Accepted Modify how breaches work

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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Super simple, this server is a breach server not a RP server at the moment.

While I get breach votes were reduced, the issue is people struggle to contain breaches, and most people just... don't want to. We're here to roleplay, even combative players such as myself want to be able to function in a facility... thats supposed to house these S.C.P.s.

What I would like to suggest is the breach timer is modified to the following ruleset:

Once SCPs are recontained, there is a mandatory 45 minute cooldown to at least allow for a level of RP to take place. Which as it stands- breaches are too powerful for the server to handle of those who can be bothered to combat the breach.

Because ultimately, breaches aren't fun. They're built so people who paid money to the server can function off of what they've paid for which is... great.

So to put this into readable, the following changes:
  • Mandatory 45 minute cooldown on breach queue post a recontainment
  • Change breach votes to just- not exist. It is just the biggest flag of "this is a breach server" not a roleplay server possible-
    • Replace it with props. So someone who had 9 breach votes gets 10 props. So they can build to assist in RP, and if you're scared oh it'll be abused, staff can yeet props, and you can take the privilege away from those who abuse it. Same as PAC. (Such as changing to have no hitbox, making your model huge, etc)
      • Or- to add to the above idea, @Stealth instead, implement a reward based system that can be earned with tokens in replacement of breach votes which can contribute to new jobs. What could these be? Well, I think the idea that ERT can be guaranteed once within the next 24hrs with say 100 tokens, to something permanent such as "head chemist" which unlocks crates for you to place flying beakers in, a clearance 3, and access to a reserved fridge. Or "Upper Technical Expert" which unlocks the ability to see where broken boxes and doors are in the same way Janitors can see spillages etc. Or access to weapons, so X amount of tokens means a gun from the armory that unlocks for 72hrs. The possibilities of this has a huge huge capacity for introducing new mechanics, options and otherwise to those who can't afford VPoints but are VIPs. And to have it function like breach votes, make it so you have to log on to deposit them, whether it be based of playtime, or hopping on after restart so you dont miss out!
    • As a replacement, possibly have S.C.P.s breach times reduced by tasks they can do (puzzles etc, to prevent just waiting AFK with your other screen on roblox fr)
      • As well, another comment came with an incredibly based suggestion from @'Virgilu', in which these tasks can be completed by S.C.P.s to reduce the integrity of their containment, such as possibly damagable boxes in the cell, using abilities too much to weaken scrantons, attacking structures- (essentially using the G break mechanic), to which roleplay for Epsillon-11 patrols are no longer "/me checks box" and instead gives repair roleplay, inspection roleplay etc to techies. It also opens a massive amount of roleplay for S.C.P.s say that are often breaking their cells frequently, such as in the character of 682, 106, that they would be able to have researchers make deals for the S.C.P. to calm down and stop destruction. I would be more than happy to- if this was accepted- to go through each S.C.P. and assist in creating and developing the most lore accurate and ability accurate tasks.

While this wouldn't nerf hard to kill SCPs. This would effectively ensure back to back from the natural queue don't happen, and there wouldn't be punishment to those hacking out S.C.P.s

Now, I recognise a lot of this can be done by regimental change, and a lot of people can push "oh hey guys maybe E-11 get good" or whatever, but honestly, if I was in their shoes I'd be sick of back to back breaches. Here's a list of roles that are negatively affected by breaches:

Roleplay Leaders -> ECMs, O5, SA
  • They cannot do RP when breaches occur, they can do small pieces within their areas, but theyre unable to perform their sidewide duty.
  • An integral part of the foundation is the ability to roleplay as a researcher, how the hell can these people who want to log on do this RP during peak times of the breach votes spam? Let them play the game they came to do.
Any Non-Combative job
  • Ok guys! Your RP now is to man a door! Or stand still in breach shelter! Or stand still in your spawn so you don't get killed over and over again.

The servers changed. We don't have people who get on wanting to just brawl any moving SCP going, they just want to roleplay. I think breaches have a place, but not at this high amount.

