
In General By The Application And Information Used In It.
You Haven't Been That Long On Server Have You? Non The Less, Good Luck!
I don't always report it but i do watch to see if it happens again and i ask them and most of the time like you said they dont. I also know the staff are active but we could reduce the time and i just thought 100 people on and 15+ staff maybe can still use a hand. I haven't been on as much lately because of school but i still hop on the server and do work at the same time. I am also USSR sided but we can talk in TS if you like. Thanks for the support its helped a lot.
I don't always report it but i do watch to see if it happens again and i ask them and most of the time like you said they dont. I also know the staff are active but we could reduce the time and i just thought 100 people on and 15+ staff maybe can still use a hand. I haven't been on as much lately because of school but i still hop on the server and do work at the same time. I am also USSR sided but we can talk in TS if you like. Thanks for the support its helped a lot.
Please don't reply to one post at a time, help the mods by waiting some time then replying to multiple threads if necessary.
Active in-game, recently active on TS3
I am not certain you have the qualities a staff member is expected to have yet.
I agree with whatever @DarknesZed has outlined above.
AFAIK, you don't have 2 weeks of play time. Maybe a week. The site only lists 7.5 days worth of time as below; I'm pretty sure you joined the KGB right off the bat of training; 11-3 = 8 days, of course I could be wrong!

Edit: Added strike through because site activity menu is 2 weeks of playtime for every game you have played in those two weeks. Removed screenshot of website time; added GameTracker screenshot showing activity starting from Jan 2.

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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020

+/-Never had any interaction with you
+/-Unsure if you have been active for 2 weeks
+/-Unsure of your daily activity
+/- Unsure of rules knowledge
Jan 10, 2021
Please don't reply to one post at a time, help the mods by waiting some time then replying to multiple threads if necessary.
Active in-game, recently active on TS3
I am not certain you have the qualities a staff member is expected to have yet.
I agree with whatever @DarknesZed has outlined above.
AFAIK, you don't have 2 weeks of play time. Maybe a week. The site only lists 7.5 days worth of time as below; I'm pretty sure you joined the KGB right off the bat of training; 11-3 = 8 days, of course I could be wrong!
View attachment 143
I was Shock for a while as well and my timing may be off,
Please don't reply to one post at a time, help the mods by waiting some time then replying to multiple threads if necessary.
Active in-game, recently active on TS3
I am not certain you have the qualities a staff member is expected to have yet.
I agree with whatever @DarknesZed has outlined above.
AFAIK, you don't have 2 weeks of play time. Maybe a week. The site only lists 7.5 days worth of time as below; I'm pretty sure you joined the KGB right off the bat of training; 11-3 = 8 days, of course I could be wrong!
View attachment 143I was shock for a while as well, but looking back i may be under 2 weeks, i have miscalculated.


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 20, 2020
You have not been playing on the server for over 2 weeks, therefore you do not meet the requirements to apply for staff.
You can reapply in 2 weeks time.
Locked. ?
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