Accepted Dev Team Moneypots [Multi-server]

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[This suggestion would introduce a 'Moneypot' system of donations to the dev team of all of Civil Networks, that being a list of items on the dev to-do list that Civil Networks community members can choose to donate to, to add a cash reward/bounty to the project for devs to aim for.]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[As far as I am aware no.]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[I will list the positives in a bullet point way to allow community/staff to reply to it in an easier to digest manner:

1. Developer rewards/Pay: As of right now, the devs of CN gain very little to no reward for the work done. As of now the only gain is getting top tier VIP for both MRP and SCP-RP, which as a player of CN for nearly 2 years now, I know people tend to only play one or the other, not both. This would be a better reward.

2. Incentives to do community favorites: This would give the community a way to "Chum the waters" so to speak for devs to make the content they most desire in a way much more peaceful than just saying "[Thing] when!?!?" over and over.

3. Incentives for developers to do hard work: This I believe would incentivize devs to do even harder work for the server with the promise of monetary gain, that being winning the moneypot, especially when they get into the hundreds of GBP for something some devs, may know how to do easily.

4. Developer retention: As of right now, most devs tend to move on from CN because they want to "Go pro" or because the work isn't worth the reward, this would allow for people who do want to make a carrier out of developing to do so right here on CN if they're good enough, and give incentive to stay with this community.

5. Saves/Gives Ventz money: We all know, money talks. With this new way of community engagement, I believe Ventz himself could see his own increase in profits, and incentive to do certain things for developing so he can just take the full pot himself, as well as pays devs without his own pocket.

I believe there is certainly more gains than I listed here, and hope these will be enough to be considered.]

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[1. Finding a gain for community using this that is immediate: The only solution to this I thought of was giving Vpoints but only 75%-90% of the normal amount, this wouldn't cost Ventz anything really as Vpoint are an unlimited available currency to give out.

2. Less desired work getting the backburner: I don't think this is too much of a negative, but if the community doesn't want something it could see a smaller honey pot than others.

3. Figuring out when devs can earn it: Who can get the money pots? Any dev or only full devs? I don't know.]

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[I think that with all the positives and negatives, we will definitely see a better community and leadership understanding and what people really want added sooner with this added, I think it will attract both devs experienced and inexperienced and retain them, leading to quicker growth. I think devs will be more driven to work and make better and better mods and additions leading to more content and more fixes quicker than we see now.

I am excited to see what others think on this idea and hope we can have a helpful and creative discussion on this idea, and hopefully make CN a bigger and better place!]
Upvote 17
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
If I'm not mistaken you can contact a CS to add cash to bounties which are linked to certain projects, when I was more involved it was usually only bigger projects that had bounties though, if they even still do bounties.

Also it might have only been for the NWO update before it was released, cant remember if it was something done on other things.
If I'm not mistaken you can contact a CS to add cash to bounties which are linked to certain projects, when I was more involved it was usually only bigger projects that had bounties though, if they even still do bounties.

Also it might have only been for the NWO update before it was released, cant remember if it was something done on other things.
99.9% sure this is not true btw
If I'm not mistaken you can contact a CS to add cash to bounties which are linked to certain projects, when I was more involved it was usually only bigger projects that had bounties though, if they even still do bounties.
it was true, senior admin content team lead i was told that if we seen things that would have been GOATED for the server, then to ask CS to designate part of our bounty money to it.

That's great! So what I'm asking for wouldn't be too far fetched and is shown to be possible small scale, and could be possible larger scale!

I and many other members of the community had no idea this was a option, so if there is any possibility of adding a F4 menu link or even just a selectable option when at the Vpoints buying page, or even just a place on the forums to make this more of a advertised option this feature could see more use and more funding to our hard working developers!
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what exactly happens when a feature ends up being cancelled for whatever reason?

like, say you have this planned feature that was added because of an accepted suggestion, then players put a bunch of money into the pot

then it turns out it's too unfeasible by virtue of something generally out of control, like say it needs access to some third-party API and that third party changes their terms and the price goes up

or maybe something is dependent on an expected gmod update and then garry decides to not do that update or stops updating gmod for w/e reason and suddenly that can't happen

or maybe it depends on physical hardware changes to the server to handle load introduced by the feature, that then can't be done because the host did an oopsie

like, i love this idea and +Support it, but i think that's the single biggest potential drawback with this.

what exactly happens with the money? does it get refunded? what if this happens with multiple features at once? you can't just not refund them. so now you suddenly have however many people needing refunds, for money they paid into something that can no longer happen, which ties up staff of high ranks.

and then that is dependent on payment processors co-operating with the refunds and not assuming that it's money laundering and cause issues, which they probably will do because they're just like that.

or you could take the (very much not legal for SCP-RP UK at least, since this would probably legally be considered a good) asshole approach of "this purchase is non-refundable"
like, i love this idea and +Support it, but i think that's the single biggest potential drawback with this.

First I'd like to thank you so much for bringing up this issue!

Of course with what you described is a very valid concern for the server. But these ARE donations, sure they're donations to a specific thing in the server's possible future, but who's to say there can't be some flexibility?

One solution is having a list of things we're sure are possible to add to the server it just will take a good bit of work that are the options for you to select. There's plenty of these including map changes, models, extensions to chemicals, ect.

Another solution is to of course do the no refund option but give the option of just letting the money be distributed to other projects or of course be put on the project of your choice again.

I'm sure there's plenty more but I'm on a tight schedule right now and wanted to reply quickly to show my appreciation for you taking your time to leave your support and constructive criticism! Same to all who have had these discussions!
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