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
It adds:
  • Stuff for S.C.P.s to do while they wait for breaches
  • Increases RP potential for RSD, ETC, and E-11
  • Adds time for roleplay to be able to happen in peak hours
  • Sanity to most players
It Removes:
  • Back to back breaches
It Changes:
  • Breach votes into something more productive and an ability for the average player to enhance roleplay
  • or, instead be rewarded for their VIP status.
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
  • No idea.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Ability to roleplay is increased
  • The server no longer feels like a breach server instead of a roleplay server
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • People who pay for the ability to breach wont breach as often.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As detailed in the longer format above, it should be accepted so roleplay can take place. I am sick of getting online to a breach after breach when I just want to do an event as a GM, I want to go and do Omega-1 operations and the countless storylines we have going. I want to be able to do tribunals, and just play the damn game as intended rather than be told "sorry guys we have to handle the code-5" and be stuck in respawn simulator for the next half an hour to two hours.
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+/- Neutral

The concerns regarding breaches are entirely true and at the moment they disrupt RP to an extent that negatively effects the server, only issue with the suggestion is the props being introduced. Previously, similar ideas regarding certain applicable ranks that would allow you to place props have been denied. I cannot see content team or SSL allowing VIP's to place props and that's due to a whole range of issues that were brought up when the previous suggestion was made
Yeah I massively appreciate this, but the end result of this is breach votes should go. People spam them often, and I have done that to shorten a breach so when one is recontained, we still have ERT as the next one spawns to get it dealt with so roleplay can occur.

At the end of the day, plenty of other servers are able to facilitate this, but we have the issue of the map being too big, combat lag due to addons that will heavily influence it, but it was all I could think that would be worth while as a replacement, with you disagreeing, do you have any suggestions for other ways it could be replaced? I think that having as many props (ish) as you do votes could work, but I understand that it can cause issues- however, I would like there to still be a beneficial replacement as I recognise that its a business model for the likes of Ventz and his income that'd be affected by a product shift.
Do not give props to players
Hi Julien!

Do you have something else to recommend? Is there a reason you dislike this?

Most of what I am seeing from the distaste of any point of this suggestion privately and publically from GMs is regarding props. With the reason being "they can just ask GMs" a lot of the time, which I agree with- people can just ask us! But it also helps if they can create on the fly and not wait for a GM in OOC, or DMs etc where the moment may be lost! As well- as we see with DarkRP prop abuse is relatively easy to control, as well as the pool of props is something that can definitely be limited! As prop abuse is just as easy as PAC3 abuse! Something we have seen demonstrated as handleable.

Perhaps you could help me think of an alternative to replace this?


Julien White

Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
May 11, 2024
Event team slop factory
Hi Julien!

Do you have something else to recommend? Is there a reason you dislike this?

Most of what I am seeing from the distaste of any point of this suggestion privately and publically from GMs is regarding props. With the reason being "they can just ask GMs" a lot of the time, which I agree with- people can just ask us! But it also helps if they can create on the fly and not wait for a GM in OOC, or DMs etc where the moment may be lost! As well- as we see with DarkRP prop abuse is relatively easy to control, as well as the pool of props is something that can definitely be limited! As prop abuse is just as easy as PAC3 abuse! Something we have seen demonstrated as handleable.

Perhaps you could help me think of an alternative to replace this?

I don't know how to write replies
Yeah I massively appreciate this, but the end result of this is breach votes should go. People spam them often, and I have done that to shorten a breach so when one is recontained, we still have ERT as the next one spawns to get it dealt with so roleplay can occur.

At the end of the day, plenty of other servers are able to facilitate this, but we have the issue of the map being too big, combat lag due to addons that will heavily influence it, but it was all I could think that would be worth while as a replacement, with you disagreeing, do you have any suggestions for other ways it could be replaced? I think that having as many props (ish) as you do votes could work, but I understand that it can cause issues- however, I would like there to still be a beneficial replacement as I recognise that its a business model for the likes of Ventz and his income that'd be affected by a product shift.
There were a large amount of suggestions for vTime based rewards that cloak had, I cannot remember them exactly but if we wanted to navigate towards that it could be a reward based system for Vtime (VIP only) that supplies that player with RP enticing rewards like certain jobs, access to a special weapon, access to certain equipment that can entice RP. Similar to how the quarantine placer works, there could be a pre set amount of props on that scroll wheel like interface that would allow you to place temporary props. So it would be separate to the prop spawn system and controlled by any staff member when it comes to removing them
There were a large amount of suggestions for vTime based rewards that cloak had, I cannot remember them exactly but if we wanted to navigate towards that it could be a reward based system for Vtime (VIP only) that supplies that player with RP enticing rewards like certain jobs, access to a special weapon, access to certain equipment that can entice RP. Similar to how the quarantine placer works, there could be a pre set amount of props on that scroll wheel like interface that would allow you to place temporary props. So it would be separate to the prop spawn system and controlled by any staff member when it comes to removing them
Okay this sounds amazing, and I'm going to ammend my suggestion to suit into the reward based jobs via RP!

It'll take a minute but thank you Falcon!! <3
Or- to add to the above idea, @Stealth instead, implement a reward based system that can be earned with tokens in replacement of breach votes which can contribute to new jobs. What could these be? Well, I think the idea that ERT can be guaranteed once within the next 24hrs with say 100 tokens, to something permanent such as "head chemist" which unlocks crates for you to place flying beakers in, a clearance 3, and access to a reserved fridge. Or "Upper Technical Expert" which unlocks the ability to see where broken boxes and doors are in the same way Janitors can see spillages etc. Or access to weapons, so X amount of tokens means a gun from the armory that unlocks for 72hrs. The possibilities of this has a huge huge capacity for introducing new mechanics, options and otherwise to those who can't afford VPoints but are VIPs. And to have it function like breach votes, make it so you have to log on to deposit them, whether it be based of playtime, or hopping on after restart so you dont miss out!

As well, another comment came with an incredibly based suggestion from @'Virgilu', in which these tasks can be completed by S.C.P.s to reduce the integrity of their containment, such as possibly damagable boxes in the cell, using abilities too much to weaken scrantons, attacking structures- (essentially using the G break mechanic), to which roleplay for Epsillon-11 patrols are no longer "/me checks box" and instead gives repair roleplay, inspection roleplay etc to techies. It also opens a massive amount of roleplay for S.C.P.s say that are often breaking their cells frequently, such as in the character of 682, 106, that they would be able to have researchers make deals for the S.C.P. to calm down and stop destruction. I would be more than happy to- if this was accepted- to go through each S.C.P. and assist in creating and developing the most lore accurate and ability accurate tasks.
These two sections have been added, thanks again to @Stealth and @'Virgilu' !
Jun 24, 2022
Hi Julien!

Do you have something else to recommend? Is there a reason you dislike this?

Most of what I am seeing from the distaste of any point of this suggestion privately and publically from GMs is regarding props. With the reason being "they can just ask GMs" a lot of the time, which I agree with- people can just ask us! But it also helps if they can create on the fly and not wait for a GM in OOC, or DMs etc where the moment may be lost! As well- as we see with DarkRP prop abuse is relatively easy to control, as well as the pool of props is something that can definitely be limited! As prop abuse is just as easy as PAC3 abuse! Something we have seen demonstrated as handleable.

Perhaps you could help me think of an alternative to replace this?

I don't know how to write replies
Don't worry i will do it for you

-Giving Props access to people who pay vip will cause more lag if the server can't handle 100 player how would it handle 80 player with prop access

-People can and will abuse props in different ways and if smart enough can loop hole rules because technically if its not in the handbook then "legally" the player cannot being warn due to the fact they agreed to a hand book and rules but just because SL is saying its against a rule(staff ruling) doesn't mean that you can warn him/her for it :/

-Also its only 9 breach votes like come on bruh that like 4.5 mins

-this will definitely decrease money that ventz makes for xk vip due to the fact your making XK even more worthless

-I don't get it why your trying to get rid of breach votes its just dumb and the other ideas are just going to help combative rp so :/
Because ultimately, breaches aren't fun. They're built so people who paid money to the server can function off of what they've paid for which is... great.
so more or less your trying cut ventz pay check because people pay to get scp and other good class but were trying to make scp nerf even further then what's the point of buying xk

Overall this suggestion is going to end being a double edge sword and in my opinion this is a stupid suggestion so -support
Don't worry i will do it for you

-Giving Props access to people who pay vip will cause more lag if the server can't handle 100 player how would it handle 80 player with prop access

-People can and will abuse props in different ways and if smart enough can loop hole rules because technically if its not in the handbook then "legally" the player cannot being warn due to the fact they agreed to a hand book and rules but just because SL is saying its against a rule(staff ruling) doesn't mean that you can warn him/her for it :/

-Also its only 9 breach votes like come on bruh that like 4.5 mins

-this will definitely decrease money that ventz makes for xk vip due to the fact your making XK even more worthless

-I don't get it why your trying to get rid of breach votes its just dumb and the other ideas are just going to help combative rp so :/

so more or less your trying cut ventz pay check because people pay to get scp and other good class but were trying to make scp nerf even further then what's the point of buying xk

Overall this suggestion is going to end being a double edge sword and in my opinion this is a stupid suggestion so -support

So this is an interesting response!

Props causing lag has already been raised, and I have admitted that- hence there is two major additions that I emplore you read before commenting! These were to give alternatives.

Secondly, the monetary loss issue: If breach votes were removed, and replaced with a new system it will bring value of equal or apt measure, 4.5 minutes with ten players is how long? Getting 10 people to spam their breach votes is not a hard task by any means, all it is, is during peak hours, asking your fellow regimental peeps to spam them in teamspeak and a breach occurs. I have seen this happen countless times.

So without the props, why not the token unlock system that could influence future jobs, weapons, etc? There are multiple suggested replacements for a genuine issue that occurs mostly on the UK, as I cannot speak for the US server. At the end of the day, most people are looking at this going "10 props will kill the server", if only accessable to VIPs, on a timer, or hell- a rule that if they're not in active use you have to delete them... its not going to cause a huge problem. Lag issues often come from 150 props being spawned at once, and are not the major contributor to lag, its the map size and the map being loaded in so many places, too many entities, etc. While it does contribute to myself I don't see it in high regard as realistically what would happen if this were to be put in place, is, everyone would be super excited to use props, initial lag would occur, then the rave would die off, and it wouldn't cause much an issue post.

However, I recognise it- asked for further feedback and assistance, and other perks which are more useful than reducing a breach timer have been suggested!

Essentially- your main concern comes across as things that have already been addressed, and I would like to kindly request you read the full suggestion before leaving a verdict, alike how people have for your very base 073 one!

Thanks :)
Hi Julien!

Do you have something else to recommend? Is there a reason you dislike this?

Most of what I am seeing from the distaste of any point of this suggestion privately and publically from GMs is regarding props. With the reason being "they can just ask GMs" a lot of the time, which I agree with- people can just ask us! But it also helps if they can create on the fly and not wait for a GM in OOC, or DMs etc where the moment may be lost! As well- as we see with DarkRP prop abuse is relatively easy to control, as well as the pool of props is something that can definitely be limited! As prop abuse is just as easy as PAC3 abuse! Something we have seen demonstrated as handleable.

Perhaps you could help me think of an alternative to replace this?

Do, not; give props to players.
Unless you wish to see the most outrageous, horrible or most obscene builds, like if we gave everyone on a minecraft server creative mode - then dont.
  • Haha
Reactions: Niox
Jan 5, 2024
  • Mandatory 45 minute cooldown on breach queue post a recontainment
While this wouldn't nerf hard to kill SCPs. This would effectively ensure back to back from the natural queue don't happen, and there wouldn't be punishment to those hacking out S.C.P.s
Ergh, this would suck hard, as Emilia pointed if for some reason the last breach lasted long enough to reach the next timer (which is ~3h) and they recontain the breach when the next one fires off in like less than 10 minutes, people flagged on those SCPs having to wait another 45 minutes... i would say its not acceptable and would feel very bad (even more if you actually waited the full 3h)

Actually i dont think i've ever seen a breach last more than 40 minutes, and those who last that long usually is because the SCP is running away in surface or stuff like that, most of the time back to back breaches occurs because of CI hacking in between natural breaches

If the real problem are the hack breaches, then throw a big nerf to SCPs breached by hacks (except 079 hacks) so they are faster to recontain, i really cant see how 3h between breaches is short

  • Change breach votes to just- not exist. It is just the biggest flag of "this is a breach server" not a roleplay server possible-
    • Replace it with props. So someone who had 9 breach votes gets 10 props. So they can build to assist in RP, and if you're scared oh it'll be abused, staff can yeet props, and you can take the privilege away from those who abuse it. Same as PAC. (Such as changing to have no hitbox, making your model huge, etc)
    • As a replacement, possibly have S.C.P.s breach times reduced by tasks they can do (puzzles etc, to prevent just waiting AFK with your other screen on roblox fr)
Theres 2 points i would like to point out why i disagree with removing breach votes
  1. How do you compensate players? Most players who use votes to reduce queue wont be interested in spawning props, they want votes to reduce queue, not guarantee ERT (why would you want ERT to be guaranteed next breach as a SCP)
  2. SCPs having actually something to do while waiting i think is already planned, but they would have to really make some interesting and diverse minigames to prevent people to just afk and watch Netflix while they wait... But that should be an addition, not a replacement for breach votes
  3. Please just remove "press G" to break stuff, no need to add more of those

Now, I recognise a lot of this can be done by regimental change, and a lot of people can push "oh hey guys maybe E-11 get good" or whatever, but honestly, if I was in their shoes I'd be sick of back to back breaches. Here's a list of roles that are negatively affected by breaches:

Roleplay Leaders -> ECMs, O5, SA
  • They cannot do RP when breaches occur, they can do small pieces within their areas, but theyre unable to perform their sidewide duty.
  • An integral part of the foundation is the ability to roleplay as a researcher, how the hell can these people who want to log on do this RP during peak times of the breach votes spam? Let them play the game they came to do.
Any Non-Combative job
  • Ok guys! Your RP now is to man a door! Or stand still in breach shelter! Or stand still in your spawn so you don't get killed over and over again.

The servers changed. We don't have people who get on wanting to just brawl any moving SCP going, they just want to roleplay. I think breaches have a place, but not at this high amount.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
As detailed in the longer format above, it should be accepted so roleplay can take place. I am sick of getting online to a breach after breach when I just want to do an event as a GM, I want to go and do Omega-1 operations and the countless storylines we have going. I want to be able to do tribunals, and just play the damn game as intended rather than be told "sorry guys we have to handle the code-5" and be stuck in respawn simulator for the next half an hour to two hours.
I mean, there are much more E-11 now than when i joined the server 1 and a half year ago... so yes, if there are more e-11 players and its harder for them to recontain breaches, its a skill issue. I still see some e11 trying to shoot 106 or some e11 asking in comms for ERT 5 minutes into the breach.

You cant just make a list of non-combative roles negatively affected by breaches since they are supposed to hide and wait for the breach to end, they have to hide and not disturb combative roles while they are doing their job.

I can count with one hand the times i've used Breach Shelter during code 5 while playing research in the last months, instead people just running randomly, minging trying to go to surface or trying to combating the breach when they are not allowed to. Most of the time i go to Shelter no one is there to open it.

As much as you like non-combat RP, its important to understand that breaches are part of RP too... and theres one thing that some people forget when balancing a game, if you take from somewhere, you have to compensate so it doesnt tip the scale over... Lets be real, most players dont hold an important position in the game which are the people who most can do proper and interesting RP

For example, lets say you nerf natural breach timer so breaches happen each 4h instead of 3h, they would have to buff SCPs, why? to keep a balance so people dont lose interest in playing SCPs

- Support

Sorry for the big wall of text


Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hello Athena,

Thankyou for taking the time to write out a suggestion, at this time we recently ran a poll surrounding breaches and their balancing, I will be marking this suggestion as accepted in order to take advantage and review this for any parts we wish to take on with our breach balancing changes and review the necessity after round 1 of our changes are live.

Kind Regards
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